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Everything posted by skykooler

  1. Yes, that's how it works. I'm still trying to figure out how to intercept stuff in the VAB so you can select a lauchpad directly from there, but I haven't had much luck yet, so it looks like for version 1 at least you'll have to just go to the launchpad from the Tracking Station.
  2. And there are some that can only be launched from Gilly.
  3. Thread resurrected from Google cache. Bear with me. You've flown to other planets, and started a colony on, say, Duna. You've even made the base self-sustaining - via Kethane, perhaps - and then one day you come in a little too fast for the landing and break your lander. What to do? Or, perhaps you have a new vehicle you want to launch from your Tylo colony, but don't want to wait seven months for a transfer window. The answer to both these problems has, so far, been either to send a new rocket up from Kerbin (and in the latter case, just wait) or to use an unrealistic plugin like Hyperedit. But what if you could set up another Space Center at your colony and build the ships there? Extraplanetary Space Centers is here to allow that! With this mod, you can build your ships at your colonies - never even having to visit the Kerbin launch pad! Folding launchpad - doesn't hit the launch tower at launch, but unfolds when landed to provide a sturdy base for other rockets. Obviously, it's impractical to try to send a VAB anywhere by rocket. Never fear; there is a Kerbal solution to this problem: the Kerbal Rocket Workshop! Send it up on a rocket and dock it with the launchpad to provide parts for ships! You can't just create rockets out of thin air; they have to be made of something. Made of what? Well, metal, mostly. This smelter produces metal from ore. Ore can be mined in a similar way to Kethane, more on that in another post. The amount of metal needed is equal to the weight of the rocket. This means that you can't build anything weighing more than 200 tons, because that's how much Rocket Parts can be stored at once; but really, when you're building rockets at a little workshop with a hammer, duct tape and an acetylene welder, you shouldn't be building rockets that weigh more than 200 tons anyway. In action: Selecting space center. Jeb at work. The space center, on the Mun. Smelting. Making metal into rocket parts. Loading a ship. Ready to launch... Launched off the Mun!
  4. But, if you were landing into dawn or dusk, it could help you de-orbit and save you fuel for the actual landing. I think the only place this would actually be useful is Gilly. Low gravity, plus boatloads of sun.
  5. The is technically legal, in that it doesn't violate any of the posted rules. No mods, but I used the debug menu to turn on infinite fuel after my solid motor burnt out. 76,345 m:
  6. You can in fact do so without either, as long as you have enough fuel; you only need around 6000 m/s delta-v to do so. I think the challenge is to have the largest orbit that still returns. Haven't tried it, but if you are willing to warp all the way to apoapsis of one of these orbits, and circularize, you should be able to get an orbit with periods in the millenia easily.
  7. Plane: Landing: No downward-facing rockets. But I did have rearward-facing sepratrons, for braking. Is that permitted?
  8. Can we use action groups to turn engines on / off?
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