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Everything posted by wetmelon

  1. Heh. Interesting. I'll take a look at this - I've been looking at some gravity turn stuff too.
  2. Yeah no problem Thank you for all the work you do on this! Eh, good point. Idk why I thought it would change haha.
  3. There's some weirdness in the Merlin 1D / Vac configs. The Vacuum-optimized version should have better vacuum performance than the SL version, wouldn't you think? The M1D-Vac should have an ISP ~ 340, per http://www.spacex.com/falcon9 (click "Inside the interstage"). The 801kN thrust value confirms this to be pretty close - (801kN/720kN)*311s = 345s. They're also rather large at 1.75m at the top. I saw that there's a trick for putting the engines inside the fuel tank, but that doesn't happen with these particular ones. Am I missing something? Edit 2: Found the config. Min thrust is also off - the common belief atm is that Merlin 1D can throttle to 40% of max.
  4. Yep, something we're working on. Hmm. Like the main window that shows "X - In flight. Y - Ascending from Kerbin. Z - Building "" at VAB"? I could see that being integrated. Noted. I'll check to see where we're at on a GUI wrapper and maybe see where we can modify things.
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