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Posts posted by LaydeeDem

  1. So I tried to make a new launch site and uh.


    name = us_nmspaceport
    displayName = US - New Mexico Spaceport
    KEYname = KSC
    latitude = 32.990278
    longitude = -106.969722
    repositionRadiusOffset = 1401
    repositionToSphereSurface = false
    lodvisibleRangeMult = 6

    radius = 4000
    heightMapDeformity = 80
    absoluteOffset = 0
    absolute = true
    latitude = 32.990278
    longitude = -106.969722

    What did I do wrong?

    EDIT: It has something to do with absolute offset. Still getting weird results:


  2. Nice. Solar arrays on a CSM?

    Yeah. Last time I attempted the mission the Electric Charge and LS ran out. That and I think it adds to ~coolness~ points.



    It was a fun mission, they actually survived re-entry with the SM still attached! (Damn latch...)



    The lag is real...


    Falling at safe speeds now, the SM is just on fire.



    Then we splashed down and the Kraken ate them.


    May we never forget Bill, Bob, and Jeb; forever lost to NaN-space.


  3. I've run into an issue that has me scratching my head. Switching to ATM 4-0 (since upgraded to 4-2) and EVE Overhaul seems to have caused KSP to not render chunks of atmospheric layers (i.e. clouds and Map Resource Overlay) in flight view -- "rectangular" segments or parts that are over the ocean at low orbits, and a circular segment when at high orbit (more than a few hundred km -- the size seems to mostly depend on altitude, and the position seems to mostly depend on view angle). Another symptom is that, when opening the tracking station, KSP takes a little while to load one half of the atmosphere (which might be the half of the texture that doesn't render in flight mode at high altitude, but I can't be sure). A couple of representative screenshots:


    The frustrating thing is that this only is happening on some of my saves (it seems to be those which predate the upgrade -- I don't seem to have the issue on saves which are created new, even on the same KSP install). I'm okay with losing those saves and starting over, but I'd like to figure out what's going on, and this is complicated by my apparent inability to toggle the EVE GUI in the overhaul version. It's Mod-N, right? That works on 7-4 but not Overhaul.

    Rolling back to EVE 7-4 (and deleting ATM's caches of EVE textures -- and thanks for the multithreading fix, that saves me a lot of pain when testing my mods like this!) fixed this. I can see all atmosphere layers over the entire planet in all orbits.


    GUI key is ALT + E now.

    Speaking of the GUI, it's really overly big.

  4. How do you set up textures

    Here is Aha's config.

    name = Aha
    flightGlobalsIndex = 31
    name = Jool
    description = What?
    radius = 12600000
    mass = 4.73535382e+24
    geeASL = 1.2
    referenceBody = Sun
    color = 0,0,1,1
    inclination = 2
    eccentricity = 0.2
    semiMajorAxis = 704000100092
    longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0.6
    argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
    meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
    epoch = 0
    texture = KopernicusExamples/Aha/Aha_mainTex
    rimColorRamp = KopernicusExamples/Aha/ramp_blue
    rimPower = 2.06
    rimBlend = 0.3
    lightColor = 0.109,0.108,0.643,0
    ambientColor = 0.106,0.107,0.335,1

  5. It would be nice if there was a way to acknowledge said warning (that wasn't vulnerable to user auto-click disease) and not have the loading screen perpetually afflicted by the rainbow flatulating quasi-poptart though.

    Something along the lines of 'I solemnly declare that I will not afflict upon Sarbian any error reports or complaints of any kind because I am using x64 on Windows which has more bugs than the 1974 Kansas skyline' would be fine.

    Because people totally will read some text when it's easier to close out the warning and play.



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