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Everything posted by magnemoe

  1. They might have load cells but I guess they just use fuel mass added, probably having some level sensors in tanks to account for boil off including in the piping from storage tanks to rocket. This would be very accurate if you know the level and temperature of fuel and oxidizer. Launching an rocket from an submarine, after the missile is launched the tube will fill with water instead of mostly rockets seconds after launch. Water should be lighter.
  2. Never heard about it unlike net-energy negative fusion rocket engines. But thought his idea was just to accelerate deuterium atoms as the extra neutrons would help creating more nuclear reactions. Even if energy positive you use electricity to generate heat who you then can convert to electricity but its not very efficient. Now if you had an use for the heat year around its nice but then an gas turbine is cheaper.
  3. I imagine you started up with solar panels and habitats around your planet but it get too crowded and you started expanding out into the planetary orbit. It kind of build itself expanding like cities does. You obviously need to regulate this, Earth orbit got so crowded collision risk and sunlight blocked put an cap on construction. An neutron star would be awesome for this I agree but unless you have faster than light travel time is an killer even at .7-.8 c and that cost lots of energy too so even if you could drop junk at it and get antimatter out I don't think its worthwhile until you are going K3. An single-photon kugelblitz has problems. https://www.quora.com/Is-there-a-maximum-amount-of-energy-that-a-photon-can-have Get more into it but you get an photon with the Planck length wavelength you get an Planck black hole with the Planck time lifespan. Tired light I thought is more that light looses energy slowly, pretty disproved as i understand as least for creating an static universe.
  4. Now kugelblitze tend to be made of light. Always tough of this as making an dyson sphere, feed the energy into lasers and have the lasers beams intercept. Electromagnetic fields are repulsive and you run into serious issues with electricity and material strength long before this.
  5. 10^8 is 100.000 km. Way larger than stellar black holes who I assume is smaller than neutron stars or 10.000 km.
  6. This short is about an almost real size replica of some of Thomas the tank engine trains, calming its the world larges model train. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7DibA4ChB0 1.5 meter wide 2.6 high and 6.5 meter long, 1.5 tons. Electrical powered with an smoke machine I assume. But its an engine you can fit inside and I assume it had local control. But Is it an model railway? Or could I if I had more money and land than I could use make an 1:1 model railway using real trains? It had to be remote controlled, have no real purpose so no transporting mail or guests around an theme park, but you have model trains delivering drinks and some food to tables in some themed restaurants. Now I'm confused, now its plenty of historical railroads who is tourist attractions but they are veteran trains.
  7. This, its an initiative for high speed rails to have batteries so they can use them on tunnels and bridges to reduce construction cost. Relevant for high speed rail as its the one who is expanding and normal rails has to be compatible with old stock. Second way of hybrid is to have diesel engines and a pantographs then the line is electric.
  8. Pretty sure they will be trained. Programming is pretty limited in that they can do as seen in advanced modern software who also tend to have lots of bugs. Now you probably have large parts who is more like traditional software like databases of knowledge and cpu's working against them and doing stuff they are best suited for. This dense computer integration might be the only reason why to build an AGI in an hundred years outside of science, rather than just sticking with GPT8 for tech support level tasks. With current technology estimates power cost of an AGI will be very high, Think an huge data center running just one so you are not replacing cheap labor with them and they don't have common sense like current LLM. I kind of doubt current LLM is the road to AGI just ramping it up 100x.
  9. Probably the best option, its an dry environment so lite corrosion of something like stainless steel and if something comes out it get absorbed by the salt, just has to be sure the mine don't get flooded who should pretty simple if you seal it well.
  10. Think this is more to protect it from polluting the environment. First the steel and concrete has to erode or corrode away. Now its one obvious safe long term solution. Oceanic floor is very inert. Use an oil rig to drill an km deep hole there preferable deeper. Lower the containers into it fill it with concrete so you have an hundreds meter thick top layer. Even if the containers breaks down you are not getting trough hundreds or meter with ocean floor or concrete and its pretty much no erosion there. To make is safer make the plug an km. Now it might be an benefit to use an old deep oil or gas field for this as we know its gas tight or the gas would have escaped over the millions of years.
  11. Yes as Pe is negative, now if you ram something into the moon at an flat highland at an shallow angle some parts might enter en very low Pe orbit. I once crashed an stack of rovers in KSP into the Mun as landing stage was faulty, deorbit at an Mun sea, some parts ended up on the other side of the Mun, but I did not plan for an touch and go impact. Could be an fun KSP challenge, yes solution is to have an long ship and have lower part impact.
  12. That is for wood sleepers who was replaced couple of decades ago here in Norway, sold to public and usually ending up as retaining walls and similar in gardens.
  13. Cool, could it be dissembled more than remove 3rd stage? The boosters are extra long as they do cross feed to first stage. They do this having 3 tanks in each of the side boosters, top is fuel or oxidiser who top up the core until tanks is empty. That thing is so kerbal. Not entire sure how 3rd stage works here, I assume it would burn and jettison the 3 boosters on it first then use core of 3rd stage.
