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Everything posted by esinohio

  1. The Mun is beginning to look like a pincushion now as the circumnavigation continues. Noticed I was close to one of the Mun anomalies and thought I'd take a more dangerous route to nab some close ups. Driving on that edge (seen below) was not the smartest thing I've ever done. Three popped tires and one near rollover I finally closed in on the anomaly. Smoother driving appears to be waiting for me on the far side of the large crater. With luck I can get some serious distance without any more tire issues.
  2. Not an expert by any means but how does this look? or Both are small enough images to fit an avatar.
  3. More testing of the importer. So far things are working fairly well! Test with RixKillian's GAZ AAA Quad Maxim found here. Next I think I'm going to throw this truck into action.
  4. Jeb poses in his new camo suit used in an upcoming render. You know, so he can hide behind all that green stuff in space... This will be used on Kerbin so we'll just pretend Jeb's combat suit doesn't look suspiciously like a regular space suit with camo paint slapped on. On a side note it appears the Blender importer is working again thanks to the updated mu importer! "Working" might be a strong word but at least craft that refused to import now at least make it into Blender where I can repair errors.
  5. The mun circumnavigation continues! Ok this is going to take a while! Not really an eventful drive aside from a lone flip over incident. Some torque and few bursts from a thruster and I was able to save the rover. Thankfully no damage to the hyper important and stylish wing! Decision time now as the first big obstacle looms in the distance. As I look at it I'm seeing a clearer path through the crater but after reading some warnings in the challenge thread I think a course skirting the north side of the crater would be safer. I'll know soon! Someone reminded me of an old song from a movie that is now stuck in my head as I drive endlessly east. Eastbound and down...Loaded up and truckin....We gonna do what they say can't be done... We gotta a long way to go and short time to get there...I'm eastbound just watch this mun buggy run! Bill's stylin trucker hat
  6. Made a few missing badges you might like. Think they are fairly close to the spirit of the original creators concept. Can be changed, pitched, burned, etc.
  7. Yeah, I'm killing the car from the gif and just replacing it with the endlessly moving Mun I'm watching.
  8. I've thrown my hat into the ring and have begun a circumnavigation of the Mun. Started a thread over in the mission reports here . Feedback, comments, and general mockery at my attempt are welcome! Back to driving...
  9. The Great Mun Circumnavigation! The Elcano Challenge beckons! I've decided to throw sanity and free time out the window and try my hand at a circumnavigation. Greatly inspired by the thread here with Claw undertaking a truly epic journey through the system. After reading through some of the other mission logs I thought a nice and simple rover design would be the way to go. Nothing fancy with its wide and low ride. Rtg's that keep things powered nicely with only rear wheels enabled. Extended hills requiring four wheel drive I can fire up the fuel cells in a pinch. http://imgur.com/qwzEmWl (Will embed pic, Imgur was acting weird when doing this) With my not so fancy rover built I threw it on top of enough deltaV to carry this insanity to the Mun. After an uneventful Mun transfer and landing I got Bill out to plant the first of many flags. Using the surface scanning module to keep me on a nice equatorial course I set out filled with confidence from my easy launch and landing. This is going to be easy I started to think. Pfffft, all those warning in the challenge thread, bah! Then I hit a nice jagged edge/drop off a little fast and barely avoided death. Thought that would be a good place to plant the next flag and save for the evening. A whole five minutes of roving time and I barely averted death. Something tells me Jeb should be on standby to fly out a replacement rover....
  10. More fun with challenge badges. Noticed a friend mention he was working on a Mun circumnavigation for the Elcano Challenge and thought it would be fun to see what a slightly more amped up version of that badge looks like. Like before I kept the original designers concept and recreated it in Blender with some simple motion to the various bits. Just used a simple, although extremely detailed (88mb/16k), Moon texture for the Mun instead of doing any procedural stuff. Not meant for anything really other than me having fun with the idea of what can feasibly be packed into a tiny square in a signature and a tribute to whomever took the time to make those neat badges from scratch.
  11. Had some fun with a forum challenge badge. Noticed the Dres Awareness Challenge and the awesome badge (big one!) and wondered if it couldn't be slightly jazzed up. Didn't want to change the original artists concept, it looked great, so I simply recreated it in a more manageable size for the signature and gave Dres some love with a simple spin. This was all kinds of fun to do!
