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Everything posted by NeoMorph

  1. Actually I got them off by hitting the abort button because the top part is a mini lander hehe. You can see the legs I had just extended when I thought to take the screenshot. Hit the abort and those sepatrons fire and blew me right off the roof. Nearly screwed up though as I had forgotten that I had already used the parachutes and then had to land on the retro thrusters and I was a little late and slammed into the ground and smashed the rest of the ship to bits but Jeb and Bill crawled out of the wreckage lol. Oh and landing on the VAB would have been more impressive if I had done it on purpose. When I hit the roof I think I jumped a mile because I wasn't expecting it heh.
  2. How's about this for a Mega Lander... Seen lots of small ones but the big ones are fun. This one is a bit confused though... lol.
  3. Someone should try landing on the top of the arch... Numerous threads were of people flying under the arches but never seen a "I Landed On The Munar Arch"
  4. I was slowing down for a perfect landing at ground level but didn't watch where I was going (so used to having a sparse landscape). The lander was designed for low gravity moons so landing on Kerbin was a stress test. It should JUST make a decent landing under parachute and nuke rocket.... but the height of the VAB screwed it up. Was amazed the whole thing didn't blow up tbh.
  5. Dude now THAT sounds awesome... Another option for the telemetry would be to send it off to another computer. I'm using crxTelemetry to grab data for my hardware mod but there is a problem with it needing a telemetry pod on every stage to get the data out. There must be a way around this but I haven't looked at it yet. I'm still building and designing the hardware. I've just started to put together a PCB prototyping line so that I can stop having to make rats nests when using such things as seven segment displays. Up to now by flight sim cockpits have been made using the ratsnest method but it wastes a lot of time (and a lot of wire). Having modular PCB's means I can use them on multiple projects. If I get a design I am really happy with I can get the thing done professionally. And then we come to the stress factors... All aircraft have a pair of indicators which are called... Master Warn and Master Alarm. Apollo had Master Alarm but not Master Warn. Warnings were on a rectangular lamp panel. It was when I was thinking of where to put these that I realised that I needed something to trigger them. I needed ship state data. . If part of the ship is near breaking point you need the information to decide whether to detach the problem stage (if possible) or burn at a lower rate to not strain a bendy connection (done that a LOT). At any rate, I'm going to need something further down the line. CRXTelemetry has been awesome for learning how to get the data out to an external system.
  6. Actually makes me wonder why people don't make Kerbal comics of their missions... Would be pretty awesome I would think.
  7. I was wondering if it was possible to read the stress of the various linkages in our rockets. I've had ships that have bent and broken for no apparent reason... ships that have begun spinning so fast that the solar panels fly off. So could it be possible to make a mod that lists the various stresses acting on the rocket or spaceplane to find where we need to add more support or change things around to reduce the stress levels? I know this really should be in the mod section but I just wanted a discussion on whether it would be possible and whether it is actually worth it... or even if someone has already done something like this and is hidden away on Spaceport. Yes, telemetry like this is what makes rocket science fun.
  8. I think the best landings are the eventful ones. I get disappointed when I do a perfect landing... is that bad? I remember one moon landing that was epic (sooooo wished I had recorded it). I landed hard on the legs, bounced, flipped right over, caught it again, bounced... did that about TWELVE times before I managed to land it again. Crew cheers and does an EVA.... walk around and then get back into the lander. So now it's time to head back to orbit and dock with the return stage. I hit the button to detach the upper stage of the lander for the trip to orbit (like the Apollo LEM) and THE DAMNED THING JUST BLEW TO KINGDOM COME. Bit's flying off everywhere... and when everything settled, there was the crew module sat on the surface of the Mun with Jeb, Bill and Bob with their jaws hanging to their knees with a classic "WTF JUST HAPPENED?" look. I couldn't stop laughing for about 15 minutes... When I would stop I would just look at Jeb looking around the capsule as if to say "OK, NOW what?" and start laughing all over again. I'm guessing that the repeated flips and bounces had stressed the rest of the vehicle until it was JUST about to self destruct and firing the release bolts was the feather that broke the camel's back.
  9. Yeah, I keep telling people about Haystack because it is such a perfect fix for the silly selection process in orbit. I think I have yelled at the game a lot due to this mind boggling glitch with orbit selection. You can click on a target and select something on the other side of the planet but if you double click it it switches to the target you selected so it KNOWS what you clicked on... It's quite obvious it is a bug but one that hasn't been touched on as everyone seems to think it's working right.... yeah... right..... One mod that I haven't seen listed here is Editor Tools (or EdTools). Works great for things such as mirroring as it lets you do stuff that you could only do in the SPH or the VAB and lets you do it in either of them. So you want wings on your rocket... no problem switch to SPH mirror mode and it works perfectly.
