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Everything posted by SouthPhilly

  1. Thanks Bobcat for the Orion m8... "Flies like I stole it"!!!! Quick question though... How do you dock a pair of them together... 3 tries now and failed on each one. Does it only dock to the ISS dock???
  2. Great update guys... Runs nice and smooth. 4 launches, 4 parts of varying size and weight station parts to 200k... Perfect!!! Only thing... Not sure if this was happening before but when the SRB's separate they seem to break the connection between the fuel tank and the rocket motor. Not to where it falls off but it goes of center. A couple of struts seem to fix it. But other than that flies like a charm. Thanks for the update, looking forward to the next one.
  3. Hey M8 can I ask yo a quick question... what shuttle and how do you go about using it to assemble your stations? I've been trying with Bobcats shuttle from his Soviet pack and everytime I get a piece in orbit and start taking it out of the bay using one of the robotic arms my shuttle just starts spinning and flipping around till it just breaks it's self apart. Jeb went on strike.. and won't fly any of my shuttle flights anymore.Said he he wanted a headache he would just as well stay home with the misses...
  4. And Thank You for all of your hard work....
  5. Gots to bump this thread.... These parts look and sound amazing!!!!!! PLease release them... my vains burn for more real life parts!!!!!
  6. Loving the looks of this.... So happy to see more real life rockets and such!!! Got any kind of E.T.A on this(need a test pilot, PM me). And as always guys... Thank You for all of your hard work and time spent on making these mods.....
  7. Agreed... Based alot of my Mobile mining rovers on it.
  8. Maybe he's asking why his lander keeps blowing up whenever a Kerbal gets within 300m??? At least thats what I get out of it?!?!?!
  9. Oh I have M8... Thats why I said I was stumped... I'm going to try a fresh install of KSP .20.2 now to see if that fixes it... It has to be another mod not playing nice or something.
  10. OK... I'm stumped on this... I can't get your addon to load up... I'm running .20.2, I've downloaded and installed it, I watch the loading screen and I see the package loading up along with all of my other mods. but when I start up the game... KW parts are all missing. I mean not a single one. I've now deleted, redownloaded and reinstalled the pack 4 times. Same thing every time... I see the game load the files, they just don't show up in the VAB. I even tried to install them the old way and no go... I didn't think that would work but, had to give everything a try before I posted here. Anyone else have this happening? And any help is always appreciated... Thanks
  11. You know... after rereading my replay maybe I could have worded it a little better... It should have been (and is) more of a thank you than a request. And "Delta IV!!!" That will be awesome!!! And you say BobCat is working on a Home II... Again... awesome!!! Hate to ask... Might you have a link to the hotfix dll. file? And again... not rushing either of you guys... RL is always first and all of the new real to life packs are really cool. I really like to try and keep my designs as close to what is in use now so.... Plus, I'm having a real hard time letting go of my .19 setup... still works flawless for me... And Thanks to the both of you for all of your hard work on all of your mods...
  12. Hey M8... any update on your mod? Miss these parts... And TY for all of your time and hard work.
  13. First and foremost.... @BobCat... sir you are truly "The Man"!!! Your mods, plugins and addons are really one of the shining stars of KSP. Really they are!!! Thank You for all of your hard work on each and everyone of them. I've keep my .19.x version untouched and still use it more than .20.x right now simply because of your addons. I've got one game profile(most used one) based pretty much on using just your addons... I'd have to say about 85% of the items used are yours. I have an entire colonization and Kethane mining operation on the Mun and Minnus using your H.O.M.E pack as well as all of my vehicles are based off of your DEMV Mk1 through MK4. Thank You. My that I've "buttered you up a bit"... I know it's not an easy job... and of course real life has to always come first... but do you have plans to update all of your vehicles to work in .20.x???
  14. So I know I'm going to get flamed for this.... What do I have to edit to get this working in 1.9??? Not ready to make the jump to. 20 yet. Thanks
  15. +1 on that.... I know I'm new to this forum and have only been playing KSP for a couple of months now but I am no stranger to forums. I'm an active member of a development group who rights and compile custom ROM's for Android devices and one of the biggest grips I have (as a developer) is that when we start to preview a new ROM or release it is people start looking for the next update. I kind of sucks, you put in all of this time to rewrite, recode, debugging and then release it and some of the very first post in a device thread are about the next update and what it will include. Kind of kills the fun. Like I said I haven't been playing KSP for very long now (started right before the 0.19 update) so my opinion may not count as much as some of the forum members that have been around for some time now but I say.... Let's see where the 0.20 update takes us. Every update no matter if it's to a Android device, CPU os, program or game always introduces new and wanted features but the flip side is that along with those new features new bugs and such always creep up. Just saying...
  16. These tanks are just what I was looking/hoping for... Any chance of getting some RCS tanks?
  17. @BobCat and crew... Great job on this mod pack M8's... Thank You
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