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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. GRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr............ @Akievans
  2. How long have you waited? KSP is known for insanely long load times in certain situations. There will be logs generated, those can be found here: Please, if you do find the logs, host them on a 3rd party site and link to them here. Thanks.
  3. You might also want to look at what HebaruSan linked.
  4. Did you try reading/asking in the CKAN thread? Other Mac users might have experienced the same issues, and the CKAN devs hang out there more than in other sections, you'll get a quicker response that way.
  5. If you could, possibly host each file separately, instead of in a zip, that way people don't have to download a random file onto their computer, thanks.
  6. But there is also a reason most of this knowledge has been lost. For the vast majority of it, there is no longer a need for it. Unless you are trying to do a historical recreation, there's no good reason to keep these techniques around. They have been supplanted by superior techs that are more effective and efficient. The other main reason is storage. Before the digital age, if you wanted to archive something, you had to make a deliberate act of doing so. Today, usually just the act of creating something also means you have a copy in digital storage that should (theoretically) last forever. So when we have an earlier draft of something, or a process that gets repleaced by a better one, we still have the records of it. Then, if a process was deemed obsolete, there was no good reason to keep it around, so they just, re-allocated the resources needed to preserve it. It's only when you get a forward thinking person or people, do you get archival data or items (like how some aircraft models are almost non-existent because no specimens were ever preserved).
  7. I don't know, but I have lost count the number of times I have started a build, only to quickly realize, I grabbed the wrong dang probe core, cause they look identical and I have no idea how big this one is.....
  8. Welcome to the forums. There has been an update announced, but Squad is always very tight about release dates. If it will fix this bug or not, we will not know until the the update is released.
  9. Quite possibly, but, upon reflection, I believe I saw this in a Manley video. I think he makes a quicksave, and leaving the game open, he edits the lat and lon (and probably altitude) of the vessel in the quick save, then reloads it. It will then place the vehicle on the ground on the caps. I know I've done it with a stock solution, but it's been a while
  10. Or, given the fact we just want a flat 'lake bed' to run on, Alt-f12'ing the car up there is a completely acceptable method for doing so, even if you are RP'ing.
  11. As this is about a mod, moved to the Add-on Discussion.
  12. As is not about KSP itself, but more about the forums, I'm going to move this to the Network.
  13. There's a reason the Iliad and the Odyssey are separate works....
  14. Welcome to the forums! It usually considered bad form to demand updates from mod makers. The mod makers work on the mods in their own free time. They are under no obligation to update, release, or abandon their work for anybody or any reason.
  15. Welcome to the forums! It usually considered bad form to demand updates from mod makers. The mod makers work on the mods in their own free time. They are under no obligation to update, release, or abandon their work for anybody or any reason.
  16. Gargamel


    2857 Apparently this one's kind of famous (?) and still preserved and in use today.
  17. Should be pretty simple. Get a fuel tank, add engine. Slap a cockpit on the front, add some wheels, throw in a dash of downforce, and FFFWWWOOOOOOM Rocket car.
  18. Oh trust me, none of us were dumb enough to try and load the thing, we just enjoyed looking at the pretty pictures you melted your computer to achieve. Without a nomination from you guys, we can't pick it....... So if there's a thread that really strikes a chord with you, then click that "report" button, and we can take a look at it.
  19. I work with a girl named Mercedes. Her last name is pronounced (but not spelled) like Bins. We state she wasn't given a birth certificate at birth, but a title.
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