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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. If they managed to solve all the problems associated with MP (and let's not go into details on that, we have threads for that :P), and did it well, then I think they would be very just in asking for that type of fee.
  2. Unless he is using a solid fuel booster, which by his description, was acting exactly as intended. But yes, some screen shots would help, ( I don't think we're at log files just yet on this one ) Moving to Tech support.
  3. Type B, slanted, moves towards the core.
  4. You can only pick one! @Vanamonde (Probably not)
  5. Yeah, that was always my thinking. Built up another one with 8 boosters with the nose cones in a spiral. Probably made the core too massive, as it had no effect at all during flight. But once it was staged, you could clearly see the boosters pinwheel away. Note, this is in 1.3.1
  6. Wasn't there some mod that you had to ship materials to a location, or ISRU them, and then you could.... I swear there was another one...
  7. They're not on the do not discuss list (checks rules, no... no we're in the clear here ), it's just that the game is already about 'aliens'. Plus the stock game already had monoliths, pyramids, etc that represent a previous culture has been here. And since the stock game only includes one solar system, encountering a species from outside of it just can't happen. "There's a mod for that", will it ever get implemented into stock? Maybe, maybe not, but until then, avail yourself of the mod (I'm drawing a blank on it's name right now though, something by alistair I think.) Not sure what you mean by this. Why would you want to launch from inside the building? Or do you mean on top of it? If you mean on top, you can use the vessel mover mod to get you there, don't need a separate part. A different part wouldn't change your launch location anyways, it will just spawn at one of the launchsites along with the rest of your craft.
  8. While discussing with some colleagues about the benefits of various nose cones, I stated that I had always encountered that the type B nose cone forces the tip of staged booster into the core of the rocket. Having done a little research, I found these threads, but none of them (to my quick reading) looked at the aero qualities of the two types after separation. After slapping together a quick craft to test this, I noticed that with a few tests, the Type A nose cone cleared the core of the vessel each time, while the Type B impacted the core each time. Discuss?
  9. More of a discussion topic than a Gameplay topic, so I'm making the rare move into KSP D.
  10. Some posts have been removed. Before this thread get's too heated and we start posting stuff we really shouldn't, let's simmer it down a bit and lay off the personal attacks.
  11. And it might be a good idea to include a link to the forum thread in that summary. The devs might want to take a deeper look at an idea, and you never know what comment in a thread might trigger a light bulb for them.
  12. It's the new Neural Interface accessory they haven't announced yet.... (Winky included for those that don't realize that's a joke)
  13. Just a small reminder guys, this thread is about the DLC, not the pros and cons of early access. Let's keep it on the rails. Feel free to start another thread on this topic if you'd like.
  14. Folks, We've had to remove some posts involving various intoxicants, as they violate rule 2.2c. Please remember that many of our forum members are minors. Thanks!
  15. [Tutorial] How to install mods (manually & CKAN) - Tutorials - Kerbal Space Program Forums Try this.
  16. Same here, I'd be curious to know though, even if I had transferred to steam right when it was first offered, it still would have missed 18 months or so of time.
  17. I think you need to specify what you mean by SSTO. A SSTO is just 'Single Stage to Orbit'. A lot of my medium lift rockets are SSTO, and it would be fairly trivial (but expensive and inefficient) to make a SSTO heavy lifter. If you mean space plane, then you should specify that. A space plane with drop tanks is not a SSTO.
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