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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. We do have more options for our interface, or else all we could do is yell and hope you guys listen :). We can see threads/posts that get reported (so if you have an issue with a thread, use the report button instead of trying to handle stuff yourself), and we have options for managing threads, like moving or merging them.
  2. Folks, Some posts have been removed from the thread. You are free to agree or disagree with the OP's suggestion, but please do so in a non derogatory manner. Thanks.
  3. Wait for it to hang again and then post your output.log into something like dropbox, and share the link. Hard to diagnose the problem without some context. Are the games identical on both machines?
  4. I used to work a lot in production of products that used a lot of Iridium and Ruthenium. A good portion of today's technology, from chemical production to electronics, comes from processes that use these elements. Last I checked, we only mine a couple tons of new material of these elements every year, and then it's just a by product of other mining operations. Mainly because these elements are only found in high enough concentrations to mine in the layer dust layers laid down from major asteroid impacts. Even being able to get a single ton of these elements from an orbiting asteroid would have a great affect on the markets for them.
  5. Mod. @BahamutoD has not been around for some time, and others have recompiled the mod in their absence. There may even be a newer mod thread for this somewhere. Others will chime in if so. But look up above your post, and find the listing for the recompile, and try that one.
  6. On this page, there is a link to a recompiled version for a later version of KSP. Try that one.
  7. I... just..... want..... 50%.... thrust.... limiter..... GAH!
  8. Welcome to the forums AST! This is a really cool idea! Note though, we'll need you to select a license for the mod. So please choose one, and edit your post. Thanks. Few suggestions: 1) With the upcoming altitude indicator revamp, maybe adding that in the dead space to the top left would be cool. This would help with flying planes. 2) Adding the various indicators on the navball, like prograde, etc. 3) Being able to swap modes, into a docking mode, but not like the goofy stock one that exists. So you hit a button, and instead of emulating WASD, it would emulate IJKL. 4) Being able to select the various SAS modes from within the App.
  9. To make the assumption that it is coming to PC at all is reading a bit too far into the tea leaves. All we know right now is the statement "Not currently available on PC". While some could read that it is coming to PC, I would think it's more of a selling point for the console version. To make any assumptions otherwise is jumping the gun.
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