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Posts posted by PolecatEZ

  1. Oops, I should put that those parts are deprecated for now. I'll look for the fix another modder posted here and see if I can merge it in to work with 0.90. B9 was majorly revamped and broke pretty much everything though, and forcing FAR compatibility for B9 broke pretty much everything else.

    I think either Firespitter or BD made something like those, I don't remember. I do remember having them for a while but never found a use for them in anything I had.

    The original FS pack had Osprey-style VTOL props that could push something pretty big, but the turbo fans that could lift an Avenger carrier haven't been made yet so far as I know.

    Tentative to-do list - no promises on priority or order or grouping for release:

    * Sea Stallion style rotor, folding for carrier use.

    * Sea Stallion tail rotor

    * Avenger's jet engine, VTOL flipping

    * Buzz rotor remake, larger and smaller size

    * Twin-counter rotor remake

    * Variable geometry toolkit using IR for making Pwings into various (solid) swing- and folding-wings - FAR compatible

    * S2W Tail Ramp

    * S2W VTOL sections

    * S2W Cockpit/Bridge (Aerodynamic, Combat, and Space Explorer variants)

    * S2W Cargo Box bay (quick release)

    * Shorter and diverse S2W rear engine and nacelle adapters.

    * Small cockpits as needed for various functions, but I'm still going through other mods to see if there's any missing niches.

    * Naval ship parts, gigantorized S2W, HL, and HX parts - Need better float code tools. Snjo said someone could use his source to tweak and recompile with a different class name, but I'm allergic to coding.

    * (far off concept) Train set based on S2 chassis - I'll have to get with the Kerbtown guys and see how feasible a railroad track system would be.

    Overall, what I'd like to see is for salvaging dropped parts to become real and fun game play mechanic as well as supplement Karbonite game play.

  2. Getting all the quirks of the Firespitter system nailed down took a lot of time, I'm groaning at the thought of remaking everything with IR power, which means FAR, IR, and FS dependency. In the end though, it may be the only real solution.

    Right now I'm still just getting back into the game. Procedural wings is a little more powerful now, so a good solution to the wings issue might just be to make specialized joints for different variable-geometry wings. They won't have the AoA detection and automation built in from FS control, but it would be the most elegant fix.

    I'm also in the market for a good float code. Snjo's FS float code does the job well, but I need it in a much bigger default range that doesn't reset when you touch it. It looks like the tech for "big parts" is less of an issue now, so modernized carrier and ship parts may be a more feasible technical possibility again.

    I did notice a dearth of good chopper rotors in the current crop of mods also, there's just 2 that I found so far and they're not for bigger projects for sure.

    The list is getting to a good shape - after the holidays I'll get cracking.

  3. I recently came back and got into modding, loading up the game and then trying to reload all the assets so I can test things with the unity part builds as I do them, I found that Alt-F12 worked exactly one time.

    After this, even a day later reloading the game several times, Alt-F12 no longer does anything. I checked the .cfg for KSP and nothing jumped out at me. It doesn't work from any menu, even the main menu, and no longer works in new games.

    All other Alt+F# (Mod manager on Alt-F11, Alt-F4 closes the game instantly) commands work fine, as well as F# commands (Screenshot, quickload/save, etc). My Fn Key does nothing in combination with either ALT key also.

    Part production has been brought to a screeching halt until this gets figured out. Is there maybe a mod that's causing this?

  4. Polecat, it's awesome to hear you're back! I consider this one of my essential mods, since I can't live without the helicopter rotors or Gladius VTOL engines. :D

    I didn't even remember releasing the Gladius, LOL. I guess it was...well cool - it was the smaller horizontal mount one that never saw the light of day. Those will be getting a remake, the issue will be with Unity as IRC the emissives were a mess and you had to back-date your Unity version to get them to work.

    Glad to see you're back!

    One question. What's Kerbolite? I don't get any results when searching the forums.

    Karbonite...sorry. Maybe we need to add some Kerbolite to the resource pool :)

    Hi polecat, glad you are back! Really like the 1.25 size mk2 cockpits, swing wings and rotors.

