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Everything posted by Majorjim!

  1. Yes that was pleasantly surprising! Wheels seem to STILL be broken though.
  2. Its a balancing act. Build for yourself first so if you find the craft is hard to fly due to part count take another look at it and see where you could make some part savings. Now that we dont really need struts and parts are bigger its easier than ever to save a lot of parts on replica builds.
  3. Cheers mate! It felt odd to play again. I had forgotten a few of the buttons but my fingers seemed to find most with no issue. Im bummed that some of the moving parts of old craft have moved and dont work but I plan on fixing them.
  4. Hi all, I fired up KSP for the first time in over a year and I was checking through all my craft to see if anything was broken by updates. They all spawn in fine even though some parts have moved alot.. The funny thing is even though they load in fine some craft say they are missing a transfer dialogue spawner. Any idea what this might be?
  5. Wait.. what? This is some genius level building dude. Yet again you’re putting us to shame.
  6. Great work! I know how tricky it can be to get these kinds of powered bearings to work well. It looks awesome in motion.
  7. If you want to build big complex craft and have lots of separate craft on screen at once you need a fast CPU. The one you quote will be ok I believe for basic gameplay with low part count craft but don’t be expecting to build complex craft or installing any of the beauty mods as the GPU you mentioned is also very weak.
  8. This is a CPU issue. lower end PC CPUs used to suffer from this.
  9. I want a T-shirt with the thermometer on it. Easily the most versatile part in the game.
  10. Damn dude... you make the best KSP Lego! These are some great looking builds.
  11. Damn... any chance of a video of it in action?
  12. This is great work! I’m in awe of your dedication to cause on this man. The modularity and inconectivity of the crafts is pure perfection and something I have always wanted within KSP. I view your work with envious eyes.
  13. That’s all well and good but those changes should not break content. The game is geared towards spending a large number of hours building and balancing craft designs and far too many updates are breaking that. I am so tired of constant craft rebuilds.
  14. After these current part revamps there should be one last balance past and bug fixes and then nothing. The game is long overdue being truly finished and it really needs to be left alone now.
  15. As long as the geometry doesn’t change he should be ok. Having said that rebuilds are one of reasons I stopped playing. I’ve never played a game that so flagrantly broke content like KSP..
  16. That looks really great man! Really nice work, I especially like the MEV variants. Your landers have an almost identical Ibeam frame to my ones (unreleased rebuilds) I prefer my EDL routine though.
  17. Good stuff Raptor! I really need to finish my constellation stuff. I fear rebuild three might be in order given the new parts we have. Keep up the good work!
  18. Is there anything the humble thermometer cant do!? Great work on this mate!
  19. Very nice looking! I love a buggy and this is a great one!
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