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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. When removing your mods, you may have missed something. Go back and check. If it's completely clean, we'll need the output log file, which can be found here:
  2. At the top of each list, there are various options to sort by. Play with those some, see if that fits your needs. If not, I am unsure if there is a mechanism to manually order the list, others with more knowledge will chime in shorty. And Moved to Gameplay Questions.
  3. Hey guys, A couple posts have been removed or edited. Please , let's keep politics off the forums. Thanks!
  4. They don't lock into place, but after you adjust the first set, any further clones will be placed on the same stage as the first. Since clamps are usually the very last thing you add to your craft, this makes placing the first set, adjusting them as needed, and then cloning them, very simple. if you then remove a couple boosters, or rework a stage, there is a chance they might shift around, but most likely the entire stage will have shifted around with them. So you'll find an entire stage of stuff in the wrong spot. Trying to design the game so it anticipates the builder's intent is a lost cause. Just look at the weirdness all the players come up with. There's no planning for lunacy.
  5. Well, I can say those are camera shots I've never seen before. Nice. That spheroidal tank looks like a good place to land a ship (Hint Hint Challenge Makers!).
  6. No.... just no. Don't care what is about. Just don't care. You can't steal the name of a great movie....
  7. You're right, you didn't. My apologies, I thought I had read that in the OP. But the behavior has been like that since the clamps were first introduced. Not only is the behavior completely usable and easy to follow, but changing it now would confuse so many people that have been playing the game for so long, it's not worth changing it, it would just confuse way more people than it would help. Now, yes, when I'm building complicated asparagus style launchers, I can end up with launch clamps all over the place in the staging; But there is a very easy fix for this. When you place your first pair or set of clamps, adjust the staging as necessary. Then Alt-click that set of clamps, and place the next set to wherever you want. The staging preferences carry over to the new set of clamps. Keep doing this, and you only have to make one tiny change at the beginning, instead of a whole bunch at the end. This technique is also really useful on setting up sepatrons for getting boosters clear of the vehicle. Just make one set, and alt-click the rest, and all your staging problems are magically fixed. The bottom line is, no matter which behavior the clamps follow, somebody is not going to like it. Changing it now will just add confusion.
  8. I actually don't remember... I'm thinking it was improvised. I remember going to the beach and slipping on some ice during a lunch break. I was so mad the whole time.
  9. Not so long after Katrina rolled though the Gulf Coast, I went down to Biloxi in January to help rebuild some homes. I left from Columbus, OH, in the middle of a blizzard, fully expecting to enjoy the warm southern climes that the Gulf has to offer. Boy was I mad when I had to spend my first few moments scraping ice off my rental car.
  10. It's not a bug. At all. If you are building a rocket with different staged engines, the editor might get it wrong with which engine is the "first" engine. I've had designs where the Main engine didn't kick on till after the boosters were partially through their burn. It would cause issues for those designing things that don't actually have engines, they just need the clamps for support. Keeping the clamps as an individual stage that might need re-assigned is the simplest and least error prone way to design it. It's far better to quickly adjust something manually, than have to figure out where the editor automatically stuck something. Why would mistaged launch clamps cause you to edit the save file? In the parlance of our community "Check yo' stagin'!".
  11. OP has been edited to reduce the gargantuan text. Please don't get too carried away with font sizes.
  12. Moved to Add-on Discussions, as this is a discussion about add-ons.
  13. Fair nuff, I wonder if anybody will go back and read all that? @Benjamin Kerman? You going to take this over?
  14. You mean.... over stepping our newly given mods powers and just locking this @adsii1970?
  15. Hopefully before the forum runs out of blank pages @adsii1970
  16. Oh, so you're sticking with the same old Ctrl-V I see @adsii1970
  17. Wonder if anybody will notice this chain @adsii1970
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