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Everything posted by Phoxtane

  1. Lately, the Minecraft forums has become a dump. (More than usual, that is...) I\'ve reported at least seven different topics today, all involving posting in the wrong section. One person even posted his server topic twice (in the wrong section) because the first one received no comments. Oddly enough, nobody sees the giant 'DON\'T POST SERVER TOPICS HERE' stickied at the top of the page. Half of the topics are 'H0W D0 1 M1N3 4 F1SH??!!?' or something like that. At least, the amount of hoax threads has dropped dramatically. /endrant
  2. Downloaded. This promises to be a fun read.
  3. Try and guess who is who. Made with the Rage Comic Builder.
  4. You\'re just scared of \'em. [Aside:] He was bitten by one when he was a kid.
  5. A little something I whipped up in the Rage Comic Builder.
  6. I decree that hydrofoils count. Happy now?
  7. By the way people, if that graph back there does go vertical, that would be an infinite number of downloads in a certain amount of time. Hooray for math!
  8. I use the side mounted parachutes from the DERP CO. Pack to slow my plane down before it lands. The placement of said chutes can be tricky, as too many will drop you straight down and not enough will have you end up dangling by the tail.
  9. Shouldn\'t it be 'Mostly Harmless'? But I digress...
  10. Well played. Welcome to the forums! If you have a question, just ask! People are always willing to help out.
  11. I remember Dave! He\'s stopped playing though. Something about his other eye, if I heard correctly.
  12. I was using the extra high density fuel tanks beneath the two auxilaries. There\'s no fuel in those wings either.
  13. Well, I guess I\'ll have to make a rocket boat, seeing as I\'ve optimized the heck out of my Orbital Jumper.
  14. I\'ve started using DERP CO. Pack parachutes myself. They really help with the landings.
  15. In that case, is it possible to get back on land and then take off? You\'d be the first to have invented an amphibious spaceplane. Extra points if you can make it into orbit from there. I\'ll even update the OP.
  16. I would assume that there\'s about three Kerbals with slide rules and a ham radio set in the shed for mission control.
  17. Well, seeing as the back engines were wobbling quite a bit in orbit, I may just remove them in the next iteration. And I just realized I forgot the .craft! Added.
  18. Very nice! Can you attempt a water takeoff?
  19. Phoxtane


    I honestly have no idea as to what you are talking about. This game is gooood maaaaaaaaan...
  20. Found it for ya. Skip to 3:09 if you just want the calculator that attempts dividing by zero. It should take about 1200 years for it to fill up with 9\'s and crash.
  21. It\'s because the ASAS is correcting even the slightest deviation from its set heading. You could try turning off the RCS until you\'re exo-atmospheric.
  22. This is the 11.1 compatible version of my Orbital Jumper, found here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=2820.0 [Works in 10.1, but I do not know about 11.1] Requires latest version of C7\'s Flight Pack, not including Hardpoints. It can make orbit with ~2/3 of its fuel left, leaving you with enough delta-vee to circularize and de-orbit. It has no RCS, but future versions may. Climbing with your velocity indicator at 45 degrees with 150 m/s speed should put you into orbit easily. You can also cruise at a minimun speed of 85 m/s with your velocity reticule on the horizon, but I\'ve gotten it down to 76 m/s. The only problems I have had with this craft is its tendency to go into uncontrollable end-over-end flips if you pull up or drop the nose too fast. I have also never sucessfully landed it, though that might be due to my poor piloting skills. Improvements over 10.1 version: -Much more fuel into orbit. -Fairly low cruising speed. Improvements to this line of spaceplanes: -Rocket assisted takeoff could improve fuel economy by a small amount. -Drogue chutes could allow for landings. -RCS for orbital maneuvers.
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