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Posts posted by Sirrobert

  1. Who tells you that you weren't already abducted? Aliens capable of this would have special memory ereasing techniques. You wouldn't even remember it.

    Another possibility, maybe you are still on their ship connected to a VR pod living a simulated life.

    Also a possibility, pink unicorns flying outside.

    Space is not big enough to contain human stupidity.

    I'd really requiest they give me a little more exciting life if they'd hook me up to the Matrix

  2. I believe the root part cannot be massless, i.e. if a massless part becomes the root through decoupling or disassembly then the physics engine honors the root parts nominal mass. I haven't looked at it since the reroot tool was added, things might have changed.

    That would explain the method by which orphaned massless parts regain mass (as was discribed in an earlier post)

  3. I've tried to think about Earth from an outsider's point of view a few times, and I'd have trouble thinking that an advanced civilization would arrive at any other conclusion than, "Remain unseen."

    Most of us here are exceptional. We wouldn't make knee-jerk reactions. But if you look at humanity's history as a whole, and how we typically treat anything as "different" that we are, I wouldn't blame any extraterrestrial race for wanting to remain "anonymous," hiding behind a cloak of myths and delusions. People are prone to go into panic mode at the drop of a hat. There's no denying that. So while the golden goose, "we are not alone" announcement sounds awesome in theory, in practice, it would probably be a political disaster.

    Of course, that's not to say that a government or two might not know that something is going on. This bit of news which showed up on numerous sources, I found to be particularly... odd.


    Yea, the more I think about it the more I'd agree with a standpoint of secret observation. We're bad enough against members of our own species that don't fit with the 'norm'

    I still hold that they'd have better ways of researching us than tagging though

  4. Not saying that the alien abduction thing is real, but you DO realize that this is EXACTLY what animals probably experience when we tag them, right?


    No I had not realized that.

    Though humanity mostly tags animals to study them. There are far easier ways to study humans. Most scientists would jump at the oppertunity to help aliens study us.

    That does only reduce it from 'outright insane' to 'there's an easier way' though. Interesting

  5. I would have thought that if Earth was under attack it'd be a lot more obvious than it seems to be. Abducting people only to return them doesn't seem to be the most efficient way of wiping out the inhabitants of a planet.

    Even if they weren't a naturally warlike species, you'd think they'd have picked up a trick or two watching us humans for any sort of length of time. :/

    Yea, if there's anyone that can teach you how to wipe out humanity, it's humanity

    Based on my research, I believe that they MAY be working on a biological weapon, a super virus that they are immune to but we are not.

    But they already are immune to most/any diseases that would affect us.

    Human viri (is that the plural? virussus?) can't even affect closely related species, let alone species that evolved on a different planet

  6. Those 'alien abductions' are usually a result of people getting sleep paralasys, and not knowing what it is.

    So are we going to asume the flying saucer beams you up and probes you, than puts you back? Or a more realistic version where FTL capable beings actually do sensable things?

    I'd love actual contact with aliens, though I'd rather have them contact actual scientists

  7. Lobsters age, some more primitive organism don't, downside is significantly higher cancer rates, this is not an huge issue as the organism is small and have an short estimated lifespan anyway.

    You can regrow at least smaller limbs like fingers on humans, downside is again insane cancer risk, this is not an huge issue for lots of animals who is unlikely to live next year anyway.

    And yes its an significant interest in solving this issues, both an anti aging pill and an universal cancer vaccine will probably sell well :)

    There will never be a universal cancer medicine/vaccine, or any other kind of treatment, because 'cancer' is not a disease, but an umbrella term of many different diseases. Even 2 people who have the same kind of cancer (colon, prostate, lung, that kinda stuf) each have a different disease, because off the way cancer forms (through mutations). Each individual case has a different combination of mutations, which makes it a unique case that requires specialized care

  8. I am doing science here just on different layer you and few other people in here.

    If cell phones and flying on high altitudes is so safe why there are gathered informations and data for statistics about cancer or any other harmful effects?

    Only reason to spend money and waste scientists time on that kind of scientific experiments is that nobody is 100% sure those things are 100% safe.

    That is why they need to constantly gather data and monitor their lab rats... I mean consumers. You can find plenty of sources backing up this one :)

    It is cheaper to produce and study things (something that is not lethal) after you release it on market and then make experiments and gather data about humans in real environment and environment itself, than simulate real environment in lab and try to find harmful effects.

    Well and I doubt it you can simulate all effects in lab, for example simulate passengers using cell phones on a plane at 10km without taking your hands off the ground ;)

    As for things being harmful, I said about lead in fuel and toys, are you deny that lead is harmul? Or that lead was being used in fuel for common cars?

    If you agree with things I said then please use science to explain to me how lead was added to fuel on global scale, while simple lab experiment should show how harmful it is?

    Does freon is harmful?

    Wiki says:

    Who? Why? How that poison was mass produced and used in almost EVERY house?

    It is not only harmful for humans, but it also was able to destroy ozone layer and we still are harmed by lack of protection against UV.

    Those things should be checked in lab? Why they weren't? Why anyone released it on market?

    Yet another "conspiracy theory" not historical fact?

    We know it's not harmfull BECAUSE of those statistics and research.

    It's not 'o it's not safe/safe let's do some research' it's 'we don't know if this is dangerous, let's research that'.

    It is indeed cheaper to just release your stuf and see what happends. That's what used to happen. Not anymore. The world has changed. You can't base your arguments in science on stuf that happened 50 years ago.

    We are STILL discovering new ways stuf can damage us, or stuf around us. Epigenetics for example studies how things can modify the way our body reads DNA, without actually changing the DNA. This is a relatively new field. 50 years ago people thought that wasn't even possible.

    I have no idea

    Leaded-fuel bans for road vehicles came into effect as follows:

    Canada: 1993

    USA: 1 January 1996

    California: 1992

    EU: 1 January 2000

    - - - Updated - - -

    No you messed this one, that is not science that is mistake.

    He is saying something else listen again and I gave you this because you were looking for harmful effect pre deciding it has to be brain cancer.

    You can't blame science for for fact that goverments are slow to react.

    Where is control group for studies showing that cell phones are safe?


    Statistical annalasis of the entire world has shown no increase in health risks linked to cell phones.

    Or to put it in scientific terms: The point of the research was to show that sperm count would go down in the presence of cell phones. The study only tests that SPECIFIC question. That's how science works, 1 small question at a time.

    So for the study, there needs to be a control group in the exact same cages, given the exact same food, breathing the exact same air, ect ect ect. Just without cell phones.

    There is also no such thing as a study proving that something is safe. You can only prove that there is no health risk.

    And you have to do a study for every single possible health risk. If all plausable ways have been tested, something is deemed safe (if those ways aren't dangerous)

  9. Of course magnetic field won't affect your brain in same way it affects copper wire, because neurons are not made with copper, but that doesn't mean it won't affect your brain at all.

    This here is the SCIENCE forum.

    If you want to convince people here, you do it with science.

    There are plenty of people here that have already used science to explain why cell phones don't produce any kind of radiation that can cause harm, and why it's magnetic field doesn't effect the body.

    All you have done so far is claimed they are not safe, without ANY sources backing you up. If you want to convince people here, provide some research claiming it. Until you do, your claims will be taken as seriously as all other conspiracy theories (as in: not)

  10. Since FASA already has some towers like the ones in Saturn V launch, maybe you can try your hands on more exotic ones like the ones the russian uses, where the whole structure fall away:



    Ooo, fancy.

    As for the OP: What's wrong with the stability enhancers?

    Sure they don't look fancy, but I'd hardly call them pathetic

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