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Posts posted by cypher_00

  1. The booster landing looked off.. needed a big correction after it tilted too far after the landing boost started. And the guy screaming "We are not going to die!!!" after the main chutes deployed was funny.

  2. I am not sure about recovery but if you put the stream at -13:50 and look at the 1st stage cam i swear i can see one half fairing falling down through the sky...

    edit: sorry not sure about the time in the stream because its still running but its right after she says something about the turbo pump still running good..

    edit2: It's at T+ 6:13 mission time...

  3. 8 hours ago, wumpus said:

    "Rendered in real time" on multiple $5000 Titan Vs.  Don't expect it on your desktop anytime soon.

    That's not true you will need a next gen graphics card but nowhere near $5000

    You can get a titan card for 208 euro https://www.bol.com/nl/p/msi-geforce-gtx-1050-ti-gaming-x-4g/9200000068599354/?Referrer=ADVNLGOO002013-G-49170245275-S-382273938198-9200000068599354&gclid=Cj0KCQjwtZzWBRD2ARIsAIPenY02Sz152JbZY73BQVVZvlWheIkyw1Qknq81dtniH3r928mOsKUDm6saAo-REALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.d

    Two of those in SLI should do it if they would support the new tech.

    I expect the next gen cards to be able to handle it for a bit more then 500 euro...

    Also look at this for some ray tracing science:


    You don't sell a new feature like that if you have to spend $5000 to be able to use it...

  4. Oof his second chute only opened seconds before landing and they where attached to the back of the rocket so he landed nose down..

    Looked like the speed of a car crash with about 30 / 40 Kmh..

    They say next he wants to build a Balloon capable of going to 100 Km height.. Maybe he should have saved his budget and started with that.. allot safer..



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