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Everything posted by chickenman297

  1. Love the rover. Very techie looking. Oh and well done on the landing even if you crashed a little bit. My first interplanetary ex. was to Eve. When I finally made it, I was elated, until I discovered the rover wouldn't move from under the craft and then the Kerbinaught got stuck trying to free the rover lol.
  2. Well done SRG. I've never been to Duna myself, but I fully intend to soon.
  3. Mission report 02 Video Feed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCG5CbkGiBc Going from the Mun to Minmus. Lander module docks with the command module and makes its way to Minmus with 2 Kerbinaughts aboard. Which one will be stranded and what will happen to the other one? Over
  4. Dude. Didn't mean to offend. That's why I put the =P at the end
  5. Space... the final frontier... these are the voya *scratched record sound* Sorry about that, just getting my durn record sorted out lol. So this is something I have never actually done before so I'm doing it now. I'm sure there are people out there who have done this though, but if you haven't and would like to try, feel free to do so. I plan to strand at least one Kerbal on each of the bodies in the Kerbol system. I started with the Mun and have designed rockets to go to each of the other bodies (except Moho... need to do more work on that one lol). I'm going to record it and put it all up on the YT. So here are my adventures so far Mission report 01 Video feed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tg_rjT4EGVs Sending Jeb to the Mun. Perhaps one of the easiest missions for seasoned Kerbinaughts, but it is intended for the vehicle to be reused to travel to Minmus (mission report 02) which adds to the complexity. Watch the video feed to see how the three volunteers fair. Over
  6. Oh man. I was like that once. We're all glad that we now have some experience under our belt. A few questions for you (not assuming you don't know the answers, just asking to see if anyone here can help you out). Have you worked out the difference between the ASAS and the SAS? Do you put monopropellant on your ships so the RCS thrusters work? Have you worked out rocket staging now (check out 'asparagus staging' if you haven't already, should help you get to the Mun)? Great vid. Good luck shooting for the Mun.
  7. Hi fellow kerbinauts, That1Guy, Paprika Kerman and myself did a space race challenge today. The challenge was to build a SCUD missile complete with truck and use it to launch a kerbal into orbit. Those who are vaguely familiar with my videos will know the phrase "mistakes were made... and then more mistakes were made" which is what happened this morning (evening, afternoon). T1Gs POV: Chickenmans POV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSyea1Y5hoY Paprika had issues with his recording software and was not able to record his POV, but you do get to briefly see one of his designs in my video. I decided to have another go at it later in the day and came up with a working solution using a JATO rocket. Here is my solution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou8g02MropQ Enjoy and thanks for those who watch
  8. Episode 06 was uploaded a while back. Another complete stuff up by me lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6HcQq0eIWU Thanks to those who are watching
  9. Hey guys. I was thinking about bullets and came up with this experiment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_i7gwROnXjw Enjoy
  10. Cheers Capt. Just uploaded episode 05. Sorry about the length, mistakes were made lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bduCMdDkaF0
  11. Put up episode 4 last night https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Yx5tZ0vyfk
  12. Cheers Paprika. I just sent him a PM, but if you're T1G, feel free to reply here too
  13. Nice tutorial! I haven't got any mods installed on my KSP, may get some later... you know after I am used to the mechanics of orbital and interplanetary flight.
  14. LOL. Hilarious guys. This looks like a fun concept. How do we join in?
  15. Thanks Specialist. Have posted in the Mission Control section.
  16. Hello fellow kerbinauts. I know it's a bit cliché making a let's play, but I'm in the process of doing it right now. Currently there are 3 episodes with more to come. I'll post them here when they are uploaded. I kinda aimed it at people who have not even seen the game before and I kinda suck at the game, so go easy on me Enjoy! Play list http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrwikjg19gmMPTkRbrPopwIJEtrxhiDqK Episode 01 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LAlZk-imjI Episode 02 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxqBWpnMfwk Episode 03 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kI7UuAZz3lE
  17. Hey Peeps. My brother got me addicted to this awesome game so much so that I started a Let's play series of it to compliment my Minecraft let's play lol. OMG... just saw the emoticons
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