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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Tyrion, I came across this the other day. Even if they may not be able to help you directly, at least the can point you in the direction of other resources that can. https://www.gameblast19.org.uk/ They are a charity for obtaining disabled gamers custom controllers.
  2. looks fine to me. Not sure what you are asking for though. If you are clicking on it, and then viewing an enlarged version, remember avatars are automatically reduced to a 200x200 or 160x160 or something pic, so no matter what you do, you're going to lose detail. The fix for this? Don't view an enlarged version. Just imagine if everybody had a large format file as their avatar, a forum page with dozens of posts would take forever to load, so avatar size is limited to keep the data required to load a page down.
  3. Guess we'll just have to wait and see. Either we will or we won't. Dunno. I'd guess it's based on the size of the variable type that is holding the number of pages, and unless the forum engine devs did something really obviously stupid, it should be able to go at least a few million pages. But that's a total guess on my part.
  4. Moved to modded tech support, as this is about a modded install, and turned into tech support. Are you using the correct mod version for the version of KSP you are running?
  5. This forum is fine, I really can't think of a better place. But you have to decide where to post, when you post, only a moderator can move it after. The quicksaves are, coincidentally, under the saves folder. I'm not sure though, if the number of QS's you have actually affects performance. But other's with more knowledge should pipe in shortly, like Geonovast who ninja'd me there.
  6. I think that if you read the last page of this thread, which your post is located on, you will find it already is.
  7. Moved to The Network, as this is about the forums.
  8. Looks at post.... Looks @adsii1970.... Looks at post.... Shrugs...
  9. So doing a little digging through this thread..... and this made be blink... Looks at Post.... Looks at RIC's avatar.... Looks at post.... Shrugs....
  10. This one fell to the bottom of the page? Hmph @Dman979
  11. Moved to Modded support. You could also check in the mod release thread, if there is one.
  12. Gargamel


    3037 I used to use this exact sander......
  13. I know I've had a 7km-ish circular polar orbit. I thought I was fine until I passed by a mountain near the south pole with the summit above me.
  14. Yes, I thought the irony was pretty nice.
  15. I'm going to move this over to Gameplay Questions, as it really isn't a tech support thing. If you are in an orbit that you want to make equitorial (0 degrees), you create a manuever node at either the Ascending or Descending node, and burn Normal/Ant-Normal until your orbit matches what you want. Perhaps, though, I did not understand your question.
  16. Try reading this thread: @4x4cheesecake gives some really good points on how to install mods correctly. If you are still having issues after reading that, feel free to ask.
  17. But how is mission control supposed to fly the craft if it can't send or receive data from it? The built in antennas are often just strong enough to maybe get you to orbit. Not much more.
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