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Everything posted by vger

  1. unique-mysteries-from-each-world-to-make-science-more-interactive?
  2. The moon also complicates any possibility of using atmosphere as a basis for defining space. The moon doesn't have an atmosphere, so technically you're in space, even when you're on the moon.
  3. Yeah, if only we could do it without causing a global panic in the process, as the propaganda wheels start spinning, turning a scientific expedition into a secret plan to nuke a country and get away with it.
  4. I had a pretty detailed post about things that could be done to make science (and EVA's) much more interesting, and give different worlds their own unique challenges (besides just getting there and back). Something more in line with the kinds of things NASA wants to do. (For example, a probe on Europa would be doing COMPLETELY different things than one on Mars) I think I got ONE reply.
  5. Couldn't a meteor break apart, altering its drag in the process, right before it burns up?
  6. I don't know much about the game yet, but my gut tells me that to call it a minecraft clone is a great disservice. Granted, the 'block-building' genre is very quickly getting oversaturated, but for some reason, I'm getting more of a "Second Life - Evolved" vibe off of this, rather than Minecraft. I won't ever go near it, since with no moderation it turned quickly into a troll ghetto, but I was still always fascinated by the idea. Had there been more rules in place to make it function like a game instead of a glorified chat room, I might have given it a shot. This seems like it actually stands a chance at being what I WISH Second Life was. As an old SWG player, I'm also somewhat intrigued by the crafting and skill system. And if you can actually add your own textures like the 'art' section implied, wow. I also don't know for sure if some of the low-quality graphics are permanent. Clearly, the rocket scene at the end demonstrates that the game is more than capable of gorgeous particle systems, so I don't understand why the candle flames are being shown as 8-bit animations. Maybe it's just not polished enough and they threw textures into it as fast as they could, just enough to get the video done. Some scenes look beautifully detailed, while others look like Minecraft 1.0. I found the contrast between them to be very distracting.
  7. The moon and the sun, both taken in Summer 2012.
  8. Aye, Discworld is more or less to religion, what Hitchhiker's Guide is to science.
  9. vger


    Gotta admit though, a "bar fight" on the ISS would be pretty funny. A little aside, I could swear there's a short story about people living on a space station, who watch the Earth slowly light up while a nuclear war erupts. Wish I knew what it was now.
  10. I think it most cases, the need for 64bit isn't about the processor, it's about the RAM.
  11. Yeah, I tried adding extra ladders to the horizontal portion to prevent 'falling' off the lander. It doesn't seem to work as well as it probably should. There's a lot of things about ladders that seem hit-or-miss, and need a bit of extra love.
  12. Is there an official astrophotograpy thread on the KSP forums? If there isn't, it needs one. And my telescope is a Celestron NexStar 90SLT. Not high-powered at all, but it's my first modern telescope. Being able to seamlessly hook up my CANON to it is a joy. I hope to take it out during the upcoming lunar eclipse.
  13. H.G. Wells's "The Time Machine" Just read it for the first time since elementary school. Scary how much of it is still relevant. Though if you read it, you WILL feel like you're being taken through sci-fi Time Travel 101. But that's because "4th Dimensional Travel" was his idea in the first place, and part of his reason for writing the book was so he could explain his theory to people who couldn't wrap their minds around it. Of course to any modern sci-fi fan, the concept is child's play.
  14. I don't see any reason why science gathering shouldn't be allowed in Sandbox mode, even if it isn't needed to advance in the tech tree.
  15. That worked for me until the most recent update. All my memory is getting used up again, and I'm right back to frequent crashes.
  16. Heh, yeah, just found the video version of that. That's.. yeah, wow. Like trying to fly a plane through 'invisible' canyons.
  17. Heh, just learned about that now that NASA is about to let a probe crash into the moon. I'd love to see a 'map' of the moon's gravitational field.
  18. You can get pretty far from Earth and still find atmospheric particles, but their influence on a craft is negligible. IMO, Space is where you are high enough that atmospheric drag won't ruin your orbit.
  19. It already happened. It's what caused the Kraken to come into being.
  20. They probably also turn that color if they get space-sick. Stealing a little bit of real history, my money is on "Greenskins." But they also resemble stereotypical Martians, we'd probably end up calling them that. Heck, pretty sure in the U.K. the term Martian is more or less synonymous with "space alien," regardless of what its home planet is.
  21. I'm pretty sure in the Kerbol system, the answer is "divide by zero."
  22. Maybe this is all being looked at in a much too complicated fashion. It was said that the dark bands of the moon are leftover from fissures that have previously erupted. If that's true, then isn't it possible that after an 'eruption' an open crevasse is left behind? It might be possible to drop a probe down one before it has a chance to close up.
  23. vger


    So, when is the book coming out?
  24. I didn't even think they spawned if you didn't track them.
  25. The first one I find that is on an impact trajectory, I think I shall name Congress.
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