  12. I'm still floored by the effects you were able to squeeze out of Blender even with its limitations. Faking believable heating/fire effects without using volumetrics isn't easy to pull off from what I've seen but yours appeared very close. Eagerly anticipating more!
  13. I'm loving this! Getting that reentry effect setup must have taken some time. I'd love to pick your brain on that material setup your using sometime. It looks believable while not appearing to have insane render times. Following this with anticipation!
  14. Sorry, weird issue with the quote system. Working through this interface change. Found a snow shader you and ghostbuzzer7 might be interested in. Does a decent job of snow. http://imgur.com/D46KDBa Quick snowman with Kerbal for texture comparison. http://imgur.com/HUsCfye
  15. Like everyone I'm finding some issues with the forum migration. It seems that a ton of links were broken in the transition to the new boards and every link crediting the craft designer(s) are invalid. I think most posts do actually name the designer but the actual link to the craft and designers threads are gone. After the dust settles from the forum transition I will do my best to update those links to their current homes in their new threads.
  16. I've had to manually re-add them. Glad your thread survived intact.
  17. Retired at 35!  Muwahahaha!  Stay in school kids :)  Good things can happen if you do!

  18. Snow, where we are going we don't need snow! Doing some Christmas themed Kerbal stuff this month for the holidays.
  19. Found a really interesting [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VY9vHdwUo98"]YouTube video[/URL] that dealt with using displacement maps to sculpt meshes. The example in the video showed an awesome method for adding the [URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greeble"]greeble[/URL] to the mesh quickly without having to add the items individually. Thought someone here who enjoys doing fan art might be able to make some neat looking pictures using this method. Threw these together real fast just to show a quick test. [SPOILER=<Kind of saucer shape>][img]http://i.imgur.com/elN4Xig.png[/img][/SPOILER] [SPOILER=<Generic big ship>][img]http://i.imgur.com/Mk3Uo8M.png[/img][/SPOILER]
  20. [quote name='Majorjim']It doesn't. Neither does the [B]M26-Pershing[/B] or the [B]BT-7 [/B]or the [B]IS-4D[/B].. Zekes, seriously I tried them, they broke themselves. They should be fixed and if you use the no offset mod you can massively reduce the part counts. You wont need all those cubic struts and other 'connect to' parts.[/QUOTE] Was just messing around with these very craft doing some Blender importing testing. Normally I take craft for long test drives to have some fun with the various craft I'm rendering. These are not breaking for me. I'm even trying to do some wonky ramps off the various obstacles around the pad. I get some wobble in the turret after it has been released and occasionally what looks like an elevon gets stuck in the craft during the detachment process of the turret (on the M26) but so far nothing has gone boom. Even after a big ramp the whole craft kind of squishes but it keeps on trucking. Am I not doing something key to push the craft over the edge? I ask only to broaden my testing processes on some of my own craft I'd like to release someday.
  21. Messing around in Blender with procedural textures while waiting to see what happens with the Blender import addon. Saw an inspiring post [URL="https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1bhmwt/"][B][U]here[/U][/B][/URL] and thought I'd try to make something similar. This is not done to exact scale and doesn't include moons at the moment. Just a work in progress as I continue to fiddle with making procedurally generated textures in Blender. [SPOILER=<Work in progress>][img]http://i.imgur.com/o8YZKjS.png[/img][/SPOILER] Finally figured out how to do semi realistic looking craters. Needs a bit more work on the inner rims to break up the hard edge but it's coming along. [SPOILER=<Mun work in progress>][img]http://i.imgur.com/ROMRFNu.png[/img][/SPOILER]
  22. [quote name='parameciumkid']Okay so does anyone have any data about whether it works with 1.0.5 or Blender 2.75 then?[/QUOTE] Seems to be functioning "kind of". Only done a few tests since returning home but I've run into issues with craft that use the new inline Mk1 pods. Looks like the error is with the mu importer and not with this addon. I tried using the mu importer to manually import just the inline cockpit and I get the error Unrecognized format 76543 4. Haven't dusted off the coders hat in a long time so I'm hoping someone more adept than I will hop in here! Promises of first born children, large sums of fictional money, etc. if someone can fix it.
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