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Everything posted by gilflo

  1. Hello guys Are some of you playing RSS but without RO mod or Principia Mod ? I have been trying RO and Prinicipia on KSP 1.9 RSS and I feel it too complicated, I have been playing KSP for years, since 0.25, and It's a pleasure to build Rocket and Spaceplane, I have been to Eve a lot of time and I am fed up with Kerbol system I tried KSRSS which is easy when you know how to deal with Eve, then I tried RSS on KSP 1.7, love it as I built OPT Spaceplane able to climb to Orbit....Try again to look at RO, look at Principia, but I don't want to start again at the very beginning, so I left them and now and I am trying RSS on KSP 1.9, maybe it's working on 1.10 and 1.11 as Kopernicus has been updated. As stock engines are not very efficient for RSS, I use mainly RealScaleBooster mod engines for rockets and OPT mod engines for Spaceplane and I am trying Spaceplane direct launch to Orbit, Spaceplane launch like SpaceShuttle on a rocket, and rocket and spaceplane Stratolaunch. There's a lot to try!
  2. Hello Guys What about a challenge to climb to orbit and come back to land with an OPT plane departing from Houston on KSP RSS 1.9? I know that the challenge is quite interesting, I made it on KSP 1.6 or 1.7 and OPT engines are great to try it, ! we have to reach Mach 24 and it's a great challenge, OPT is made for it! We can also imagine stratolaunch ! here is one on a Mars mission: If you need to install KSP RSS on 1.9 I can help
  3. Hey Daniel What is this avionic mod with localizer and Glide slope ? That's great !
  4. Here is an example how to deal with atmospheric re-entry using Vernor engines on and below the cockpit: It's at the beginning of the vid
  5. Hello My golden rules to built SSTO -No angled wings, no angled fins, no angled tails -The COG with and without fuel must be very near ( maximum 1 yellow or red circle) -Always use RCS Build aids to minimize torque, it can take a long time to do this but it's very helpfull. And avoid Nose or Tail pitch -Center of lift must be at least "one circle" or more behind COG because as you accelerate it moves. That can give you less maniability or control in low altitude, but you can mitigate using Speedbrake for pitch in low atmosphere if you need . "Circle"s are the red or yellow circles of COG -Big tails and numerous tails are greatly helpful for yaw control, the bigger the plane the taller the tails. -Use CorrectCol mod to check your Pitch and Yaw are stable in the whole flight enveloppe, from ground to orbit -Atmospheric Autopilot which is a manual fly by wire mod can be helpful with big SSTO Here is a small SSTO for Eve ( you will understand what I am talking about with "circles": Here the COL is more than "2 circles" behind COG and I use speed brakes to help for pitch control in low altitudes and speed See that at 60000m and 2000m/s it's still stable on the COL graph Here is a much bigger Hydro SSTO. Notice the 6 big tails and the numerous elevons at the rear to help for pitch - "Canard or Moustaches" are also helpful when the SSTO is long to help for pitch torque. For re-entry, use retrograde, cockpit facing earth, Roll 0°, then once you enter atmosphere, use the "cobra" position with "Radial out" on the Navalball. Vernor engines on and under the cockpit for pitch attitude and on the wingtip for yaw can be helpfull to maintain this position ( belly facing heat) until under 1500m/s The SSTO is a big speed brake in this position. Then select Prograde and when you are stable, select Surf or disconnect and pilot.
