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Everything posted by SRV Ron

  1. Not only every part, but duplicated named textures which eat memory like crazy when those textures are large. Eventually, the programmers will address that issue, but for now, you can pull those unused parts folder from the Game Data folder which will free up memory as well as speed up the loading process.
  2. Don't you know, it is made up of green cheese. Actually, those seas could be salt flats from a long ago lost ocean.
  3. Way too much weight for one MK 16. You need an additional pair of parachute to get the landing speed down
  4. Be very careful modifying real money using Photoshop and, or, Paint Shop Pro. Those programs will alert the Secret Service that you have scanned in a real bill into said software if it didn't refuse to load the image in the first place. Suggest you use monopoly money as a template for modeling the Kerbal currency just to be on the safe side.
  5. Stock reusable fuel can launcher. A pair of Mainsails on the last asparagus stage found the sweet spot for flight efficiency. In orbit Returning booster With Mods;
  6. In the old Microsoft train Simulator, which also had a 2.5k visual limit, I modeled the Fourth Rail Bridge in Scotland. Had to build it in seven sections due to poly limits for an object in that sim. As a result, you couldn't see the entire bridge, but enough of it to be convincing. As separate objects, it likely can be done, in theory.
  7. Can this be placed into orbit? No struts allowed, only donuts tanks with no clipping. Maybe, with some tweaking of the design.
  8. Your launch vehicle is very inefficient. Your boosters are barely lifting themselves let along contributing to pushing a payload to orbit. This launched over 100 tons into orbit. Even though mod parts were used, it can be done with a similar amount of stock. Stock without SRBs but only the nuke powered section achieves orbit. With about 12 or 18 of the big stock SRBs, the payload in orbit should be similar.
  9. Regardless to what is charged for Version 1.0, keep the junk parts in the game at low Career Mode prices but have available high tech modern looking ones for much higher Career Mode prices. What will be desired and will probably take place, as the game is polished, will be better graphics for the planets and moons.
  10. They are the product of the Progressive operated Public School System.
  11. It is NOT the Austin Powers villain's rocket. It does not have the bulbous fuel cans at the base.
  12. Huge Jool mission ship. And, it flies without any spin issues. Placing over 100 tons into orbit.
  13. Playing with the laggy unpredictable donuts tank rocket. No braces allowed. Matched with the right engine, flight becomes quite stable where the 100 tank donuts can almost do a SSTO. Just don't accelerate time. The slinky effect will rip it apart.
  14. Note the bracing in this somewhat similar design. The payload stage has 1/2 the nukes and eight probes. Use X bracing on your design. Ditch the fins. One SAS before the payload stage should be sufficient for control. Go with two nukes instead of four. Make the lander a separate unit, preferring a one Kerbal lander. Asparagus the launcher as quad sets. If that doesn't place the core into orbit, you are pushing too much weight.
  15. Check out the bracing pattern in the design without the SRB ring. Note, only the one SAS is needed. Spin is all but eliminated; What little spin that does occur is easily controlled by the q and e key.
  16. Oscar B tanks are terribly inefficient for both their size and excessive weight. try launching one of those boosters by itself and you may find it barely lifts its own weight off the pad. KW Rocketry and Nova Punch has a bunch of those small strap on boosters in both SRB and liquid fueled that can easily fulfill the need for the probe launchers. SRBs Micro asparagus,
  17. Try a payload like this which was sent to Eve, Duna, and Laythe. Note, one SAS module will be more then enough to control this Career Mode launch vehicle.
  18. Modified lunar landers will work provided they don't need to use their descent fuel to break orbit to slow down for landing. You do need a short burst of thrust for final approach to avoid coming down too hard.
  19. The ideal encounter with Mun should be the NASA Figure Eight, a maneuver very difficult to set up. That path allows for a free return to a Kerbal landing should you miss the orbital insertion burn. Otherwise, this encounter works just as well.
  20. As others have said, use mods on a copy of KSP. Add one at a time and test in case of a conflict. When KSP is updated, mods may not work as before. Most modders will post updates to resolve those issues. BTY, if you want to explore a pure astronomy sim, or Planetarium program, give Space Engine, not Space Engineer, a try.
  21. Split the burn time and start at half the time before the node is reached continuing until the burn is complete. For burn times over 2 minutes, usually when using an LV-N on a heavy payload when orbiting Kerbal, ignore the Add Maneuver marker and keep the rocket prograde at all times. If over six minutes, you are better off doing several burns at paragee to reach escape velocity. You will have to watch what is happening to your actual course since what the Add Maneuver Mode shows will become meaningless. For interplanetary maneuvers, when outside the influence of a planet's SOI, do the long burn as normal.
  22. Seems like NASA tried that with a weight on a long metal cable as a means to generate power using the Earth's magnetic field. The experiment failed when the weightless cable tangled up on the reel.
  23. Desirable, local network for friends to cooperate on. Undesirable, MMP style multiplayer.
  24. Rather then just buying the ship, you would be buying the parts needed to make the ships which would prevent spamming early designs with tons of the same parts. However, I could see premade ships being unlocked as the parts needed to build them become available in the tech tree.
  25. A Black Hole, if placed in the Kerbal System, would make it a binary star system which even Space Engine doesn't properly implement since it would be ripping material out of the orbiting star that is as close as this one; You don't actually see a black hole. You only see the lensing effect as light is bent around and mirrored near its event horizon which appears black. Regardless, until the Kerbal universe gets expanded beyond the Kerbal Solar System, don't expect anything like a black hole in the sim. The closest thing to one in the sim now is landing on Jool and falling through its surface.
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