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Everything posted by esinohio

  1. [img]http://i.imgur.com/nh63e0h.png[/img]
  2. Jeb enjoys some rest and relaxation on his trusty rubber ducky float. [SPOILER=<Big Image>][img]http://i.imgur.com/qtBMKbG.png[/img][/SPOILER] Quick image I threw together while messing around in Blender.
  3. Yikes sorry. Need to figure out why this darn thead refuses to email me anymore. Weird. I'm currently dealing with some family issues and I'm stuck criss crossing the US getting some property issues settled. With some major luck I should be home with my butt parked in my favorite PC chair by the end of the month. Apologies for the reply being so late!
  4. Think Sam got you pointed in the right direction but I'd be happy to help with the process if you get stuck. Can't wait to see what you come up with! Welcome to the forums
  5. Oh I can't wait to show this to my neighbors kids. They are two young Transformer fanatics that will absolutely do flips when they see this. The Kerbal and Optimus Prime together.. haha haha haha. Of course this needs a render at some point!! Even with the mods I think I might be able to tweak it into Blender.
  6. Nope. Center tank was remade to look exactly like the shuttle tank. Pad is found on the NASA site. Needs massive texturing work but I'm slowly working up the nerve to tackle that project here soon. Should really pop once it has all the structures looking like actual metal along with some weathering effects like rust and paint streaking. The smoke sims on this one were what took the longest. Had to break them out into several separate layers to get them to work right. The end result looks ok but it's not accurate. In the pictures I see doing a Google image search of shuttle launches the shuttles fire is almost transparent with very little smoke. The booster flames are also much longer and brighter with a good deal more smoke behind them. The background smoke/steam should be lighter and more pillowy. I'll get it here soon, just need more tinkering with those sims. I'm also going to play around with a method of rendering some engine fire that Starwhip showed me. It doesn't use volumetrics so if I can squeeze believable fire out of his method it will save a ton of render time on future projects. Thanks in advance Starwhip
  7. Jon144's shuttle Kerlantis thunders off the pad at the KSP. I had all kinds of fun flying this shuttle. Actually had to resurrect some actual flying skills to get this into orbit but it is well worth the piloting effort. Find out all about this shuttle in the thread located here!
  8. You must have put in a good deal of time on this one. It's just great!
  9. I see your 6.5 GB and raise you 134 GB in project files and materials. Add in the various cache files from the smoke and water sims along with BVH cache files and it easily climbs to half a terrabyte. The cache alone for the launch scene I'm working on for John144 is already a stately 30GB and climbing! Curse you Blender smoke sims!!!
  10. These are awesome!!!! My neighbor had his kids over in my home yesterday and they caught a glimpse of this on my computer screen. The ensuing giggling made my day. As for the part limit like ghostbuzzer7 said there is not a part limit really in Blender. It breaks down to the number of faces on the models and the amount of RAM you have. Fortunately for us the artists who made the parts did so with amazingly few faces. If ghostbuzzer7 doesn't get what you need I'll be happy to do something with it. - - - Updated - - - If you wanted to do a quick animation of that cuteness army do a Google search on "Blender boids". You can quickly get an army of sheep chasing a lone fleeing Kerbal. Enjoy!
  11. I'll give it a go. The fairings will most likely need to be done from scratch. Would a copy of the orange tank like in your picture above look ok to you?
  12. Here is a male rigged model. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/95782-Rigged-Kerbal-3D-Model You could tweak it a bit to get the female look.
  13. I'd love to render it! I can already see the roaring flames on that one. Getting those flames just right to capture the power of the Saturn V engines would be a great challenge.
  14. While cruising the ever inspiring Craft Exchange thread I stumbled across this awesome sub. The render below only shows the outside but this one has a great interior as well! In pTrevTrevs thread you can find all kinds of eye candy showing off each part of this sub. Find his thread here!
