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Everything posted by vger

  1. Ah, one of the horrid disadvantages of living on the East Coast of the U.S. If I ever tried this, I'd have to take a boat into the Atlantic to retrieve the payload.
  2. Nations in the warring alliances, or just ANY nation?
  3. Much to the dismay of my minions, (who were hoping for some medical relief) plans for a new hospital have shifted over to iron with the intention of starting steel production for the war effort.
  4. I can't comment on the video, I have no idea what's going on.
  5. Someone who desperately wanted to feel like the game had interstellar travel?
  6. You might be able to use sepratron boosters to ram a lander back into the Mun. I've used it to propel unneeded elements away from the ship as it detached. Only problem is I don't know if you could get them to fire in conjunction with undocking, the same way you could with a stage decoupler. With action groups I think it's possible, but you'd have to remember to click the part to undock the lander until later on when you're ready to try your "smash burn."
  7. Maybe so, though I don't think a career mode needs to have 'win' or endgame parameters to be considered a true game instead of a tutorial. Sim City had no real end-game, was completely sandbox, but still had a complex development tree. And some of that high-end tech was VERY hard to get.
  8. Why would the game need concern itself with anything once you were outside Eeloo's influence? Unless we end up with a Kuipur belt (even then, the effects are negligible unless you have a direct hit, which is VERY unlikely)) I don't know if KSP currently does this, but it would be very efficient if while doing its calculations, it completely ignores bodies that have absolutely NO chance at influencing your craft/s.
  9. As such a young country, I have no forces to speak of. But I'll put a stop to my daily trading and stockpile as much food as I can in case you need it.
  10. That might work for Minmus, but in many cases, it doesn't. Drives me crazy when something looks good from 1k up and then ends up being a 40-degree slope when I'm 100m from it.
  11. I like the idea of procedurally-generated decals that dot a surface. This way no matter what object it is that hits, it would leave a scoring mark in the shape of itself at whatever angle it hits at. This would include Kerbal-shaped impacts. That would be highly amusing to see. "Oh, look, here's where Bob left a permanent impression on the Mun."
  12. Uhh, no it isn't. If they wanted to give us a tutorial, they could do that. And they certainly wouldn't be adding contracts and reputation if it was all just there to prepare us for sandbox mode.
  13. Anything other than the dust poof might be a risk to the game's overall rating. Even a 'green splat' is far more gruesome than a dust puff. They'd probably need to add a toggle to the menu to enable/disable gore. If they gave it a more looney tunes approach though, it would be more in line with the humor of the game. Kerbals should make 'Wile E. Coyote' craters when they crash into something at high speed.
  14. You think building multiple light-speed ships is simpler than shielding one? And... I don't think many astronauts would be particularly comfortable with the 'redundancy' plan.
  15. Unless there's something REALLY unique about this, webcams do NOT have exposure settings. Certainly nothing sensitive enough to make astro-photography very practical. Most webcams increase/decrease brightness after the image has been captured, and pass it off as 'exposure.' Really what is happening is no different than if you were to increase the brightness of an image in photoshop. This won't help if the camera isn't able to capture enough light to recognize the star in the first place.
  16. Sentient Encleadian Lifeform: We're going to go fire some warning shots at the neighbors, they're playing their radio too loud again in the middle of the night.
  17. I'm waiting for someone to chain asteroids together and make an orbiting model of a caffeine molecule.
  18. I'll still take a crack at Mars. Even if all I can do is get a photo of a tiny disc, instead of a pin-dot.
  19. Makes me think of when I heard people refer to the shuttle as the "Flying Brick." Now we have the Flying Rock.
  20. 1. Do you use your cell phone daily? NO 2. How many times do you check your cell phone each day? 0 3. What kind of cell phone do you own? Other 4. Generally speaking, what time of the day do you most often use your cell phone? Afternoon/evening 5. Choose an answer: “I require my cell phone for everyday use.†Disagree FUN FACT: My school's internet filter doesn't block the KSP forums...I am extremely paranoid right now. If you get in trouble, or if they ever block it, you oughta raise a ruckus, claiming it as educational. It IS afterall. Just mention KerbalEdu.
  21. Adulthood's borders still got officially defined with legal drinking/voting/consent ages though. It does beg the question if, in some far off future, where humans are living on one or more worlds, would space have to be defined differently for each one, since different atmospheric densities and gravitational masses would be a factor?
  22. On the international scale, there's a heck of a lot of paranoia. In the case of ruffled feathers as a result of a nuclear device being launched from U.S. soil, I'm mainly thinking of Russia, NK, and Iran. The Outer Space Treaty hadn't even been signed yet when SNAP was launched. Yeah, after over a week of talking about 'drilling' options, that had crossed my mind. These fissures have got to be pretty big and I doubt they would immediately close once the plume stopped. The lander would just have to stay in orbit for a while and wait for the right opportunity to present itself.
  23. Why would you expect to? It's the KSP equivalent of the Infinite Probability Drive.
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