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Posts posted by Eskandare

  1. NEWS!:


    Currently looking to see if we can get the "Grass" texture to operate with Parallax. I hope once this is done we can unify some of the textures on all the KK mods using MM patches. This is so that mods the use a compellation of KK mods to make a bigger KSC use the Parallax shader and the unpaved ground look all the same.

    Also once I get my development computer running again, I'll be able to release the updated stock alike structures for KSR.

  2. On 7/4/2024 at 7:29 AM, ColdJ said:

    Yeah, I hate it when modders do this.

    But @panarchist has a good point.

    Archive compressed file > Mod container folder > GameData Folder > Mod Installation.  This just happens when modders have an export folder and compress the archive from the container folder.

  3. If anyone is curious this mod is still in development, but it has been on pause as my development computer is still down. I hope I can get it working again soon. Weather in the SF Bay Area killed the MoBo and my video card. Since I now live in the desert this should be a thing of the past (as long as the AC keeps going).

  4. 3 minutes ago, Caerfinon said:

    Will you be changing to location and orientation of runways? If so I'd welcome an advance peak a couple of days before release to rework flightplan/waypoint information for the KSRGAP contracts.    

    Oh no, I'm keeping the runways as they are, if anything there will be a couple more runways added.

  5. On 9/6/2021 at 4:35 PM, Caerfinon said:

    The Kerbal Konstructs statics that make up this mod already work im KSP 1.12.
    The underlying Kerbal Konstruct mod is being worked on and currently it's editor function does not work in ksp1.12, however all of the other in-game facilities and functions do.

    Work on a 1.12 version of the KK plugin is in the works, to my knowledge. Also additional art and reworked art will be added to Kerbin Side Remastered


    On 9/18/2021 at 4:38 AM, The Brazilian Luigi said:

    Will check that out later. But I wonder if there is a mod that enables spawning at the other custom places

    At the other custom places? Um... this does...  I'm thing that is what you're talking about. you can either unlock them in game, or enable them in settings. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Manul said:

    A nice challenge for STOL pilots. VTOL? Never heard of it.

    Offshore oil platform. This one is loosely based off the old Ocean Star Platform which is now a museum.




    From Left to Right: 1, 2) conventional fixed platforms; 3) compliant tower; 4, 5) vertically moored tension leg and mini-tension leg platform; 6) spar; 7, 8) semi-submersibles; 9) floating production, storage, and offloading facility; 10) sub-sea completion and tie-back to host facility.

    The one I made a conventional fixed platform.  Ocean Odyssey used to be a semi-submersible oil exploration platform before being damaged by a blowout and there after getting converted to a mobile launch platform for the ESA.

  7. 4 hours ago, Caerfinon said:

    Sections or old Kerbin Side work without conflict. You can install Kerbin-Side Kampus cont and delete the base configs it comes with, and then you have some really nice KK statics that you can use to spice up your own bases.

    Well, the models are so old and don't follow a lot of good practice, but AlphaAsh was learning at the time. Even the models made by lack was lacking. Nonetheless, that was the beginning. the styles and features have changed. An even now, the use of a mask for the ground texture is the now standard.  KSR is in the process of upgrading and adding AO to the statics.

  8. On 3/27/2021 at 3:51 AM, Caerfinon said:

    You can open them by clicking on the KK menu in either the VAB of the SPH. Select the base from the Launch Site Manager and then you can open a "red" base by clicking the button on the Base Manager and paying the cost.  You can also close an open base if you no longer wish to use it.

    You can also set the launchsite from the base manager as well.


    Looking at this picture makes me realize I need to make some fixes. 

  9. 19 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

    I cannot stress how delighted I am to see people making underwater statics and anomalies. I cancelled Rocket Shark, my first aquatic parts mod, when I realized that there was so little to explore in the water. Seeing @Caerfinon and @Eskandare making contracts and statics/anomalies, respectively, inspires me to keep making SunkWorks. Well done folks! :)

    I have that submarine mod that I had been working on for a while as well as the under water base construction set. 


    32 minutes ago, Caerfinon said:

    I am very happy to hear that! :heart_eyes:

    I'm working on a mission framework for anomaly exploration that can be adapted to any sites that are created! 

    Very nice! I hope to have more water launch systems and maybe an oceanic base for launching sub missions. With the better hangar module, you can store your subs in the the sub pen.  :)  It is in planning stages at the moment. Currently Kerbin Side Remastered is undergoing a new art pass, upgrading the 'ground' to the new mapping system. I think I'll make a new lower dock as well for smaller vessels. The current dock was designed for the CVX aircraft carriers. Those carriers take a lot of work to make. I think I've done 5 or more art passes on them and i'm still not satisfied. The LSD Wasp class may also be a great craft for having a mobile base for water research. I hope to have enough goodies hidden for discovery in KSR and the carriers for that added fun, because carriers are fun. 

  10. 7 minutes ago, panarchist said:

    @Eskandare's computer died and had to be rebuilt - and there was an Eskandare sighting this morning in another thread so hopefully there will be news soon, but we should all be patient. This mod in particular is notorious for having long lapses in development by all of the historical maintainers, and has complexities that make it difficult to maintain.

    Oh, and Eskandare - welcome back! Glad to hear your computer is operational again!

    Hello all! Yes I had to rebuild my machine. The mother board burned out on me. I did a lot of 3d printing as well. I'm in the process of reinstalling unity and all assets need to begin modding and modeling KSP again. I also took a 3d modeling class. Humorously I already knew 99% of what was taught. As it appears Blender is starting to become an industry standard. Mainly because Z-brush and Autodesk aren't fixing some glaring bugs and blender can do everything in one package. I digress, I am back and modding. My back log and focus is KSR, EA, KSOS, and CVX. Hope to have some updates soon.

    On 6/3/2021 at 5:04 PM, Giancarlo Kerman said:

    just give it time, Im sure eskandare is working hard on the update so please be patient


    im sure this is very hard to do especially with a mod from at least 4 years ago 

    It is a bit, since I have full permission to update, I have to work on fixing the models and there are a lot of parts. I hope to add rotating ports as well.

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