    Can I suggest that you employ a folder structure so if I do not want a part it is easier to prune. As it was with everything lumped into one folder, it was very difficult!

    Also, make a HL cockpit and fuselage with flat bottoms like the shuttle. :P

    0.90 gave some extra stock stuff compatible with B9 HL series. My plans on the S2W may give you what you're looking for with that. The Mk2 to Mk1 Cockpit conversions originally were real fast to do, so those will go in the queue - now that some of PJ's stuff falls under the stock license there may be some cleaner ways to accomplish that also. The folder thing speed up the workflow, but yes, the idea will be to have better organization.

  5. Hello all, just a short announcement to say I'm back - my hell semester is finally over.

    I see a LOT has changed since I last made this pack, so it will take me a bit to catch up on everything going on in the mod community.

    The original D12 concept was to combine 2 projects -

    1) Extend the B9 style to more stuff, like stock replacements and help it cover some new ground.

    2) Fill in some gaps left between other mod projects.

    Coming back, I see a lot of those gaps have been filled by newer shinies, so now we need to look for more :)

    Thankfully Snjo has at least kept his FS plugin version updated, so that's actually good news as I won't need to learn a lot of new tricks.

    Bad news is that B9 went full FAR, so I'm gonna have to figure out a whole new approach to swing wings or other variable geometry. Good news is that they implemented a lot of fixes and some new parts, so I have more stuff to play with.

    Special thanks to Eskandare and any others that contributed to keeping this up as long as you did. You're welcome to continue and contribute as you wish. Let me know if you need gainfully employed or if you have any ideas.

    Plans going forward:

    1) With all that's changed, and FAR, most of the original project will be deprecated.

    2) I'll revisit all the previously released stuff and see what hasn't been redone better elsewhere, and probably re-create it from scratch if it fits any of the planned packs.

    3) The new MO will be smaller themed packs instead of a single big one.

    - S2Wide will probably get a nice pack with lots of goodies, already sketched out some ideas. Other body types may get the same treatment later.

    - Naval ships in modern style!

    - Chopper rotors will be revisited with FAR in mind this time.

    - Maybe some variations on the HX goodies, but I haven't done a good exploration on those yet.

    - A little cross-over work with Kerbolite.

    - Little kerbal kars would be cool, but I think some packs have already done versions of those. I'll see what's missing.

    If anyone has requests or ideas or think something is missing, now's the time while I'm putting together a work flow.

  6. You're back? How about a D12 update? :) The community kept it working, but an official update would be nice.

    Also, Mk2 should be remade into stock shape for the next B9. IIRC, they said that somewhere in this thread.

    My "intensive" semester at Uni is over in about 3 days, so I can get back into this KSP thing again. It looks like B9 updated considerably since last I was here, and a lot of new modders have their own parts packs out which fill in the gaps I was going for previously. It'll take me a while to sort through it all to see what's missing and what is currently "needed" to fill in the gaps. I don't currently see any robust VTOL rotor stuff yet, and futuristic naval parts still haven't been done, but it looks like there's tons of cockpit, adapter, cargo, fuel tank, weaponry, and wing mods that have been released since I took a break. D12 was never meant to be in competition with anything, just to fill in missing pieces in the community meta parts list.

    That being said, I'm more than happy to help out with B9 itself if their team would like. They've been more than helpful to me with giving access to their part sources and tips on style-matching in the past.

  7. carrier_Test.png

    She's getting close. There's 3 of about 12 alternate deck patterns, and I haven't done the risers yet with about 12-18 more meters on the width. I did get a side-loading door done for the main hull pieces. Elevator is about half done, though I can't decide between centerline and mid-deck models.

    Designing the parts in such a way that you can strip out the mass, flip the hull parts upside down and stack them, and have a nice starship also.

  8. For a dirty arrestor hook, try this:

    - Put a landing gear on the rear of your aircraft, 1 or 2 as you wish.

    - Remove it from the "gear" and "break" action groups.

    - Add it to its own action group, put both toggle break and toggle gear actions on this group.

    When you land, put down your gear/flaps/airbrakes/swing wings as normal. Trigger the arrestor group also. Do not otherwise put on the breaks. Get your airspeed to under 40-50 and you land with an identical profile to an arrestor wire landing. Start tapping "b" as soon as you touch down, which should alternate between regular gear breaks and arrestor group breaks until stopped. Then pull up your arrestor group. Profit.

