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Everything posted by vger

  1. Why would that be pointless? Maybe you're just thinking in terms of exploration as simply being, "Let's see what's at the other rim of this crater... oh look, more rock." Exploration is building rockets, hurtling ourselves through space, taking readings and samples, etc. What's really missing to make the whole thing complete though is an element of planning, strategy, and problem solving that takes place AFTER you've reached your destination. Something that you can't just rinse and repeat for every body you visit (beyond, can I land here with chutes or do I need rockets?). Saying KSP is about exploration is no different from saying Sim City is about being a Mayor. Building your layout is only the first step. Lots of other factors quickly come into play, and it's those kinds of factors that KSP is currently missing. Time will tell how many of those factors are being considered.
  2. Keep in mind augmented and/or virtual reality games will continue to develop while we're looking for ways to make long-term space travel more practical. It won't be any holo-deck, but it will allow for forms of exercise-inclusive entertainment in cramped quarters that would otherwise be impossible, not to mention relaxation. Imagine being on day 100 of your mission, and then a second later, being able to lounge on a beach and listen to the surf?
  3. Does it involve the double-slit experiment? Seems the magician can decide when he wants us to see something or not.
  4. Good point. Any space-going critter needs to be able to breathe fire, so it can get from point A to B. The turtle has some merit though. I've heard some say that our planet is riding on the back of one. Maybe it laid that egg before it picked our current orbit?
  5. We don't have access to the chicken, just the egg. The chicken went off to Andromeda looking for a new mate.
  6. Oh dear, that one country, had Corbomite installed in its buildings. I knew about that site but the imagery threw me. Does it actually incorporate current science? It looked like it might be entirely based on speculative sci-fi from the 70's or earlier.
  7. Or... make the rocket vent 'glowing green' gas. This is a Kerbal engine after all.
  8. Maybe OP is just planning to write a movie about a rebellion on an extra-universal scale. What really gave me pause was after I had started dabbling in game development and then looked back at the periodic table. Granted, this is very over-simplified, but the idea that you could make an atom behave differently just by changing its atomic number from 1 to 2, feels analogous to how one tells a game what a certain sprite should do. Such behaviors are typically arranged into a database, with a different numeric value corresponding to each behavior. And... just in case anyone forgot about this...
  9. And the uncertainty principle fits in quite nicely with the 'simulation' concept. Clearly, to be efficient, if a tree fell in the forest and nobody was there to hear it, it certainly wouldn't make a sound. And Schrodinger's Cat technically wouldn't be dead until the box was opened. It wouldn't exist at all actually until then. After all, why bother to render an object when nobody can see it? (this is assuming of course, that the cat is an NPC)
  10. My Father told me he'd had this thought back when he was a kid. It's really not far off from the Matrix concept, just that it's there for a different purpose. My version of it comes with a dose of morbid humor. The scientists in the lab are all taking bets on how long it takes us to destroy ourselves.
  11. Risk, perhaps, but how much radiation do you think it could possibly release? We probably irradiated our planet more with a single nuke than you could with launching a hundred theoretical LV-N rockets. Though if you take physical size of Kerbin seriously, it starts to look a bit scary. But yeah, who would want to use an LV-N in the atmosphere anyway? To do so is just a waste of fuel.
  12. Unfortunately it doesn't necessarily solve some of the problems that would arise from a multiplayer KSP. For instance, it sounds like it requires you to add an extra dimension to your calculations if you want to plan a rendezvous. Can't even imagine the chaos if, for instance, the "Gentlemen's Naval Battle" club actually tried to play that way. The idea of trying to add multiplayer to any game that allows for time dilation makes my brain want to reach for the Tylenol even before the headache starts.
  13. Looks like a cool concept, but feels very simple. The combat system seems like Scorched Earth (or Worms) more or less, but with extra gravity influences to think about. Can't really tell too much about it from the trailer, and it feels very disappointing that there doesn't seem to be any fleet options. Even if not for having space battles, at least for staging an invasion. Though it'd be pretty sucky to be in a space ship when one of those lasers goes off. Not really sure about the laser either. It seems hard to imagine such a thing working. Definitely not BEFORE space travel has become easy enough for war to be practical. Still, at that price I might give it a go. We could set up a little gaming club just for Kerbs if enough are interested.
  14. What part in the base game would produce that much light? If it IS real, my first guess would be that asteroids can be a food other than potatoes.
  15. This should be in the game by default, really - a little private forum for each alliance. Do you think there's any chance we could entice the mods here to create a subforum and appoint someone here moderator who can invite individual users? A little list of the forum names would be helpful too, so everyone has an easy cheat sheet of who is who here and on the game.
  16. I can't wrap my mind around how they're going to get time warp to work with multiplayer.
  17. Dang, and to think all of this time these weird moments in sci-fi where folks have actually had to temporarily space themselves for some reason... are actually possible.
  18. This is the part that will make or break the game. Pretty sure I read that warfare is relatively new, which means that it is also probably HORRIDLY imbalanced to the point that there are no disadvantages to warring vs. trading. And now unless there is some kind of level cap in place on who you can and can't attack, the game could quickly degrade into nothing more than supernations wiping out farm towns before they've even had a week to mature.
  19. Another thing that 'might' be interesting, at least for me, though I could quickly see a lot of players getting annoyed with it, is the "Oh, crap, something broke" scenario that had nothing to do with skimming a lander across the surface of the Mun. I'm talking about he unpredictable Apollo 13 types of problems, things that can only be solved with a great deal of ingenuity and a level head. Having Kerbals who are skilled in a certain locale might be interesting though. For instance, someone who has already visited the Mun, can get a bonus when extracting science from there on concurrent missions, or can operate the craft efficiently enough to save on fuel. Something like that. And sending noobs up with an experienced Kerbonaut will help them learn faster. Yeah, it's drifting into RPG territory with that, but a lot of us are role playing our space programs already, just to make things more interesting.
  20. Given how early in development the game still is, I don't think it's fair to say the game is about rockets. It's about exploration. Rockets are a huge part of that, but there are a lot more gameplay elements, some that haven't been implemented in the slightest. EVA's have almost no purpose right now. All you have to do is step off a ladder, grab a sample, hop back in and go home. Takes 2 more seconds than an unmanned landing, and a little extra dV. You really think it's going to stay that way?
  21. Feels like this is the 10th time I've heard Corn Shuckers mentioned now. Either someone did something we're unaware of that ticked them off, or those folks are probably warmongers.
  22. Someone's been inspired by basic consumer fireworks. Umm, where's the fuel?
  23. Who says the resource has to be fuel? What if it's just needed for more advanced parts and you need to haul it back to Kerbin?
  24. Trouble is, it would make more sense if you had to pick certain traits for certain tasks. But I can't see how cowardice or stupidity could be used advantageously.
  25. Everything the U.S. does these days has some kind of financial incentive for someone though. If someone can get away with spending a billion tax dollars in a futile war, he doesn't care as long as some construction company he owns major shares in, get a contact to help rebuild the city (and don't even get me started on Bush oil). This is the only reason impractical wars are still happening. Applying that same 'business model' to space would be pretty difficult.
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