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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. This suggestion thread has been moved to the Kerbal Network. You thought I was moving it to the suggestion forum didn't you? Well, this isn't about the game, but merchandising.
  2. My point is, the OP of the question never specified what carrier we were talking about. We're not going to land that U2 on a Hornet now are we? Or even get an F18 to take off from a marine assault craft. But, if you make a carrier big enough. you could easily land anything you want on it. So the question itself is flawed, not the answer.
  3. Just send them a list of the primes 2 3 5 7 11 13 16 19.....
  4. It depends on the carrier. If the carrier is big enough, no modifications are necessary. Smaller carriers though can only be accessed by VTOL aircraft. So your mileage may vary.
  5. I don't believe there is. And what would be the point of having a poll if you are just going to let them flip sides willy nilly? I don't know, but I've seen the oldest one we have saved. You can sort each sub forum by date, and just flip the dates to show oldest first. There might be older ones that have gotten lost due to hiccups or migrations, but the ones we do have are pretty old. But the oldest one I can find is
  6. So I guess pinging @VITAS would probably not hurt. EDIT: I completely misread Dstaal's post. Doh!
  7. From my favorite shirt company!
  8. If it had, we wouldn't say, and if it hadn't ,we wouldn't say. So.... we can't say.
  9. Mod packs have been discussed many many times here, and have pretty much failed to gain any traction. 1) Licensing. Not all mods have the same license, and getting the modders to agree on a single license will be harder than herding cats. Some of the mods that would be up for selection don't even allow redistribution. 2) Choice. My standard mod set might be vastly different than yours. Why should any one group of people get to decide how others play the game? Why should my potato machine be forced to slog along with the visual mods decreed by others to be canon? What happens when another modder comes along with a better version of a mod, especially one that is a bug fix or visual? I'm ok with a set of mod lists for styles of gameplay, listing known combinations of mods that are known to play well with each other. But to have a mod set that becomes canon is pretty much against what we have here as a community. I applaud the effort to streamline the game in general, but I don't believe it's a feasible option for KSP.
  10. Oh, no, that's what I did. Unzip, get running, build a wobbly rocket, poof into the tower.
  11. Well, here's another playthrough, same guy. If you are watching these, I recommend 1.25 or 1.5 speed. I mean it is pretty real speed for a sim, so...
  12. Most forum engines have this option, and I would suspect this one does too. But leaving the forum with one skin makes it much easier to trouble shoot, and prevents formatting issues when people make a post that looks fine in one skin, but gives users of another skin a migraine, which is something we try to avoid.
  13. Gargamel


    3089 And for those wanting to get in on the game, but can't figure out the next prime, we do have a cheat sheet in the OP.
  14. Well, I bought it. Wanted to get in for the early access price, and it looks pretty playable as is, so.... Just gotta get my gaming rig repaired... And since it doesn't require VR anymore, that's a plus.
  15. Locked at OP request
  16. Couple threads to help you on your way: 4x4Cheese's guide in this thread will help: And this one will help you find the correct mod version: And we're gonna move this to Add-on discussion.
  17. Might have been mentioned further up in the thread, but I just stumbled across this early access Sim. Derail valley. Looks very interesting.
  18. The various logs and how to correctly post link them to the forum can be found here:
  19. Considering the OP has probably long resolved their issue, I'm going to lock this thread and let it die.
  20. I don't recall if you stated if you had read the mod thread or not, but that would usually be the best place to ask questions about a particular mod. And then if you don't get an answer in due time, then start a new thread on it. A lot of the questions you might have about a mod, have probably been already experienced by other users, and they might have discussed it there.
  21. As this is (most likely) about real physics and not the game, moving to S&S.
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