  9. Those parts are part of the D12 expansion. The updated B9 will have their own couple of new things added, and a lot of optimization for the base package.


    In other news, the engine will be revisited...I saw some concepts for the new Chinese carriers and got a little excited. Shakedown trials for the basic hull parts are going well. Time to make a riser and carrier deck...


    Base hull is about 30m wide built in 24m long sections. The riser will add about 3 more meters in height and 12 more in width if you use the pairs, but the deck will fit snuggly without the risers also. Elevators will be centerline (USS Lexington style). The screws will be a single piece for now, each with a built-in rudder, and running on electric which you can power by KSPI nuclear reactors, microwave beam, solar + battery, or an included ICE generator.

    Also got a catapult animated, but I'm really not giving it much chance of success. Basically the aircraft sets its front gear in front of an animated collider plate and the pilot triggers the animation which is set to snap forward. Chances are it will obliterate the aircraft - I'll find out later today. Plan B is to have an animated ski jump you can extend or retract flat.

    Arresting cables are cheated a bit. You can use a single landing gear of your choice attached to the rear of your aircraft with the break on, and your other gears are out but breaks off. In testing this stopped the aircraft in about 5 meters of runway. The deck plates will have a mesh-switching option to look like a cable setup from a French ACC concept I saw somewhere.

  10. hey When thinking about making the vtol engines try it with this: http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/220667-throttle-controlled-avionics-1-3

    the more smaller vtols you have the better it will stay balanced! it actually works really, REALLY well

    After kind of shelving landing gear, I started playing with the gear box and came up with what you're asking. Still not 100% though.

    Each of these is about the size of a standard RCS block...I have to pick one eventually, as meshswitching won't be really an option. Texture switching will be for multiple patterns of whatever is picked.

    The left - single flip door, retractable thruster, may or may not rotate VTOL style...and should it roll up/down for mounting on round hulls...or left right for VTOL/forward flight conversion?

    Middle - Sensor block, scaled down (not finished). Eyeball will be hollowed out and widened, bottom will be heavily rounded. Would mount like an RCS block with a lot of gimballing power. Whole body would rotate with gimballing. Not retractable.

    Right - 5-point vent system, opens and closes with throttle, thrust will point straight out, but will be invisibly gimballed.


  11. Its an idea, but the issue with that is the shared textures. It would force the game to load up thousands of extra 1kb files. This would be probably the last thing on the docket when I close the project. When I'm cranking out parts this fast, all I need to do is cut and paste and change a single file name, not worry about a whole directory tree. That being said, there are some little legacy things with certain types of parts that require a proper tree structure, so it will be done eventually.


    I think I've finally found the hardest type of part to make...landing gears. Engines and cockpits were a piece of cake compared to this. I don't think the 45 degree gear is coming out soon, but I switched to practicing with a bullet-shaped stock replacement just to try something.


    * Firespitter plugin updated to latest stable beta - customized parts now update their symmetry in the VAB automatically.

    * Drop tanks can now be fuel switched (for real!)

    * Black casing added for GLADIUS engine

    * Tomahawk class missile added

    * Bugs fixed as reported.

    * A few other tweaks and polish for some parts.

    * Another minor optimization pass.

    * Custom sounds for the Buzz Rotor

  12. If you are still looking at making a weapon turret you should see if you can track down Tosh's original sunbeam lazer code, that should be easier to understand and wouldn't require the rest of romfarers lazor plugin to function, you should be able to only use its tracking stuff and keep the gatlinggun code as a separate module as long as you make sure the hierarchy of the model makes sense.

    That's exactly what I played with for a bit. The problem with that code is that it's extremely hard-wired, even the traverse and rotation of the turret are hard-wired and not model or .cfg based. It looks for very specific folders and files, so everything has to be in the exact folders you found it...ergo you need to compile a new .dll for each weapon. Other than that, its very easy to understand even for a non-programmer like me, I just need someone with a rudimentary understanding of coding to fix it.

