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Everything posted by gilflo

  1. Hi Mikael This seems to be a great mod. I looked at the vid, but I still have some questions as there is manual as fot MechJeb. i am just not sure of what need to be installed, on the targeted ship and on each dock of the tatgeted ship or space station. Do i need to install the part with the cam and the docking target on every dock on the targeted ship I want to dock, or do i need only to install the target on ever dock or near every dock? Do i have to install a stack Jeb or a radial Jeb on the target ship or only on the ship using the Jeb,? I got a big tank with several docking port on my space station, do I need to install a docking target near each port or do i need to install the part with docking cam and docking target and then put my clamp o tron Jr dock on it? Thanks for answer
  2. I use kerbal engineer redux, but an excel sheet listing all engines and tanks would allow to see easier those characteristics and may be to combine them, before trying in the VAB. In the VAB you have to do a lot of manipulations when building. I would like a kind of pre plan to choose the correct tanks and engines before building so that when building up i have not to try several combinations to see what is more effective.....
  3. Is there any excel sheet, listing all the engines and tanks with their diffrents characteristics in order make precises calculations about total Dv, lift off capacity, payload capacity and so on when building up a rocket?
  4. Thks Francesco and Merisan You confirm the Clamp o Tron Jr is an exposed docking port and need not to open? And wherever is placed the dock on the tank, even at the top like on my photo, can I transfer Fuel or RCS?
  5. Hello I have perform an action group to open my clamp o tron Jr on this reservoir. When I place my rocket on the launch pad, I can try all other action group like open light, open photovoltaic cells...etc and see them working. When I tried the action group to open my Clamp o tron Jr, I do not see it working on the launchpad. Questions are: Is it normal ? Do they open like the other Clamp o tron? Is it well placed on my rocket to allow tranfer of fuel or RCS Here is the photo There no toggle action for Clamp o tron, Is the choice "Decouple Node" correct to open it in order to dock on the station ? Another question is: I can see "control from here" when I mouse over the clamp o tron Jr, but nothing happens when I click on it on the launch pad. What I want is check if it is working correctly before launch. Thanks for answers
  6. Hello IsaacHeron Can you even transfer Fuel using Clamp O tron Jr on a tripod docking as your photo? Which add on do you use to build your tripod dock ?
  7. Xell on my Mac and in the settings of the game (Misc) F6 is the quick load. F9 is just defined for MIssion Control in the Mac Prefs So when I press the F6 button in the game or old it nothing happens....
  8. Hello I love KSP and I play on Mac. One thing I never succeed to do is to do quickload. F5 is assigned for quick save and it works when I use it whenever during the game. F6 is assigned for quick load, but nothing happens when I use it. I mean no, the game continue where it is, there is no change no window to make any choice.... I dont see how to use it....
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