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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. When you to start to think about what this means, you come to realize, using it as an example is pretty ridiculous. That's 3.5 tons, and given the panel is about 1m IIRC, being held about 5m out from the servo motor. That's completely unbelievable. These types of masses are usually only handled with overhead industrial cranes, not small robotic arms. The amount force being applied to that little servo motor is pretty intense. I'd have to say this example is only showing that Stock robotics are more realistic and IR is way overpowered. Well, that really shouldn't matter to you, as you just started playing, and haven't had a chance to build up a huge campaign yet. Starting from scratch again is one of the things I do enjoy about the game. This is a good thing. One of our biggest gripes about the game is the lack of things to do on a planet. If I wanted a click and shoot style game with instant gratification I'd go play SimpleRockets a platformer. I'd much rather have the things I'm trying to do take a bit of time. This would be my suggestion. There's a lot to do in the game without the DLC, so I'd get the basics down first (orbiting, rendezvous, docking, landing, returning... you know.... the "basics" ) before picking up the DLC.
  2. Moved to the Network, as it's abou the website and not the game.
  3. If you click the "Launch KSP from" from the DLC installer, it will trigger the KSP Launcher, which we know is borked. (Just did this myself). Try launching from the KSP_64.exe directly if this is what happened.
  4. Good idea @Jestersage, moving to the BG discussion forum.
  5. Same. Haven't played a stock game in years though... and going from 1.3 to 1.7, there's gonna be some new toys to play with.... Going to be an interesting night.
  6. No, the BG subforum is new today, you might have crossposted. I'm not sure if the forum structure is set in stone, I kinda like your setup better, we'll see though.
  7. I've had someone cut off part of their own intestines and throw them at me. Given the rules of the forums, I think that's as far I can go with that one, I'll just have to leave you wondering...
  8. Just finished that book a couple weeks ago, looking forward to this, along with KSP.
  9. Sooooo.... who else is going to wait 2 days to see if there are any major bug reports? Or are we all so giddy we're all diving in headfirst?
  10. Sigh.... the first rule of being banned.... you don't talk about being banned!
  11. Either you have some odd fashion choices, or a very unhappy pet snake.....
  12. What is this toothbrush you speak of?
  13. You should probably take that up with Windows/Microsoft's tech support, as they would be more suited to bypassing the security on their own systems.
  14. Sounds like you need an exorcist, not a game dev.
  15. I get 4 of them in the nest, but I had been noticing that one of them in the back was trying to fly, so I go back in to grab the tripod. By the time I got back outside, it had flown the coop! Or got eaten by a cat I saw running away at the same time.
  16. Unless you have some documentation of that, I'd be careful of making such comments. Not about this in particular, but in life in general. Unfounded rumors don't lead anywhere. But feel free to prove me wrong. The fact is, a separate game studio is the one who is doing the console versions of KSP. While Squad might be at the head of it, Blitworks does the console work. The PC version is developed first, and then it's handed over to Blitworks. They then have to convert that code base to one that works on console. And that creates a bunch of bugs, and the whole process takes time. So just be patient, and hopefully the console version will get the same, or at least, similar content.
  17. Happy birthday then! Speaking of which, sort of, I've been getting photos and video of baby birds in a nest on my windowsill. There's some posted in the Photography thread. But today, I think I captured video of one them flying from the nest for the first time. I'm 95% sure there were 4 of them when I started shooting today, and now there's three. Downloading the footage now, we'll see. Either it was abducted by aliens, or it flew for the first time. Either way, I got it on camera, I think. EDIT: Doh! Between the time I took some photos, and then grabbed the tripod to get video of the nest, Chick #1 flew the coop!
  18. Check out Thingiverse, there's many many designs available for model railroads. Well, Finally got around to playing with Derail Valley. It's pretty cool. The controls for non VR are a little weird at first, but you do get used to them rather quickly. I did end up running around the station house with a coffee mug in my hand that I couldn't get rid of, since all the instructions and everything are actual objects in the game, and I didn't have room for anything else, I couldn't drop the mug to pick up the instructions again to see how to drop the mug. Game play is really nice. I have a semi-potato laptop, and I don't think I can run anything else in the background while this is running (like I can with KSP), but once it loads up (another boot the game and go make a meal situation), it's really smooth. Slightly choppy for me at default gfx settings, but once I toned them done, very smooth. Once you get used to the interface, it's really easy to play. I only played a couple of the shunting jobs around a yard, but it was really fun. The open world setup of the cab and environment makes the immersion really cool. The movement controls (while walking) are a little weird, you can easily end up on top of a building by accident (while you can walk, it's much easier to teleport to your mouse cursor, and if you don't aim correctly....).
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