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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Errr...... I think you might have a slight rounding error there. 1 mile = 1.6 km. Unless you are a implying that Kerbals do not understand the concept of a mile, so first the mile must be converted to a kilometer and then then multiplied by the Earth to Kerbin size ratio..... And let's try to focus on the topic at hand, not the measurement used. Edit: Says the guy who just helped continue the derailment.....
  2. Gargamel


    That is a picture of Optimus Prime. I didn't get it at first either, but upon review, I realized what he was doing. 2833
  3. You do know I hate this thread right? @Smaug
  4. Not sure what exact thing I was thinking of, but they all seem right to me. I know this exists IRL.
  5. Well.... the easiest solution would be to uninstall the mod. :shrug: Other than that, check this for some tips. We'll need some logs, some mods list, and a description of what you were doing when you crashed.
  6. A whole new (game) engine, with the full road map of how KSP2 will be built, with most features and such planned out long in advance. I would say the vast majority of bugs and shenanigans that happen today are from loopholes and work arounds that devs had to build into the game to get it to work as it far outgrew what it was initially intended to be. Squad is a marketing studio, not a game studio, and they have done a wonderful job with KSP, but there were some learning curves. KSP2 would be a fresh start with a solid game plan this time.
  7. Some pics of your craft would help. But there are a couple common reasons for not being able to take off. If your Center of Lift is too far behind your Center of Mass, your plane will want to fly perfectly straight, but will be harder to maneuver. So moving your CoL right behind the CoM, will enable your control surfaces to control the vessel better. There is a happy medium for this arrangement, and each craft is different. Also be aware, as your fuel burns, your CoM will shift, and if it moves too far, your craft might become too stable, or completely unstable. So in the SPH, you can drain the tanks like it would in flight, and observe the changes in CoM. Now while this has some affect on taking off, the second reason is far more impacting. Your rear landing gear have to act as a fulcrum while on the ground. The amount of force that your control surfaces can create is limited at slower speeds, which is what you usually encounter during take off. So, if your rear gear is located far behind the CoM, then your have to exert a large amount of force to lift the nose up. When this happens, it will just look like the plane is struggling to nose up, and you usually end up running of the end, when the tail can drop and you can gain altitude. The KSP runway is actually good for this, as the ground drops away fairly quickly. If you move the landing gear farther forward, so they sit just behind the CoM, it will take far less effort to raise your nose. But now, you have to be aware that your tail will drop as you pull back, so you have to be gentle on the pull back, until the plane can lift itself up and clear the ground. If you look at most modern airliners, you'll notice the main landing gear are positioned with a large portion of the plane behind them. And moved to Gameplay Q's.
  8. While not a system that really went into production, sidewinders were tested on Apaches. Most UH-64's that do use AA Missiles, instead use Stingers. But it's not unbelievable for an Apache to be carrying an AIM-9, especially since this a movie and the sidewinder is far more recognizable than a stinger. But the rest of your statement about them is spot on. AA missiles are not designed to be penetrators nor really damage heavily armored targets, they usually explode in proximity to a target, and let shrapnel tear into various fragile air frame components. Hitting godzilla with an AA missile would be akin to shooting it with bird shot, more likely to just anger it more. (And continuing to read your post, you say pretty much that) Even an SSN would be too big for river work, and I would posit even most diesel-electrics (et al) would also be too big. Not enough room to maneuver and hide, so they wouldn't even be going in there to start with. A specially designed littoral submarine might be doable, but then I would doubt it would have the punch to be effective.
  9. Try flipping the order of the engines. Ie, shroud the bottom engine and not the top one and compare numbers again. IIRC, and I don't know the maths here very well, the order of the occluding parts affects drag numbers, but in that I could be wrong.
  10. You're right, that doesn't even make sense. If they had the thrust to reach an orbit that only intersected mars orbit once every 100 years, then they clearly had the ability to get there sooner. Even if they create some odd Earth/Mars resonant orbit that finally gets an encounter with Mars 100 years later, then it was just a matter of timing. If they had waited some months for the next proper window.....
  11. They key is to let that sneeze roar. Let it out, let it run. Let the people in the next town know that you, Geonovast, have sneezed. That's what I do, but I've been known to scare small children and animals when I sneeze. Sounds more like battle cry than a sneeze.
  12. Yeah, me too. A couple guys in one dorm room acted as mission control, only seeing the map view, and via some sort of VoIP or radio, or a phone even, gave commands to a rookie pilot in another room, guiding him through a mission.
  13. Gargamel


    Well considering that doesn't even begin to be part of the game, I think you'll be disqualified. Upon further review from the East German Judge, you have been allowed to re-enter the game, but only with a valid entry, Well played sir. 2801
  14. Welcome to the forums! We ask that you not use bold or glaring fonts, sometimes they don't load properly or are difficult to read on some platforms. Thanks
  15. I see it. Nice catch. There is precedent for this in our solar system though, but on a much smaller scale (Anybody know which moon I'm talking about? I don't). But I would work under the assumption that such an impact would go straight across, not to the side. If it was straight through, it would be under the ocean, just north of that 'large' pennisula. But if it hit at an oblique angle, it might have punched through to there. And I guess research has shown that most impact craters, in most angles of impact, still form circular craters. So nice catch.
  16. Wrong. And what did I say about special formatting not loading properly on some platforms?! @adsii1970
  17. HI @nibelung165 Welcome to the forums! Once you have made 5 quality posts that have been approved, you are then allowed to edit your profile. So take some time, get acquainted with the forum, view some threads, make some good posts, and once you are settled in, you can customize your profile as you desire.
  18. Yup, I'm going to cannibalize that. Props to @tater for beating me to the punch with the idea, and shame on me for not knowing about it.
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