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Posts posted by Tw1

  1. pO8bblQ.png



    “That’s one small step for (simulated) man, one giant leap  for  (simulated) mankind.”

    We have flags and experiments set up also


    I've been doing a blow by blow Apollo mission on my Tumblr for several days now, if anyone is interested, it can be found here:
    A full version with high res photos may find its way to these forums at some point. 


    In other news, it was deemed necessary to conduct a survey of the KSC islands, to determine if they present an asset or a threat. Something I haven't done for a long time.


    My helicopter and I seem to have reached an agreement on what the expected behaviour of a helicopter should be, with a little assistance from mechjeb. Just as well, as part of the tour involved an inspection of this radio tower which would not have been possible otherwise.



    I learnt helicopters are cool, but another level of difficulty.

    It may just be the one I made wasn't very good.

    This helicopter didn't want to stay put, and had to be pulled back into place.
    Mistakes were made


    I also re-learnt that landing a plane on a very short target is hard. Fortunately, I found another method to achieve the task at hand.



    (Someone needs to submit a space odyssey replica before the 2001th page is out)

  3. 1 hour ago, Tonka Crash said:

    Is there another way for you to do these things?  I've only been playing KSP for a little over a year, my first longish game I used the old KAS and used these parts for these purposes, but really didn't miss them when I switched to KAS 1.0. I just had to find a different way of doing things.

    Sure, those would be practical options in most circumstances.
    But then again, there's always another way to achieve something. I could just open up the cheats menu, load in hyperedit, manipulate the save file, if I just want a means to an end. But for me, the fun is in doing something a certain way. Sometimes, you just want to grapple climb the VAB, or snatch away harpoon style a kerbal as you drive past. Abseil down the mohole,   or scoop up parts from the top of a giant tower rover.

    Basically, all I wanted was some news that these parts are not being abandoned. I would like to suggest a "planned" section in the main post giving some reassurance that something like this will eventually return to a maintained version of KAS mod. 

  4. Will there be something to replace the old hooks and grapples? They were very useful for building cranes, or gripping things and I don't know of any other mod which provides this, which was such a key feature of this mod. They were how it started, and have lead to all manner of amazing creations over the years.


    Also, those new pipes seem way to short for bases, and for all the crazy uses everyone came up with. 

    If it still works, I think I'll be downloading an older version until the new one is up to scratch.



    The old version is working fine??


    I don't understand the reason for losing important features in the latest one, but I hope you restore them soon.

  5. 31 minutes ago, Yakuzi said:

    Congrats on page 2000 team KSP forum! But let's never forget at which cost this came.

    It was the beginning of 2014, ah yes, I remember it like it was yesterday...

    "What did you do in KSP today" was the new kid on the block in the General Discussion subforum, where it was in direct competition with the more mature "Show off your awesome KSP pictures" thread, originally started by Capt'n Skunky. Because there were too many stickies in GD, the mods decided to move SOYAKP to KSP Fanworks, much to the confusion of the community. The community valiantly tried to get SOYAKP moved back to its place of birth, but alas, it was not meant to be. The post count dwindled and the thread all but died.

    So here's to you, "Awesome KSP pictures", we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you

    It's a pity it gets less traffic. If I recall, its move was also an attempt to bring more traffic to the fanworks subform, which always could have done with more visitors.
    IMHO, this thread and that one do serve slightly different purposes, this one is for talking what you've been up to, that one is more about aesthetic images.


    Also, it's interesting that that thread was ended at 84 pages due to size, when now even the pictures thread is 500+. Things have come a long way.
    Also, just look at all those really old pictures 

  6. I ain't been around much, and this isn't likely to change soon, but from what I saw on tumblr, this could finally be starting to add real things to do on planets and long term ground science. 

    Stuff I've wanted, and been vocal about wanting for years, a lack of which contributed to my moving away from playing KSP. 

    Who knows, perhaps I shall come back. Yes, one day, I shall come back. 

  7. Hello! I was wondering, would climbing ladders be something you could possibly add?

    Even if kerbals must be on the ladder to start with. 

    I'd love to be able get multiple kerbals climbing ladders simultaneously. Climbing separate ladders, even better. It would be great to revive the old ladderforce trick with greater power. 

  8. Not in KSP, but ended up showing ksp videos in a meeting discussing my grad project with my professor. 

    It almost felt weird, watching gaming videos in an architecture office, but not really given the nature of the project. 

    Still, it's cool to think that the hours I spend in this game are now having an academic bonus effect. 

  9. Huh. Looks like my not bothering to update paid off.

    One day they might properly develop ground exploration and flesh out science, in a DLC. Make the game live up to its full potential. Maybe one day.

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