  6. Hello Let me introduce my Interstellar fleet Interstellar SSTO are running SAGE and/or SURGE engines in atmosphere to climb in orbit. Then J81 Hybride will send them everywhere in Kerbol system and back Interstellar fleet There’s 3 versions On the left: Interstellar mothership to Eve with SSTO Evalander on the deck. Evalander with its SAGE and SURGE engines is able to land on Eve, to make science, fly around, climb back to orbit and fly back to Kerbin, while the mother ship is equipped to Scan the planet on Polar orbit and fly back to Kerbin In the center: Hydro STTO Interstellar Eagle, Eagle because it looks like a bird of prey, high on its landing gear and its flottable tank. This SSTO is for Laythe On the right: Interstellar Helicarrier for non atmospheric low gravity planet, the vertical engines Helicarrier being scaled according to local gravity. Vertical flight guided by ThrustControlAvionic. Features of SSTO - OPT « supercell » working on LFO and supplying 150 EC/s -Lab and extendable platform for sciences -ScanSat features to map planets and search for ressources -Drill and converter in case we need it -Comutron View of Cargo hold with supercell and science - Ore tank, Drill and Converter in the front Each Interstellar range is around 13500 DV VAC in 100 kms orbit around Kerbin, except the one carrying Evalander to Eve (du too higher weight) Evalander gets 4000 DV VAC in Eve orbit View of ScanSat Cargo Hold Interstellar mothership with Evalander Evalander SSTO Flight show with CAM mod - HD 1080 with text https://youtu.be/ZE4nTRp2Xpc
  7. What I don't understand is the SAGE TWR on Eve: I built an eve ascender that looks like yours: Around 80T, 4 SAGE engines, 2 ARI. KER gives me a 1.35 TWR on SAGE engines alone at Kerbin base at take off. Given the fact that the gravity on Eve is 1.67 times the gravity on Kerbin, the TWR on Eve at sea level take off should be 1.35/1.67 = 0.77. but KER gives a poor 0.22 TWR and I checked it on Eve at sea level! So there's something i miss, I don't what! If we consider the Thrust on the ARI alone, then the TWR given by KER is right on Kerbin and on Eve, Eve TWR being Kerbin TWR/1.67
  8. Hello Thank y ou for this useful mod. But it looks very small on my game screen so that I hardly see the contents with my glasses! I did not see any means in the property to change the size of the window... how is it possible to do it? I would like a double size As you cans on this pic it's too small!!
  9. Thank you for the information about the air intake. I did not know that.
  10. I downloaded and installed it . With the new J81 the only interesting VAC propulsion for big SSTO seems to be the Dark drive. So if you want to stay apart from dark science and dar Goo, there no interesting choice. For my Interstellar SSTO, climbing to orbit with the SAGE engines let me more than 13000 DV with the old J81. With the new one or ARI or whatever, it's divided by 2. So please leave us the old 81 or something similar..
  11. I gave it a try by adding 4 mk2 nose ram air intakes and I don't really need to overpower so much: The 3m SAGE engines are too powerful, because I reached an apoapsis of 142 kms before they cut out...the 2.5m engines cut out at 2300m/s and apoapsis reached is 72 kms. I think a 2.6m SAGE engines should be fine. Are Ram air intakes really a bonus for SAGE? I am going to rework my SSTO. the thing is, as you say, to find the right acceleration altitude or the fine rate of climb to keep constant acceleration I noticed that when the Air intake becomes very low in high atmosphere, The 4 SAGE engines do not delivers the same thrust, sometimes one of them is decreasing while 3 others remains stable and this causes yaw deviation du to asymmetric thrust...
  12. Here is the final version of my Interstellar SSTO : 4 Warpjet SAGE engines and 4 J 81 Hybrid Engines. 12 Tidal force 1.25 and 12 at 1.5m produce 4800 EC/s I tried to overpower the SAGE engines, but it's not the best way to get the maximum Dv to orbit. The J81 associated with SAGE are incredibly powerful in low atmosphere and allow a 200m/s vertical speed up to 10000m reached at Mach 2.0. Then we can accelerate to 1200m/s before switching to close cycle and we get 12500-13000DV left in a 100 kms orbit. So this machine can go everywhere and back without refueling. The 4 Helicarrier vertical engines are here to land on non atmospheric planet and maybe on Duna. They just have to be scaled according to local gravity. so they don't cost too much weight. I just have to add some science stuff in the hold.
  13. I tried to place the FVT vertical engines on my SSTO. That's impossible mission!! https://youtu.be/9mkJuZpz1Tc
  14. I just build a 500t "green" SSTO using the Warpjet SAGE for initial climb with the Hybrid J81 for climb and orbit. My problem is that KER and Mech don't seem very accurate about TWR with this kind of engine. KER give me a 2.03 TWR on Kerbin take off and 1.33 TWR on Eve take off. The SSTO flies very well around Kerbin and has got 11500 DV left once in a 100 kms orbit and it should able to go everywhere. 24 Power Core "Tidal force" supply the big amount of electricity needed by the 8 engines. My problem now is to calculate the precise amount of Liquid fuel and oxydizer I really need when switching between modes to optimize the DV. There is a lab on the SSTO and enough place in the holds to set a ScanSat Satellite or a Drill system with converter. For Eve the problem is the atmospheric entry because you can't get thermal heat shield on such a big vessel and I am not sure that the J81 are powerful enough to deal with slowing enough to avoid overheating, so maybe I'll have to add some powerful engines just for that... I tried the valkyrie and the Marge "vertical horizontal" engines but they are not suitable for big aircraft. For vertical landing on low gravity planet maybe I should fit the SSTO with some "Hellcarrier" or Warpjet FVT, but there's a calculation to do for that because I am not sure that KER will give the good TWR and more engines means less DV left in orbit. Then control of vertical engines is very hard without a mod like "Throttlecontrolledavionics", so it's always a challenge because it's very hard on a plane to have the center of gravity not moving with fuel consumption.... And the last question is : does it worth overpowering the 4 SAGE warpjets to climb to orbit as they will save fuel?
