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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. I'm going to move this over to tech support, as those more familiar with the mis-loads tend to hang out there.
  2. Moved to Add-on discussion.
  3. Seriously, do you see what you've done? There are no "simple" questions in the S&S sub-forum. Ask them about the variants of the Shuttle main engine, I dare ya. That's 14 pages right there. This is where smart people come to feel dumber and smarter at the same time. Welcome aboard .
  4. If not, we'll need some logs to see what's going on.
  5. Have you? Have you really read them.... all?
  6. As this isn't a suggestion, I'm going to move this over to GamePlay Q's for now, and see how the thread goes, might move it to Tech support.
  7. I actually wrote these up first, then had my brain storm for the other one.
  8. Posts don't have to be crass and vulgar to be funny. Keep it clean folks.
  9. And one that specializes in International Consumer Law? Overlapping threads have been merged.
  10. Did you buy the game from Steam? If so, try validating your files.
  11. Moved to tech support, modded. and we'll need some logs. Please upload them to a service like dropbox and then link them.
  12. Whoa Whoa Whoa.... don't make me move this to the games forum now....
  13. Well, as I think of it, the vacuum of space has some particles in it, so yes, the vacuum of space exists as I think of it.
  14. Since when did we allow Phil to have his own air force @Mad Rocket Scientist???
  15. I have also decided there needs to be a website similar to those of Ornithology and Dendrology. Where one could describe various features of a plane, and it would show a list of possible candidates. Bubble or inline canopy? Prop or Jet? Airscoop underneath or radial? etc etc. Cause that second one looks like the offspring of an F-16 and a Mig-17.
  16. First one looks like a version of a messerschmitt 109. EDIT: Upon consultation with another judge, we have decided to include the Hurricane as another possibility.
  17. Given we're talking half lives of years, that would be a complete waste of resources. Unless you left KSP running fulltime for a decade or so, you'll never witness output reduction firsthand. So yeah, only upon loading would be fine.
  18. If you have the ability to disable network adapters manually, then you should have no problem installing it manually.
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