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Everything posted by RocketPilot573

  1. I haven't been here in a while... Might return sometime soon though.
  2. I would assume the location of the center of mass (CoM) of the vessel would determine which SOI it's in, so you can only be in one SOI at a time. Try undocking the ship right down the middle and see what happens. Though even being near the SOI border could summon the Kraken. I should try this sometime, maybe tomorrow!
  3. I am perfectly fine with this engine. Using skippers for a shuttle was always annoying due to the huge tank butt, and the thrust was always quite lacking once you put a full sized external fuel tank on it. Really all that can be done is to remove the tank butts from all engines. Many people dismissed the idea of those jet engine turbines because they where so big and thus limited creativity. Are tank butts not the same?
  4. Alright so I have a shuttle and a booster sitting next to the runway, and somehow I need to reattach them and launch it. Assuming the booster has just landed after a flight, I made this rover to bring the booster to a horizontal position and transport it back to base for processing. AKA it's an Mk3 Cargo Bay on wheels. I retracted one of the legs on the rokcet to let it fall over. Something broke... Err I mean, you saw nothing! The cargo bay can close for storage.
  5. The RCS seems to be pushing the Centaur. Someone is holding down the "H" key I presume?
  6. I'm working on a fully reusable space shuttle. I plan to put this on Laythe so I can ferry crew from the surface to orbit (once i get a base up and running). Normally I would use an SSTO but I am sick and tired of dealing with those. The rocket can be reattached to the shuttle via docking ports. I'll design some equipment for handling the launch and reuse operations later.
  7. This is not your everyday spaceplane... Still figuring out how to fly this.
  8. I keep forgetting about these Thursday Squadcasts. It would help if they gave us a better reminder.
  9. I was out and about enjoying this plane i made. As usual I was too aggressive with the controls and ripped the plane to pieces. Naturally I thought the plane was doomed... But wait! Engines? Check. Control surfaces? Check. Air intakes? Yep! Landing Gears? All 3 are go! Returning to KSC with slightly less aircraft than I started with. Nope. The lack of wings made flying under 140 m/s and without full afterburner impossible.
  10. And no go.... First no go was after 41 seconds of countdown. This time we made it 18 seconds. Progress!
  11. Did you land on or around KSC grounds? Any debris landed at KSC are automatically removed to keep things clean. For some reason it doesn't seem to give you any funds when it does that...
  12. Does anyone know that the black dots below our names represent? I have 5 of em and I don't know why.
  13. Looks like.. or rather sounds like, whenever you get a notification it beeps. There's probably a setting for that somewhere around here.
  14. Hello World! New forums looks nice.
  15. New forum is shiny and neat, but slightly empty. :rolleyes:

    1. Red Dwarf

      Red Dwarf

      I like that it shows how many posts are in the forum, but not what they are or where they are :P


  16. Welp. It looks the end is nigh for this version of the forums. I sincerely hope all goes well... No crashes or derps this time, ok? See you all on the other side! :D
  17. I'm working on a new boat. This one should be pretty useful. [img]http://i.imgur.com/Xg4g4eU.png[/img] Landed a VTOL on the deck. [img]http://i.imgur.com/0voMOCM.png[/img]
  18. Ok I think I just turned the pilot to mush. [IMG]https://i.imgur.com/JzDrPF3.png[/IMG]
  19. [img]http://i.imgur.com/4Ow7qoy.png[/img]
  20. I am actually not sure if this beast of a plane can even fit in that hangar. I'll try some other time. [img]http://i.imgur.com/KYDJocu.png[/img]
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