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Everything posted by cypher_00

  1. No reuse this time. I think the near polar orbit has something to do with that. edit: i mean no landing..
  2. I just realized PAZ is just one letter shy of SPAZ (space pirates and zombies)
  3. I showed my mother a picture of Spaceman chilling in his car with earth in the background and the first thing she said was omg is there a real person in that car!
  4. sound got fixed i could barely hear him at the start
  5. The Muskman is on stage! Sound is bad though...
  6. Ah i can watch that Starman Live View forever.. Earth slowly passing by while he is chilling in his car.. one of the coolest things i've ever seen.
  7. It's dark outside.. he should turn on his headlights...
  8. Upper stage restart in about 25 minutes.. Will the live stream come back for that?
  9. They even had a shot from inside the fairing when it seperated... Soooo cool seeing that car with earth on the background..
  10. Boosters landed! omg that was a freaking nice shot of them landing almost at the same time
  11. Amazing.. Dont know if its the Flu but im crying from happiness right now.. What a nice launch..
  12. There are 456 flat earthers who disliked the launch vid on youtube...
  13. Feeling sick as a dog right now so i could use a successful launch to make me feel better.. Let's go!
  14. Found a video: The blowing raspberries one sounded like he was mixing some "chocolade sauce" with his pool water...
  15. Im not sure but the cost of recovering it might be higher then the scrap value...
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