  13. https://imgur.com/a/lrbxG#0

    my next creation and the reason i'd love some small but sturdy bottom mounted, wide landing legs :) also: is there a cargobay wide enough to accept that plane? its a normal MK1 fuselage with those wings... i'd love for it to be my "laythe explorer" or something...

    Not many things scare me, but I opened up the B9 landing leg model in Blender once and spent the next 3 hours rocking myself in a corner. I think there was well over 120 transforms. Need moar mad skills to pull off a landing leg with the quality I want. Besides...its Laythe...have you checked out the floaties?

    BIG stuff is going to wait until the B9 update, as they have a few over-sized spacecraft parts announced. The S2 Wide might be able to take it for now with some wriggling.

  14. Don't worry, I got a good image from that description. Downgraded Unity so now I can do other little things I've left out of the current parts, so they're getting updated slowly. Snjo also made some good fixes in his latest FS test build, so playtesting also to ensure safety, then I'll include it. It'll let the GLADIUS work like its supposed to and add fuel switching to the drop tanks. GLADIUS also got a black casing option.

    And, big news for modders, figured out how to do animations that won't destroy your airplane when they deploy and confirmed it with some testing. You know how if you aren't careful with the stock inline docking port it might bust your airplane up? Solved.

  15. Good catch on the missiles, mass exporting can produce random results. Hotfixed in already - JSOW head and tails also fixed.

    The nipple on the tail model is also getting a recolor to be less revealing. The buzz rotor is getting a lot of love today, new sounds, config tweaks (node), nicer modeling, direction arrow on the cone to help placement, blue glow when running...I have 21 days of summer vacation, gotta make them count.

  16. I'll see if I can dig it up but it would be breaking my "Not one step back!" rule...I'm missing the little bugger too. Ailerons will definitely get a second pass now that I know more what I'm doing. Fuel crossfeed is on the tail already, and the tail rotors shouldn't need it anyways. I'll test it and see what's going on.

    I rolled back my own FS version to the one posted, so now I can actually play again. In the latest test versions he changed the way mirroring worked with mesh-switcher and broked it - hopefully will be resolved because he also added a lot of nice toys and tweaks also. This means the GLADIUS may or may not work, haven't tested it with the release FS version.


    Update (optional download) -

    Hotfix for the Mk1Inline1man cockpit.

    Gladius works, but with or without animation on - FS issue that has been fixed.

    Old SmallCtrlSrf no longer viable unfortunately. I'll put a similar one in the set in the future.

    Tail was tested, fuel crossfeed working as advertised...which tail rotors are you using?

  17. Minor updates are up...

    * New drop tank styles to choose from, multiple fuels, 1.25 engine mount version included - still just the 1 part in the catalog. Will likely change Electricity with Xenon in the future.

    * Test version of the GLADIUS, I've been fixing bugs and creating new ones with it all day. Let me know how it works.

    * Completely revamped .mu files for many parts, to prevent possible bugginess.

    * Other minor tweaks and fixes.

    Any word on an s2 and s2-WB tall ramp yet?....I really need thous things for a polar remote tech 2 base I'm trying.... Lets just say if it works i will have the ultimate interplanetary relay station :)

    Sounds safe enough...how do you want them exactly? A ramp up to the widest part or a ramp to the bottom? A sketch would be nice. For the S2, wouldn't a simple end-cap that swings out like a door be enough?

  18. All except swing wings and the Whispercraft rotor are FAR compatible, that leaves about 95% of the pack that works just fine (at least as well as Stock/B9/Firespitter parts). If you think something's not quite right, you can tweak the values and I'll be happy to update them. Please be sure to use the Firespitter version included in the pack (last official release).

    In the future, I'm not sure how well FSpropeller will play with FAR, as the new way uses a derivation of FSliftsurface for propulsion. I may have to make 2 versions of engines like this, a FAR one and a nice tweakable one.

    When mesh-switcher gets fixed in the FS test build, there will be a black version also for the casing you can toggle. The side-mount version will likely be derived from the landing gear casing with angled sides - I have a few mockups in blender I'm deciding between. Now that I've downgraded my unity version I have a lot more freedom with various parts and animations.

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