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Everything posted by SouthPhilly

  1. Well thanks to Helldiver and his crew of merry modders.... I got to relive my old Tonka Truck days. For the first time playing KSP I've spent more time on Kerbals surface than I did in the vacuum of space surrounding it...
  2. Thank You Helldiver and Crew for the most relaxing Sunday afternoon..... Great Job!!!! Feels like I'm reliving my old Tonka Truck days...
  3. This mod pack is so on my "to watch" list!!! Things are looking good!!!
  4. Ok installed and running... found a bug. On the Dragon V1 capsule the landing legs aren't working. FYI
  5. @TheMrBull.... Just a friendly little bump... Will you be updating this mod??? This became my go to ship and launcher pre .24... miss it alot.
  6. Hey guys.... great work on this mod... its coming together very very nicely!!!! Time to update!!!!
  7. Nice.... Downloaded, Installed and bootin up now... I did notice on unpacking and installing that you included craft files for the SPH, I'll find out soon enough but does the 3.0 pack include your new items from a few pages ago?!?!?!?!? The Dragon V1 is the "Cargo Capsule"... It's the version that SpaceX is fly now. Or at least that is my understanding... could be wrong thought.
  8. I run this mod on 64bit and haven't run into any issues yet...
  9. Where can I find the most resent download link please and thank you.
  10. Can't wait to have these packs back. Miss running crew and resupply missions to the ISS.... Quick question... will your team be supporting 64x?
  11. I've been playing around with this mod all night..... Love it.
  12. Oh man.... can't wait for this!!!! I have KOS installed my 64x version. Everything loads fine, I haven't used it yet so.... Looking forward to the separate downloads but have to ask... will 64x be supported?
  13. Agreed.... Love this mod so much in .23.5.... Can't wait to see it work right in .24.2
  14. It's built into the Spekter module it's self... Right click and toggle....
  15. Are you running .21??? I don't believe cBBp has update the zip file yet...
  16. Same here.... But... It's going to be good to have this mod back. It'll give me a reason to start using .21 now.
  17. What!?!?!? What happened??? That's what I was saying when .20 came about... now we have .21 and well.... (holding breath)
  18. Same thing here... Same thing I did when .20, let all of the little kinks be worked out and mods to be updated. But I will set it up to play around with it though.....
  19. It's a real shame this mod has fallen to the side.... I fired up my. 19 install and used it for a bit. Love these ships.
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