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Everything posted by spaceman1999

  1. Can we get an E-class for scale into orbit around Gilly? ya'know... for science?
  2. When you say "space station docking port" and that its included in the pack what does that mean? Is it a part that this mod adds?
  3. To those of you who have played the wonderful game Transendence discuss here. To those who haven't, here is the link: https://transcendence.kronosaur.com/ (please discuss strategy or good ways to gain money, you know for the beginners.) Discuss away!
  4. I thought of a great play on words: ExpreSSTO
  5. I thought that they were going to nerf the tiny rocomax engine.
  6. My KSP install's UI has been having issues ever since I downloaded this addon. There have been deadzones in the editor where i cant click or interact and I cant launch anything directly from the launch pad. I also can't select crews for my vehicles in the VAB or SPH. Has anyone else had this problem or is their a known fix? (I really love this addon and want to keep using it!)
  7. So I'm building a Duna mission and want to test my lander in the kerbin system. Where would you say is a good test spot. My plan currently is to go to the mun then boost into a higher orbit then aero-brake around kerbin back to a 100km parking orbit. So who can answer first?
  8. I may have missed this but why are the arms not attached outwards?
  9. Hey astronomer, did you use mods in that ranger in the imgur album? I'm attempting to recreate it and if it's stock then can you post a craft file?
  10. Its more of Im a bad pilot and like some room for error Over efficiency.
  11. I'd love to see pictures! Im currently working on an interplanetary variant that uses nervas.
  12. Download added! I still need to check those stats...
  13. I dont mind if you copy, just don't claim it as your own idea! Ill also check all of the stats (It glides well) and upload the craft file after school.
  14. So... It has been awhile since I have shared a craft. Here is my most recent craft meant to deliver 4 crew members to a space station in Kerbin Orbit. I estimate that it could get into orbit around the mun but haven't tested it yet. I have noticed that It has a tendency to want to lean on launch so make sure you keep correcting for that. (Please report any issues if you find them) Any questions? Download link: https://www./?pl1u739e2cuytby
  15. I joined the fray AND IT IS FUN AND POSITIVE!!!!!
  16. It fails like a korean ICBM. the next poster is next to it when it explodes
  17. Can I offer an idea about names specifically the peregrine? Peregrines aren't good at lifting they are better at speed. I would recommend the pelican because they are known for carrying more than peregrine Falcons. Not to be judgmental or mean just a suggestion.
  18. 1054: The Tardis in a boat on a rock in a star with a thing!
  19. Does anyone remember any of those notch's Temple and Jebs Temple videos from minecraft? when I was watching the Jeb's temple there was a video by syzygy (scott's old youtube name) and it was called Jebs Dream or Jebs plan did anyone else see that? it was just after they added rcs and scott ran out of it in orbit but had a long ship so he spun it fast enough and let the capsule go and the periaps decreased. anyone else remember that? No? ok...
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