  15. Hello About fuel tank provider, between B9Partswitch, Modular fuel tank, WBI and configurable container, do you recommend to use only one of those? Are there issues if we use more than one?
  16. Hello I have an issue on 1.9.1. here are 3 set of pics from the same aircraft static stability analysis in KSP 1.8.1 and KSP 1.9.1 It is strictly the same aircraft I saved in both games We have the same entries in speed and altitudes but the curves are completely different Here speed 150 Altitude 150: Up is KSP 1.8.1 Pic and down KSP 1.9.1 Pic Same pic at speed 1000 and Alt 15000 and now speed 2000 and alt 45000 It is the same different pictures in the whole flight enveloppe....I don't understand this, but it looks like CorrectCol for 1.9.1 is wrong I have been using it a long time in 1.8.1 and it was very helpfull
  17. Hello Man You know I have using this mod for a long time, I am a great fan and I can't imagine building a Spaceplane without OPT mod! This is a "must have" ...Even the electric engines are great and my last plane was an electric plane that land on Eve after atmospheric entry and the plane was able to send the cockpit in orbit to dock to the OPT mothership! And this mod is also perfectly adapted to create SSTO when you play the mod Real Solar System which is quite challenging and interesting! So thank you to keep it alive! I am very exited about the new parts and the new engines and as English is not my native language I have a few question about the use of some engines. Do the warpjet engines work in all atmosphere,whatever is the atmosphere provided you supply them with electrical charge? The thinner is the atmosphere, the more electric charge is needed and the max electric charge in VAC? For all engines does the ressource « intake air » means intake air whatever is the atmosphere or does it means you need atmosphere with oxygene? I do not understand how to use the sky light tilt engine… when there's ISP trade, I guess you trade better ISP for less thrust? I may have other questions about engines.....Thank you kindly for answer
  18. Hello guys Here is my report of my mission I started in April: An Electric plane for Eve part 2. It's about my OPT electric plane that enters Eve's atmosphere and landed. The pilots are now climbing to orbit to join their OPT SSTO Mothership
  19. Hello guys Here is the second part of my adventure: « An electric plane for Eve », I started in April An OPT technology SSTO flew to Eve with an electric plane on its back. This electric plane is an OPT engines plane, that enter Eve atmosphere, and land, carrying KIS containers to build 2 weather stations to sea level and to highest Eve Peak. Now, those Weather stations have been built, an anomaly has been visited and it’s time for the 3 pilots to climb to orbit to join the Mothership and fly back to Kerbin. Here is the HD vid of the climb and docking to the mothership https://youtu.be/WYFXpDB1pRU
  20. I have a question about the nodes that are generated I am trying to burn for Mars and Astrogator generates 2 nodes, the first one at the departure time, but there is no encounter with Mars et the second one is 348 days later (236DV)? What's the meaning of these 2 nodes? It does not seem to be the lowest DV window How am I suppose to use this?
  21. Hello thank you for this mod Is it possible to use it on KSRSS in the solar system, or is there a special database to write to use it in this case?
  22. Final version of my giant Hydro Carrier, 4700T, length 134M, awesome glider able of suborbital flight, great endurance, easy to land and take off on sea..I just have to add 2 fighter on the center wing to balance aircraft when loaded...and the challenge is to find how the fighters on the center wing can make a 180 turn to backtrack the deck for take off...KAS winches to to set the fighters on their docking port...
  23. Hello guys Here is my giant hydro aircraft carrier. The deck is 100m long, 18.4m large and 2 fighter can take off together Taking off and landing when Aircraft Carrier is on the runway is quite easy, but it won't be "finger in the nose" when at sea, because there no means to see the deck far enough to align....It's looks very difficult.... Then I need to imagine how to secure the aircraft on the deck, maybe with KIS or KAS https://youtu.be/UOa7Kj0f3j0
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