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Everything posted by DisarmingBaton5

  1. Frafor, a closeup of that turn near the VAB? (turn 10 it looks like) You may have cut it.
  2. NeoX GP: On the line (standing start) Finish (screenshot taken late, actual time 1:56) Path taken 2 second penalty for going off Final time 1:58 I may redo this lap, I had 18 units of monoprop still in the tank.
  3. To embed your album, type (imgur)the link to your album(imgur) and replace () with []
  4. Xeldrak, when exactly does voting end? I'd like to get in as much testing as possible to refine my vote.
  5. My lap will be up soon as well, I have been a bit busy with the current BSC.
  6. Ah, that makes sense. I was wondering why so many people were using the wheels.
  7. The final few crafts: Tarmenius - Bullfrog: This is a very nice entry. Balanced, lots of torque, acceptable flight time. Again: Why the wheels? ThePsuedoMonkey - Omega 16: Vertical navball, no horizontal option; this is more lander than VTOL. Also slightly too sluggish for my taste. UpsilonAerospace - Pavo VTOL: A bit heavy and too compact; not sure it is great for this challenge. Otherwise a good VTOL. Rhomphaia - H.A.L.O: This is fun to fly. Almost too twitchy even. I am not sure it entirely fits the parameters of a BSC challenge due to part clipping and cubic octagonal strut clipping, but a fantastic VTOL nonetheless.
  8. Five more craft: MiniMatt - Snack Wagon VTOL: This is a small, fun VTOL to fly, but I am not sure what the science stuff is for. Flight time is not enough to get anywhere except KSC, so what is the point of ScienceTM? PDCWolf - Rocket-Power VTOL 2: I cannot say I like this one; it is too sluggish even with RCS. Ravenchant - PackMule: Nice, the choice of wheels is confusing and abort system does not work while on the ground, but otherwise maneuverable and overall good. SaplingPick - LV-I VTOL: Turtles! Or Frogs! Or something... It flies well, and looks better. I like this one. Spartwo - Tern: I want to like this one. It looks great and has weapons, but it only flies forward and has a tendency to RUD upon landing.
  9. Banned for banning with the term "ban"
  10. Now on to five more SPH crafts: Andrew Hansen - Wernhermobile: This one gets points immediately for making me laugh upon loading it. Good rover, pretty bad VTOL though due to CoM shifting. briansun1 - Rocket VTOL (VV-2V): That's no rocket! Great VTOL, not sure about the wheels, though. Without forward propulsion the wheels seem to get in the way. DisarmingBaton5 - VTOL Ostrich: Obviously the best craft here, and everyone should vote for it. Giggleplex777 - Damselfly: This is amazing. The only thing I don't really like is the lack of action group for the jet; that makes the craft slightly harder to control. Mhoram - Kerbol Flying Object: Nope. My little Macbook curled up in the corner when it saw this; part count way too high. Flight time low, torque almost nonexistent, TWR low, rover wheels pointless. It sure looks great, though.
  11. My review of all VAB crafts, more to come soon: Kausha - Morpheus: A terrible rover, but an ok VTOL. Would be better if it had no rover wheels or a better rover chassis. Psycix - VTOL Training or Learning: Good lander, low part count, seems good for learning. The only thing I would change is that there is no forward-facing docking port, so it flies more like a lander and less like a Harrier or LLTV. Xeldrak - CRPLTV: Similar to above, very good lander, less of a VTOL. I like the abort system. sploden - VTOLPV7.1 Rocket Chair: Very good VTOL here, low part count, overall nice. A bit buggy though, the abort system is unreliable and getting in can be difficult. Majorjim - LLTV "The flying bedstead": Great VTOL, working abort system, would probably be the best one here IMO if not for the part count.
  12. 9/10 I remember you! Majorjim is the guy who built the LLTV and RIB.
  13. -A blind man walks into a store, picks up his dog, and begins to swing it about his head rapidly. The cashier comes running over, alarmed, and asks the man what he is doing. The man replies, "I'm just looking around." -I told a chemistry joke once. There was no reaction. -A parachute is not required for skydiving. A parachute is required for skydiving twice.
  14. A horse walks into a bar. The bartender asks, "Why the long face?" Two drums and a cymbal fall off a roof.
  15. 10/10 Hello, vending machine of Canadia
  16. I'd rather have an F40: Or a 1965 mini:
  17. Looks like the end of the KSC peninsula. You can see the east face of the VAB in the first shot. Anyway, nice rigid inflatable boat boat!
  18. Perhaps a restriction on width of car? I find that a wider, longer car has superior handling to that of a smaller one.
  19. Kyrian, you say we are limited to 15 units of RCS next season. Does that mean 15 units per season, or does that mean 15 units per race per season?
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