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Posts posted by skykooler

  1. 2 hours ago, pingopete said:

    Yeah, I'd always planned on bringing them back at some point :) Only issue is the transparency which produces an unwanted multiply effect when a scatterer atmosphere is behind


    EDIT: Also guys what's you opinion on Uranus, do you think it's too blue/ saturated? 'true' color images seem to vary quite a bit, with some being far more pale/less saturated.. ? Also the rings aren't in the right place yet, I need to get it adjusted right


    Keep in mind that the high-res pictures of Uranus were taken at the solstice, and may not be representative of it most of the time: viewed from Hubble 20 years later, it has cloud bands and looks more blue:



  2. 2 hours ago, Gaiiden said:

    I'm not saying they should look different but it would be nice if they could. Not really looking for a realism excuse like aerosols (which is correct, in addition to natural stuff like volcanic ash), it'd be nice to just see some variance from day to day is all.

    I suppose, in theory, you could approximate changes in atmospheric conditions by increasing/decreasing the scatterer effect (basically, multiplying the depth buffer by some value to increase/decrease the atmospheric depth and thereby change the amount of haze).

  3. 4 hours ago, blackrack said:

    That's more or less what raycasting does, but with simplified colliders for the sake of performance. In this case far-away mountains have colliders disabled.

    Yeah, but you already know it's rendering (because it shows up on screen), so wouldn't that make sure it works, whether there's a collider or not?

  4. An issue I encountered with the seaplane contracts: I completed one, and apparently the dock, tiki huts etc. weren't removed. However, on my next seaplane contract, new ones were put in the same place, which resulted in some startling fireworks:




    By the way, would it be possible to have an option for those contracts to not have the models? They have so many parts that my physics runs at like 1/3rd speed when swapping passengers.

  5. 1 hour ago, inigma said:

    Looks like the waypoint didn't complete. The checks are sequential. Try again to see if you can get the waypoint check to complete.

    Looks to be possibly related to: https://github.com/inigmatus/GAP/issues/163

    if so, I'll roll out a fix for it too this weekend.

    I couldn't land at the waypoint, because it was on a near-vertical slope, but I hovered within a few meters of it and it didn't complete - do I need some sort of wall-climber that can land on the side of K2?

  6. 1 hour ago, inigma said:

    Looking really for people's gameplay desirables:  how much money and science and rep and experience do they want to earn? Are the contract instructions clear and intuitive? Are there any annoyances? Any repeatable bugs? Any specific contracts/ideas they want to see explored/expanded/added?

    you playing with GAP 1.1.1? 1.1.1 fixes this. or at least it should. make sure 1.1.1 is installed, cancel your current contract, and reload your contracts, and decline the Tour Bus contract once or twice until it appears again, and re-do.  Should hopefully work. 


    btw, that is an awesomely cute looking tour bus!

    Aha, I downloaded 1.1.1, but it was still the same contract. Thanks!


    New issue: the medivac rescue isn't marking anyone as there.


    The kerbal in the other seat is Rondous, and Ensign Joe is in the front. I flew to the search area, and that wasn't checked either. Might it have anything to do with the presence of a probe core? I put it in there before I remembered that Ens.Joe was a pilot.

  7. 20 hours ago, blackrack said:

    I see, another projected grid to work as a base for extrusions. Very clever actually. However I must point out that relying on depth and normals buffers means that objects off-screen won't be able to generate any godrays, basically godrays will only be visible head-on. Still I guess one could render an arbitrary camera from the direction of the light source and build the geometry off of it to get around this issue but that may give precision issues.

    Also, another problem with the extrusion method in general, I don't really know how to navigate these shadow volumes, I just write their depth value and then use that depth value for the scattering effect. Basically if the viewing ray intersects multiple separate lightshafts only the top one will be seen. This makes me consider that shadow mapping approach instead.

    What if, instead of creating a plane of vertices that you project, you create a half-sphere (in the direction between the player and the sun)? And then deform the vertices the same way you were doing.


    Edit: on further consideration, you'd need the other side of the sphere too if you were facing away from the sun, but not if facing toward it. So, I guess, project a section of a sphere that is the union of a half-sphere in the direction of the sun and a half-sphere in the direction the camera is facing. (You could project a whole sphere, but that would have a lot of unnecessary vertices that are behind you and don't deform to somewhere you can see.)

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