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Posts posted by LaydeeDem

  1. What\'s so bad about spore? Sure it was disappointing, but it was still fun as hell. Heh, then again, all I do in it is play with the adventure editor. =P


    I love making planets.

  2. I agree. I\'d like to see big dramatic launches with huge plumes of fire and smoke when I take off from KSC. The RCS should look more like the OMS from the shuttle, too. Maybe when you press (.) to time-warp, your craft suddenly vibrates back and forth at the speed of light. lol

    Maybe something like the warp effects in EVE Online for when you\'re time warping. :D

  3. Actually, YES, you can. Travel near the speed of light or orbit a black hole and time outside you will accelerate...

    By the way, I never said anything about stars in my post, so I think you\'re pulling that one from previous discussions on the forums... My post was a simple fact that this photograph is a LONG EXPOSURE photo (or high, depending on what was adjusted), and that you would never see anything like that while orbiting Earth.

    Sorry there. As an amateur astronomer I normally associate long exposure to stars. You are right that it is a long exposure, doesn\'t mean that Kerbal can\'t look like it. To be honest, the one thing out of he whole picture I would want in Kerbal would be the RCS firing. Particle effects need a serious revamp. And about your time acceleration post, I am not to sure there are many black holes between Kerbin and the Mun.

  4. That\'s a high exposure photograph taken on the far side of the Earth. Why would you want KSP to look like that if your eyes aren\'t supposed to be a camera?

    Whatever you say, VincentMcBuzzkill.

    Lighten up a little. Realism isn\'t everything. Can you accelerate time in real life? Do you really fly rockets with a couple taps on a keyboard? If you want a realistic flight sim, download orbiter, get into the 3d cockpit, no thirdperson allowed, and fly your rocket using only the controls in the ship. And to be honest, if you really were in space, on the far side of the Earth, you CAN actually see stars. In fact, the only reason the photograph is long exposure, is to see the stars. It even happens on Earth. You might be able to see stars on a clear night, but a camera will not unless it is a long exposure. So, in fact, REALITY, is the exact opposite of what you said.

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