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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. We'll also need your output.log, but please, host it on a service like dropbox and then link it here. They are very very big. Also, since you are running this through steam and an unmodded install, try verifying your files through steam.
  2. There are no plans for a dislike button. Aside from the April Fool's joke, there never have been, and never will be.
  3. After the installation is complete, you need to launch the game directly, do not use a launcher. The launcher has been depreciated for a few years now and we're not sure why it's still included.
  4. This post has been split off from the Clouds Thread, as it was Off Topic for that thread, and has been moved here. FWIW, I have 80 some mods on my game, but only run a bit over 4.5gb of RAM. I eschew visual mods in favor of gameplay and parts mods, so I have a feeling, since you posted in the clouds thread, you run a lot of visual mods, which might induce the RAM bloat. So it might not be the game's fault per se. As for the merits of the idea of a bounty program, well, I think the community here will have some strong opinions on it.
  5. An interesting concept for a challenge. But it might help if the photos were in focus and oriented correctly, so as to not induce a migraine while trying to study them? Thanks.
  6. We can speculate all we want till the cows come home, as Squad is pretty tight lipped about planned improvements. Unless somebody can find an official statement from Squad stating, well, anything really on any given topic, then it's all guesswork and speculation.
  7. Moved to gameplay Q's. But I would suspect it's trim. Alt (ctrl?) -X to reset.
  8. Mmmm... yes, I see you said "you can" instead of "can you" now... Still.
  9. This. And FWIW, if you see a thread that needs merged like this, just report it. Makes the resulting thread easier to read.
  10. Move to it's own thread, as it was quite a bit Off Topic for the one it was in. By clicking your avatar, or the User CP in the top right, you can edit your profile and settings to include a signature.
  11. So, the Really Deep Basement thread over in games got me thinking. Eventually it will reach the core of the planet. And as you get closer, Gravity should decrease. Not pressure, but gravity. One thing led to another, and I had this thought.... So what happens when you reach the barycenter of a system? How easy would it be to park a satellite at the barycenter of a binary system (a la Pluto/Charon)? Would this make a good "station" to act as a stop over point on a dual body space elevator if it was hinged properly to account for the slight movement in two tidally locked bodies? Imagine the awesome sci-fi scenarios that could come from this...
  12. But yet, Jeb is sitting there pushing buttons.... explains so much..... Floor -7: A sign that reads "Eventually, you will no longer be able to go down, and will start ascending again". You contemplate this for a bit, and move on....
  13. I do make what I call egg loaf. But that's just fluffy eggs in a pan. Probably not bread. But it would make a good sandwich.
  14. Not the article, but the way you posted is considered clickbait, please don't do that.
  15. Would you mind elaborating in this thread so others who might have the same issue can use it?
  16. I think you fell victim to the fact that the Questions section first sorts the thread by "Best Answer", then by "Number of Votes", and then by date. (Which has it's obvious advantages and disadvantages, case in point) So it only appeared the OP was responding to your Magnets comment, but was in fact replying to my FPS comment, two weeks previous.
  17. The best way to find out is to try the current version first, a lot of mods don't need updating (this time). If not, all you can do is wait and see. But given this is a LGG maintained mod, I would assume 1) It works already, and 2) If it doesn't, it will very shortly.
  18. I agree, it can be frustrating, but if they try to 'fix' it, it will probably have cascade effects that nobody predicted, and it would make other things worse.
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