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Everything posted by miketheveeg

  1. very nice... ty for the effort you put in and allowing us to benefit from your brilliance
  2. head north man.. well.. actually a little westy north.. just for the 1st bit .. or you'll see yourself shooting bit east due to Kerbin rotation speed.. so a bit westy to compensate.. oh ya and UP too
  3. i knew someone would get around to this don't give up.. a cartoon needs to be made
  4. I tried the docking autopilot and shut it off as it wasnt going where it should have and gave up and been docking myself these days edit : opinion: didnt like auto-dock.. just been trying damn hard to make my RCS center of gravity
  5. OMG the planning... the building of those machines.. awsome mission tell us.. what did you forget when you got to Jool? like what part wasn't right?
  6. congrats on the landing the more you play, the less 'other' buttons you use. if it wasnt for saves and mechjeb i wouldnt have learned how to do anything congrats again.. next mission.. land and return and save like there is no tomorrow. would rather redo a maneuver and learn than do all over and not be in that same situation
  7. we all do that .. i was on duna and miss placed the ladder and spent like 20 minutes jumping and climbing til i finally got back in..
  8. i can picture "the kerbols' a saturday morning cartoon soon excellent mission report i loves pics
  9. found the crashed UFO but it is underground planting a flag anyways
  10. am seeing them from 55k. i cannot see the more northerly one yet. currently doing flybys below 5k looking. mapsat says it's there.. it's the one near this ridge.. i'll find it
  11. a mario game in this space platform ? hell yes !!!! i would run the course... bosses could be orbiting guarding planets and all we get to shoot at them are spent fuel tanks with stock game
  12. just what i was looking for... i loves this forum i loves you peeps
  13. OMG you got airborne you lucky little green faced Leprechaun I was cheering for ya after i saw that 1st explosion take a bow
  14. I agree but I also think leax256 wants a free T-shirt
  15. read this in Walter Cronkite's voice http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=5170520n
  16. forget the castles.. find that damn mysterious magic boulder i still can't find it... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/26297-Bothering-Magic-Boulder-pic-heavy-SPOILERS?highlight=magic+boulder it's the exploration for me
  17. everything is perfect KSP does an excellent job on this game I encourage updates as i get used to mods and the updates make me go stock and I need that 'no-mod' docking practice I loves KSP devs EDIT: sorry, I do use mechjeb 'parallel' to dock with (mechjeb isn't a mod, it's an 'extension')
  18. excellent KSP is everywhere, on the ground, in the air and in space
  19. aha.... ty was wondering why the magnetics were not kicking in was bumping the station again and again using a semi-manual docking
  20. I bet this is somewhere else in this forum but couldn't find it great drawings of many historic probes and rockets might use this when 20.0 comes out for a role playing campaign http://www.chartgeek.com/space-probes-chart/ http://historicspacecraft.com/
  21. looks good.. only criticism is missing those pretty stock parts but we do need more videos like this to spark those not yet into the game yet
  22. starting from scratch. 1st time i played this i used that 'fueltastic' mod.. was way to easy to go everywhere 2nd time didn't use that mod and tried many other mods 3rd time... went with my fav mods - mechjeb, ORDA, quantum strut, protractor and mapsat this time with 2.0, gonna try vanilla and see what I have learned I know I can manually dock as that was my biggest hurdle as it took so damn long injecting without protractor will be a big hurdle.. but will probably have a 2nd campaign to test shoot to give me an idea on phase angles we'll see
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