  10. One thing I've been messing about is a fuel tug for use in mining on low gravity moons. I was wondering what everyone else uses. My design is currently in the crashing stage lol.
  11. Like I said before... Haystack mod fixes the selection problem.
  12. Excellent mod - can also recommend it as I use it extensively.
  13. I use a modified Arianne booster that replaces the SRB's with liquid fuel stages. Most of my interplanetary stuff is assembled in orbit so I don't have problems having to launch anything bigger. Only rocket that is larger is my four orange tanks booster that I use as a fuel depot in orbit.
  14. I did for sure... then I got Haystack and now debris doesn't bother me in the slightest... well, except for that time that empty tank knocked a solar panel off my ship. Was definitely a "scream like a girl" time for a second when I thought it was going to hit the main ship.
  15. Nah... the Quantum Fuel Transfer acts as the refuelling line when vessels are landed. You have to get the Kerbal to drag a virtual refuelling pipe from one vehicle to the next anyway. Refuelling in orbit is done by docking so basically it is sticking to current practices.
  16. Basically my refuelling centre in LKO. It's basically two of my Heavy Mining rigs (the faulty ones lol) that I have used to moving fuel around. They can even land on moons to grab the fuel (when I remember to include the Kethane tanks that is lol.
  17. So I put a nice little heavy mining rig together and finally send it off to Duna after fuelling it up and adding satellites to scan for the Kethane and land when I find big deposits (use them as landing markers)... After several mistakes with poor intercepts (I still don't have interplanetary nodes down pat yet) I get the heavy mining rig and four scanning satellites around Ike ready to begin my mining op. So before I do the mining rigs landing sequence I do a quick checkover of the ship. Four huge orange tanks for the fuel... Check. Four drills... Check Quantum Fuel Transfer nodes... Check Kethane Tank for the intermediate drilling material... err.... MISSING Kethane Converter... err... MISSING... WTF???? Somewhere between Kerbal and the Duna SOI I seem to have lost four Kethane tanks with the converters on top. To be honest with you, I can't even remember if I put them on this build or not lol. I had been swapping things around you see to make a better mining rig. Better... rigggghhhhht. Arrrghhh. Talk about annoying. So now I have a mining rig with almost no fuel left and no way to drill for more. Oh well... It will make do as an orbital fuel depot lol. Oh and to add insult to injury when I realised what had happen I think KSP crashed in fear heh.
  18. Yes, I use Haystack after it was pointed out to me. Simple yet essential mod. And this node mod... AWESOME. Just what I was after.
  19. One thing that narks me off with this game is the node system. Will we be getting a fix for this random node collapse, self deletion and general glitchyness. When I am trying to set up a burn it takes 10x the time it should take due to these problems. It would be nice to have a numeric system rather than this imprecise node dragging method. It's one reason why MechJeb is used so much I think. Currently I'm trying to get to Duna again and for some reason the normal methods aren't working. I burn at the right time at the right ejection angle and still miss by 8 million metres. When I go to use the nodes to refine the course the intercept point bounces all over the place like it doesn't have a clue where I will end up.
  20. You do realise that you will have to re-do it when Squad get around to doing a proper physics model. Ferram's Aerospace model is more realistic which I hope will get introduced into the main build.
  21. Dude, even on a Cray this game would run like a dog lol.... So by that case EVERY computer is below spec. I think the day Squad release an optimised build everyone is going to scream their heads off with delight.
  22. The best part of that picture is the look on the K-Team's faces. It's like "OMG, HAVE WE GOT TO PAY FOR THAT?"
  23. I have to admit that I love the KW rocketry pack because of the Arianne booster that I used a lot (before I realised that SRB's suck and went to all liquid fuelled boosters). I still use the KW rocketry tanks but not the engines much. Mind you I have Novapunch installed too. Oh and if you are talking overpowered engines, some of the Novapunch engines are WAY overpowered. KW fairings are nice but GOD do they wobble about without a ton of struts to stabilise it. Basically every pack has good and bad things. And you can't cheat in this game because it is solo gaming. If you can build it in real life then it's not cheating at all.
  24. Get Haystack. Best thing since sliced Kerbals... http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/haystack/ It lets you select stuff from the map screen a LOT easier (especially if you have a lot of debris cluttering the orbits). After installing it there will be a triangle in the bottom left of the map screen that opens a menu to select your ship for target or to switch to. Excellent as 0.19 introduced a bug in the double clicking on the map screen that means it doesn't work right now.
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