  14. Google gave this an plasma lens for an petawatt laser. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v15/s16 Downside is that the lens will not last long who is don't matter for fusion but probably not optimal for weapons, the fusion laser does not have that much energy since the pulse is very short. One fun thing with lasers is that for an powerful one you will combine multiple laser generators. For an ship this give the option to either combine all lasers for an main gun or multiple secondary guns.
  15. An railway question an line I use has been down for 3 weeks, doing work on it, they replaced the rails but they also replaced the sleepers and the ballast gravel, at least on the two stations I seen. looks like they might reused gravel other places as its darker. The station I used was rebuild 20 years ago. Are the sleepers and gravel consumables? Yes I get that you want to re-set the line especially at stations as trains are stopping and starting all the time and to get dirt out of ballast but replacing the concrete sleepers and the gravel, its don't sounds like consumables for me?
  16. Fun one but false outside of boosters being limited by rail, first Romans never used var chariots but they was used for racing, and probably for fast transport if you did not want to ride. Wagons came in various sized but I guess it was some standardization because of ruts. first mine cars however was narrow gauge as they was pulled by people or horses. It was also many standards for railroad gauges in UK before it got standardized. Width and height of trains is also not strictly related to gauge. US trains run on diesel and can be higher than European ones so they can double stack containers.
  17. Well you also add shock absorption and its 25% wider, you probably could not extend them straight down as the engine bells are there but rather higher up where its more room. SpaceX plan to catch SS with the arms. Not sure if any plans to add legs first? Could see them trying to land some other places before starbase as this require overflying US or Mexico. Yes I also reacted on the top door, this is pretty common on planes but they land slower and hatches tend to present an edge to air stream, planes also tend to fly multiple times a day so you want an solid system for this. Once was on a plane who had to turn around and land as nose wheel would not retract, it did extend again. As I understand its much easier to extend
  18. This, an very interesting example is from thalidomide victims (Remember YouTube documentary from some years ago so might not be true) Issue was cases of thalidomide victims falling in love and creating families, they shared fates after all. Their kids had an increase chance of limb deformities. Why its an drug no longer used (for this) Turned out lots of of the thalidomide victims had an higher chance to limb deformities in the first place and thalidomide pushed them over the threshold often after low usage. Well you now have two parents with this issue and kids might inherit it. Did not, mother used lots of thalidomide and you had no bad genes or your rolled an 2 not 1 gene mixing. (does not matter if correct) it sounds plausible on why environmental effects are inherited. Animals getting scared of loud noises will do better after firearms is used for hunting, this was 200 years ago for common use. Add that mammals are smart. Pretty sure deer know they are not hunted in suburbs for good reasons, but they are getting annoying.
  19. Melting down aluminum for reuse is very common and don't take much energy compared to steel because low smelting point. Now making aluminium is not something you can't cycle on / off easy, same with most other melting processes you want to be huge and have an constant capacity. You don't aluminum oxide or iron to turn solid in the furnace, so if power you has to handle it, dumping is an option.
  20. See some dangers with this, upside garbage recycling works great and makes an profit. On the other hand its run by an mafia. By the griping hand they are so cute you let it pass. Also probably not that hard probably not so hard to uplift, better hands and smarter, the problem with designing raccoon proof bins is that its an overlap between stupidest human and smartest raccoon. (granted if many don't see the solution in 5 seconds they just put trash by can while an raccoon can easy spend an hour trying to open it)
  21. If they have internal space I don't see issues with it, 6 outer engines and 6 legs between them. now the aerodynamic cover for the pads I would probably redesign a bit, you are coming in fast and having the doors half open like that will not be practical. Have some sort of padding fin who also latch then fully open, simpler, lighter and much more damage resistant. Might simply have the legs push them open? Now Starship especially first stage looks very rough aerodynamically. You don't see this stuff on planes. Buts its an disposable prototype so it don't matter. Also drag is not an huge issue for huge rockets because the square cube law.
  22. It still to get into moon orbit, dock and return after second docking with lander after spending over an week in moon orbit so I think you need hypergolic. I would start thinking about lengthening second stage at this point rather than having an short stage 3 as an stage 2 copy. Lengthening second stage would be part of crew rating FH as the only reason to do this is the moon if NASA pays for it. The goal would be to get 2 stage to do the moon injection burn like done on Apollo.
  23. To me this lock like they have removed the heat shield and mated the capsule to the double length trunk who now is full of fuel tanks and has lots of extra drako engines. I assume they done this not only to save weight but also to have one common fuel system. Docking this will require more fuel than an normal dragon as its much heavier. Using this to the moon. Use crew version, so two fuel systems, trunk and capsule. For abort, perhaps has the trunk split halfway up. lower part holds the fuel tanks with tanks expand up into upper part who holds radiators and solar cells making the lower trunk an extra stage.
  24. So not at equator, Then I try an plane change 2/3 -3/4 the distance to Mun, You can add an circulation node inside Mun SOI, Apollo also used patched conic for planning so KSP physic
  25. Did you launch from KSC or some higher attitude ones? For KSC I would wait until inside Mun SOI as its couple of degree. You use mechjeb so assume KSP 1 and you can preview burn costs inside other SOI. For larger changes the mid course correction is probably cheaper if you don't want to wait with an high Ap after particular circulation, you can also do plane change inside Mun SOI coming in. It all depend on cost and your budget.
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