  15. All the ribbons are explained here: http://www.kerbaltek.com/ribbons The actual guidelines are found here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25188?p=307673#post307673 Enjoy!
  16. They do import wonky but I can always give it a shot and recreate them from scratch within Blender. The coloring might be off but I *think* I should be able to recreate those and come fairly close on the aesthetics part.
  17. haha! You always manage to come up with some unique ideas. I'll be back from the working vacation next week sometime and then I'll get on both your and AverageJoe's renders. I love the idea of using that big omgroflcopter in a render!
  18. Loving your stuff!! Grats on your recent FB feature!!!! That house + your small cars would make an interesting picture I think.
  19. A quick guide to making animated gifs from captured video without having to visit a sketchy website. As with anything on a PC I'm sure there are a million different ways to tackle this problem and I'm equally sure there is an easier way to do this but I'm enjoying learning the features of Blender. For this project you'll need a copy of Blender and Gimp. Both are free and easy to install! Blender is here. GIMP is available here. 1. First you'll need to capture some in game video. Maybe jazz things up a bit using one of many camera mods like KerbCam. A nice 360 view maybe? Find your favorite video recording software and get recording!! 2. Fire up Blender and go to the Video Sequence Editor. (*Picture #1 in Album*) 3. Load your video into the Video Sequence Editor. (*Picture #2 in Album*) 4. Change the end frame of the animation to match the end frame of your video. The end frame is displayed on the editor. The bottom strip is your video and top is audio. Ignore the top strip. End frame can be changed at the bottom or in the render options. (Picture #3 in Album*) Clicking use backdrop near the bottom will show your video in the background. You can scrub through the video to get the exact frames positioning your after and adjust the start and end frames accordingly. 5. Now you're almost done in Blender! Click over to the render tab, looks like a little camera.(*Picture #4 in Album*) Frames per second should be 24! (Wrong in pic sorry) Change the resolution to something manageable. Change the output directory to somewhere you want all those pictures to go. Make sure the output type says PNG. (*Picture #4 in Album*) Now click the Animation button or press Ctrl + F12. All those frames will now start dumping into your output directory. 6. After all those frames have finished dumping open up GIMP. You can close Blender. 7. Open the images as layers in GIMP. (*Picture #5 in Album*) Browse to first image in list and click it. Go to bottom of list and shift + click the last image to select all the images. Gimp does have an upward limit of frames it can handle! Not sure what that is but short animations should be fine. 8. Now export all those layers as a Gif. (*Picture #6 in Album*) Name your file and make the extension .gif 9. The export options now display. Click As animation. Click loop animation if you want it to loop endlessly. You might need to change the time in between frames to 42. Click Export and wait a bit. **Can take a while** (*Picture #7 in Album*) 10. Enjoy your new animated gif you shamelessly swiped from in game video! Again, I know this is far easier to do by simply uploading your video to one of the various animated gif creator sites. I just wanted to outline the process for anyone who wanted to give it a go on their own. Besides, doing it in Blender/GIMP allows you to do all sorts of fun changes to your video. All for free! Feel free to message me with ideas or questions!
  20. While an Imgur issue with Jon144's tank gets sorted I played around with rigging the AT-ST from MajorJim. Only animated the upper part here but I've managed to get the legs rigged and soon I hope to have a fully rigged AT-ST complete with walking and running cycles as well as moving laser turrets. "You talkin to me??"
  21. I'd check out this video . It shows you how to properly setup a texture and might help you a ton here! Crazybump has a free trial or you can find some tutorials on making the various parts of the texture in Gimp. Here is my quick and dirty texture for some sand using the above method.
  22. Displacements work well to give objects nice features. Either generic procedural ones you make by layering a subdivision surface on top of a few displacement modifiers or using an image based displacement made from Gimp/Photoshop/Crazybump etc. Excited to see this animation!
  23. Have you played around with the ANT Landscape addon? Makes fairly real landscapes fast and easy.
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