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Posts posted by Needles_10

  1. When Needles came to a set of two open doo-- wait a minute, there's something not right, here. Where are the doors? What's going on? All I see is a comment referring to myself and how I sound like myself. Err, hold on... *flicks through notepad* Hmm, ok, I think I see what's happened. You've somehow seen through me. You found my secret. Oh, and I thought I'd done a good job of hiding it. Well, we can't be having that now, can we? Time to restart the game, I guess.


    As you can see, I've played it a fair bit, and can totally understand reading something in his voice. Therefore, methinks you're fine.

    Needles' mind read that in Kevan Brighting's voice as well. After all, he was reading text written in the style of narration from The Stanley Parable, which is quite funny and tends to break the fourth drywall. The Fourth Drywall is crossing out of story-written narration into a level outside of the story, but not into the real world.

    Now you're using "methinks" too! Methinks this is okay.

  2. Well, that's awfully suspicious of you. I take it you didn't notice the probe core right behind the seat? Hybrid technology -- manned/unmanned operation has become quite a necessity for a lot of missions, should something hinder either form of operation. And it actually came in very handy just the other day in order to resolve the problem I mentioned occurring with my third Venturer mission.

    Come on now, you didn't actually think something bad would happen to a Kerbal in one of my stories, did you? Oh, wait a second...

    My mind narrated this in the voice of Kevan Brighting, the voice of the Narrator from The Stanley Parable. Is that good?

    Methinks I did.

  3. The fax read:


    "To all workers:

    Report to Section 4R6. You need to complete a new task involving long-term cryogenic stasis.


    The ending was unintelligibly garbled. Stanley assumed, by the occasional faxes which come in through the system, that it was probably a signature which the fax machine lost in the process of sending. He knew it was for him, but it was more than 3 hours old. Stanley put the fax down, and thought: "Should I go down there? I don't remember where 4R6 is. Was I not told? Yes, I probably wasn't." So Stanley walked into the next set of offices and noticed a faded yellow line crossing itself.

    ((Lazro, note that I, and possibly one other person of my choice, can allow restarts. Edit that to say something along the lines of "Stanley suddenly came to his senses. It was just a bad daydream."))

  4. Stanley stumbled back and grabbed a tissue box, and cleared his sinuses--what? Stanley, since when did you have dust allergies? For all you know, you've been living in this office building for your life now. You know what we need to do? Go on an adventure! Come along, go into the open door! To your left! Ah yes, this is more like it. A large train station, what could be more interesting to explore? Go ahead and look around! Find a way into the third column on the façade; there's a spiral staircase inside.

  5. Nothing came out of the vending machine. Frustrated, Stanley paced around the room before moving into the hallway, and onto a large catwalk hanging over-- hold on, we were here before, weren't we? Why do we always end up right here? This is ridiculous; you just left here and now, because of your incompetence, you've managed to end up here again. I'm restarting.


    Stanley got up from his desk and walked out the door to his office.

    He looked to the left, and when he saw that the facsimile machine was working, he walked over to the machine and pushed the "Receive Fax" button.

  6. He finally understood--


    Stanley-- Stanley, why are you here already?! You can't just walk through the terrain and reach this; you've spoiled the whole story now! Rrrgh, your inability to listen to me drives me mad sometimes. What are you trying to prove? That you're better than me? That you know more about this place than I? Look, Stanley, we've probably gone through this before, but I know how the story goes because I wrote it. Now, Stanley looked at the sign before walking all the way in. He stood there for a while, looking up. Then he crouched and noticed two open air ducts. He crawled into the left duct.

  7. Stanley stands there for six minutes and fifty-one seconds, and walks across the hole...wait, what? Stanley, I know you can walk, but you just can't walk across holes the size of Angola! Hold on, let me check something.

    Hmm, it seems that you've walked across to the other side of the hole safely before I could find out what you were standing on, if anything. Either you activated Server-Cheats while I wasn't looking, the hole hit the invisible floor of the terrain, or something has gone wrong which was fixed just a while ago. Eh, we'll just pick up the story from here.

    After walking across a hole the size of Angola, Stanley comes upon a set of three open doors, and walked through the middle one.

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