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Everything posted by RocketPilot573

  1. Part 8! Challenge Complete! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/121720-Circumnavigation-of-the-Mun?p=1993842#post1993842 Thanks for making and running this challenge, Fengist, it was fun!
  2. Part 8 - Finale [spoiler=] Alright just one more leg of the journey! The Farside Crater... Oh, and there is no way to refuel the rover now, the shipment of oxidizer got a bit... mishandled. Ore survey, because reasons. Science! Have to go though this rather messed up land bridge. It's kinda hard to see in this picture, but the terrain is not smooth. Woa! That must be the marker! This crater has the most interesting landscape I have seen on this trip... Getting closer.. I really do hope I can make it. This rover has no back-up solar panels. Big hill up ahead. Jumping off a cliff as usual. Long time no see, Kerbin! This has to be the most difficult to navigate terrain yet, I feel like I'm fighting a final boss. This looks familiar! Circumnavigation complete! I never really liked the Mun, but this mission has really given me more respect for this place- Nah, I'm just kidding! Never coming here again! Now if KSC could please send something to pick me up... Progress! Pretty obvious. Is that... No, it can't be! Jeb? Why does he always get the cool things... Of course, a cargo door. Hey, Jeb. Might as well grab a seat. Here we go!!! Farewell, Mun.
  3. I only hire Kerbals with unique, rememberable names... name = Felix Kerman gender = Male brave = 0.5466253 dumb = 0.3154343 badS = False Profession = Tourist... name = Kirk Kerman gender = Male brave = 0.3954859 dumb = 0.06718752 badS = False Profession = Scientist name = Luke Kerman gender = Male brave = 0.9391857 dumb = 0.2895974 badS = False Profession = Scientist name = Edlu Kerman gender = Male brave = 0.7400578 dumb = 0.2800973 badS = False Profession = Pilot name = Ted Kerman gender = Male brave = 0.5902142 dumb = 0.61164 badS = False Profession = Scientist name = Scott Kerman gender = Male brave = 0.1290103 dumb = 0.9720564 badS = False Profession = Engineer name = Chuck Kerman gender = Male type = Crew brave = 0.4450756 dumb = 0.3403955 badS = False Profession = Scientist name = Kasper Kerman gender = Male brave = 0.8941934 dumb = 0.3420476 badS = False Profession = Pilot
  4. I have a reputation that rivals Jebediah's
  5. There are 2 UFOs in KSP, though they are not flying anymore...
  6. Possibly the most difficult thing I've ever launched in KSP.
  7. I don't see the problem here... Just don't use Physics Warp.
  8. PSA: A very common mistake is using this wheel: The wheel has been seriously bugged ever since it was added. Once I tried driving a rover using them off the runway. The wheel randomly snapped for no reason, blew up the runway (???), threw the rover 100 meters into the air, and then the game crashed. Never use that part.
  9. I found this issue a while back: When unloading a ship on water, it's state will switch from "splashed down" to "landed." Thus on next load it will teleport to the surface (bottom of ocean) and probably explode.
  10. Part 7! Should be done very soon. TM... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/121720-Circumnavigation-of-the-Mun?p=1986982#post1986982 Also Ions on rovers are awesome.
  11. Part 7 [spoiler=] Getting nearer and nearer to the finish line! Going through a flat, straight stretch of land (in between craters). Maximum speed! Driving at typical highway speeds. At the end of the straightaway is this crater, I don't generally like going through these because I have to slow down and inch off the crater edge at no more than 10 m/s, or else the rover will fly hundreds of meters into the air and crash. Using momentum plus the magical ion engines to climb this cliff. Also can't come out of the crater too fast for the same reason, this was only going 15 m/s. Looking at the current fuel levels, I might be able to make it without refueling... But only if I save fuel by stopping less for quicksaving. Just a reminder, I don't hold down W or set trim or anything, as due to lack of atmosphere I only occasionally use the Ions and rover wheels to accelerate to 35-40 m/s. Once up to speed it coasts for several kilometers. Sunset again, this should be the last night though. In case I do need refueling, the shipment of Oxidizer is currently on it's way to the Mun. It will arrive by dawn. Progress! I am eagerly awaiting the moment when the flag's maker appears on screen (at 100 km). I estimate that I'm 130 km from the finish, but first I must trek though the "Farside Crater." This is the first and only massive crater I will drive through, since going around would take too long plus require more fuel.
  12. Awesome station! I like what you did there with the Mk3 Cockpits.
  13. Part 6 is up! Not much happens. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/121720-Circumnavigation-of-the-Mun?p=1981553#post1981553
  14. Part 6 [spoiler=] -Somewhere on █████████- Nearly done with the circumnavigation now! Now lets get roving! Wait a minute- Something doesn't seem quite right... Maybe I left the parking brakes on? I think it has something to do with the Mun. I'm getting some weird readings on the Negative Gravioli Detector. Is that... Positive Graviolis?! Hmm... Might as well go and check it out. -On the Mun, Bill has fallen asleep while driving- Bill! BILL! WAKE UP! He's trying to tell KSC about some sort of dream, but who cares. Taking a nap while driving is not recommended. Going into some interesting terrain again. The other side of the Mun was much flatter. Lot's of hills. Jeez that's a huge crater. Climbing out. Progress so far. Sorry I only made it 100 km this chapter, I was a bit busy.
  15. What we really need is an in-game setting to change the renter distances in all situations.
  16. Thanks! I don't want a 7 GB program sitting on my HDD doing nothing.
  17. Gonna be trying this out, but quick question. Can I uninstall Unity after I grab those 2 files that I need (according to directions OP)?
  18. I made a cargo door because I didn't like leaving a giant hole in the floor. Takes up some extra room, but what am I going to put in there anyways? A rover? The ship is on wheels! Added some decoration, and then got to work on the jet boosters. This ship can't make it to orbit on it's own due to lack of thrust (sea level), but maybe if the jets can lift it to around 15 km altitude. And yes, that is 36 turbojets (the boosters cost 300k), which produce an amazing stationary thrust of 1.000001 TwR (6480 Kn).
  19. The doodle with the shuttle in the background looks like an Mk3 Cokpit to me...
  20. It's actually more of a parking garage than a gas station, the fuel stored is elsewhere. Here is an album that I posted on the subreddit a couple weeks ago.
  21. This, basically all complicated craft have huge amounts of drag, shape is 100% ignored, literally.
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