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Everything posted by boxman

  1. Do you notice any magnetic pull from the target docking port at all when you get them close to each other?? Might be some kind of bug unknown bug you are experiencing if nothing happens at all when you get close.
  2. But here is the issue.. On my system the framerate has gone up with ships that have high parts. The lowered performance for me has been significantly longer loading times. So whatever is causing this fps loss seems to be happening on only some systems.
  3. That is just the reality of docking both in real life and in the game. It takes for most people hours and hours of practice and even in real life they failed the first attempts to rendezvous/dock. Dumbing this aspect down would turn it into arcade, which would ruin the game completely for us who actually like having a game that is somewhat realistic. Why not take a break and give it a try it again later?
  4. It dosent have to do with criticism, it is the way he did it. Not only is alot of what he is saying completely wrong, but he also had to throw a bunch of insults like throwing out names like "super fanboys" even in his very first post in this thread. He claims he is an expert on coding, but yet pretty much everything he says is wrong. I think most people agree that it needs some optimizations, but this guy claims it can be easily fixed and should be fixed NOW even though that would not be possible right now. And he talks like he is expecting no limits at all from such a game, when the fact is that we will eventually run into another limit even if the performance was doubled.
  5. Even though they add lag in theory I find that wobbly ship without struts add more lag...
  6. And again you show that you are completely clueless. First the game developers never ever thought that people would build ships in the thousand range parts. Before .18 most people settled with ships with 100-200 parts, and the limitations only really showed after they added docking ports which is when people really started building big. And about optimizations.. If you truly knew about coding like you claim, then you would know it would make no sense to optimize it when parts of the game/code is going to be completely rewritten from scratch anyways. If they optimized now they would have to optimize it again later which would be waste of development time and money. Edit: And as others have told you there is a difference between multicore and multicore with physics. There is no plugin for unity that gives you multicore for physics.
  7. If you get unplayable framerates with 400 parts, then there is something seriously wrong with your setup. I have a years old phenom 2 3ghz system with only 4gigs of ram, and yet 400 parts runs pretty fine. It is not before i reach about 1000 parts that the game turns into a slide show. And when would you be happy anyways?? Even if they optimized it so that 1000 parts works well on any system you would just build a 2000 part ship and complain again when you reach the limit. This is just what happens when they let us use "unlimited" amount of parts. Or do you rather that they limit the parts to 200 like pretty much any other game does??? Because that is the only way to truly fix this issue and I rather be able to choose for myself if i want to go big and laggy instead of a normal sized ship/station. Either way I hope they do continue to improve performance which is the only thing we can really hope for. There will always be a limit no matter how much you optimize it. And this shows that you dont even get the meaning of alpha. This game is clearly not for you, so just go uninstall it since it causes you so much pain and anger. And if you actually knew about how development usually works you would know that optimizations usually come LAST.
  8. Depends on if i am playing a serious mission or not. If not then I have no issues with killing a few kerbals. Here is one of the kerbal death machines i made today:
  9. I dont really want to do that since i am using plenty of mods right now, so it has most likely something to do with that. I just found it weird and didnt even think such a glitch would be possible.
  10. I think I just completely broke KSP.. This is what just happened when i reverted flight to VAB from the launch pad:
  11. I think everyone has their own slighlty different version of this definition, which is something this thread seems to back up.
  12. If I recall correctly squad said earilier during a stream that this is one of the things they would like to do. But for now I would just go with a mod like quantum struts like someone mentioned earlier in this thread.
  13. You have to get the angles just right and have alot of patience and try from different angles with and without angle snap. I dont know if you know about shift+wasd to rotate the parts just by a few degrees at a time?
  14. They had a guy from JPL during the marathon stream before .18 release if i remember correctly. And people from NASA are just regular people as well. And since they do this as job, i would imagine some of them would find such games entertaining as well.
  15. They definitely dont have as much traction on Mun especially if it is a lightweight rover. But it could also be the angle of the rover wheels, so would help if you could post a screenshot or even better a video of the issue.
  16. It should run just fine under win8. As much as I dislike Win8, i have heard that KSP actually ran with better framerate for at least one person under W8.
  17. Not to mention that if EVE is anywhere near true to Venus then the poor kerbals would be crushed if they went on a EVA due to the extremely high pressure. Same thing with capsules and rovers, they would not stand the pressure as it is as high as deep oceans here on earth.
  18. I had no choice but to buy it from squad store since it wasnt on steam back then. But still if I were to buy KSP today I would have done the same as i always prefer a completely non restricted DRM version over steam. I know as of now that KSP on steam is pretty much unlimited, but who knows what happens in future or if steam one day goes under... Also from experience steam usually gets game updates a bit later than if you buy it from the company itself.
  19. Kinda hard to reply to that when we have no idea what content a possible DLC would bring.. It really depends on the content if they even release a DLC....
  20. For some reason they seem to come back straight away for me even when i kill them and dont revert the flight...
  21. When i gave it a try and pressed random buttons the whole planet and ground below the ship started moving around even though i was still on ground with engines off. Never gave it a second try after that.
  22. I would really recommend getting a desktop for KSP and other gaming. Not only will you get alot more performance, but it is also cheaper and more reliable. A high end gaming laptop rarely last long due to heat. You could even get a decent desktop and a cheap laptop for the same price as a half decent gaming laptop which is what I did. Even the most high end laptops will never compare to a desktop since it is very demanding on cpu. I have an old phenom 2 desktop and it still beats most so called budget gaming laptops even today.
  23. What I want is some transparent structural parts like panels so that you can build your own pods or structures with windows. As it is now you cant really do that since there dosent even seem to be mod parts that have transparency. Also things like ball bearing or a simple rotating motor that you can attach stuff to would be something I would really like to see in vanilla.
  24. I start fresh whenever saves are broken.. I feel like I can always improve the designs anyways and would not be happy with the for example the space station I already had up there.
  25. My best failure was when i ran out of fuel before getting a dune encounter.. All i had was some ion engines that was not even aligned properly compared to the pod, so had to finish the burn without knowing where to align the ship. Once I had the encounter there was no way i could slow myself down, so i decided to just try to go about 12k into the atmosphere back when I had no idea about aerobraking on duna. Thanks to this failure I learned how to land huge modules or ships without using any engines at all.
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