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Everything posted by curiousepic

  1. Will you integrate with the existing mods that use ISRU/Life Support?
  2. Finally! Something I've wanted for far too long.
  3. Time spent in Simulation mode could add time to build for the actual ship, representing time spent in testing... not sure if that could actually be tracked if you change the craft though...?
  4. This mod contains full part.cfgs -installing it would overwrite existing mods that modify Squad parts, right?
  5. Ideally an actual roll would be good, but for something like keeping a non-tracking solar array aligned with the sun during an interplanetary transit, it would be extremely difficult to set up manually. Do any mods offer the ability to very finely tune rotation? I guess you'd still need to do some math to determine the exact rate necessary.
  6. I often have frustrating issues in construction, with losing the top/bottom nodes. Are there any general tips for working with these parts?
  7. Is the rate of RCS monopropellant consumed to keep orientation based on anything? It seems like maybe 3 or 4 times more than I would expect.
  8. Any idea if you could have unfocused vessels that are rotating with http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67821-Timewarp-Rotation-Fix count as giving gravity?
  9. Is there any way to hide parts from the (stock) catalog with this? I'd like to tag certain parts as "obsolete" and have them not crowd up the menu.
  10. Woo! I'm glad someone is handling this... it was the one reason I didn't have the motivation to build a spin hab
  11. Awesome! My vote for the High Contrast version is the black and white with red Apollo-style scheme.
  12. Ever thought Harry Potter didn't use enough Science? In Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, he does - Maybe TOO much: at one point decides his broomstick isn't fast enough, so he ADDS MOAR BOOSTERS Seriously though, even if you've never read Harry Potter (I haven't), I'd HIGHLY recommend checking it out. It's seriously well written (and gets noticeably even better over time), funny, subtly teaches a scientific mindset and how to Get Stuff Done, and has a very Humanist message. Here is a more lengthy introduction... if you're not already reading it.
  13. I know if you revert flight and the console is still open, any text you input will be blank. Never had it happen during a flight though. Still looking for a way to round off numbers with long decimals... is there some simple arithmetic way without needing a built in round() function? Or just to restrict the number of digits returned?
  14. Is there currently a way to round numbers with long significant digits in kOS? I'd like to create a timestamp with HH:MM:SS, but not sure I can when MISSIONTIME is something like 12.12389623
  15. What I would LOVE to see, after we have the ability to refer to specific parts, is the option to restrict what flight statistics a script can access by those parts, and/or from telemetry with other vessels or KSC. (And perhaps a supplementary mod that adds additional sensor parts). I like how KSP is the only game where I say "I want to HAVE to do X"!
  16. I also have the issue with the SCS part overheating with Deadly Reentry installed It's like a time-bomb!
  17. If part cost is not worked into this build, then I anticipate being able to cram every scientific tool/experiment onto a very capable craft, do a grand tour, and do All The Science. I expect the way it's meant to be balanced is by having each experiment have a high money cost. [EDIT] Of course I realize my mistake - most of those parts will be locked in the tree and prevent this. Nevermind
  18. Just want to express my gratitude for the Docking Washers - OCD has been hitting me hard until now! Thanks so much - though I do still wish there was a lightweight mod that restricts docking to certain rotations.
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