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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. Real Fuels's functionality is disabled if the 64 bit KSP client is detected or other compatibility situation is detected. You should have had a warning about that during KSP startup from Real Fuels.
  2. Sorry, no. HyperEdit does not cause wandering nodes. I rarely ever have HyperEdit installed. Haven't had it installed at all for several KSP updates now. You may think they're gone but they'll come back. It's a stock issue and everyone experiences it at one time or another. Same with MJ
  3. Generally I need to know things like Debug Menu settings. In Flight Mode, click the DR icon and there's an option to enable the debug menu. The first 5 items are the ones that control heating. (if you made no changes to the settings then just the difficulty setting is enough). Apoapsis / Periapsis prior to reentry also helps so that I know what kind of reentry you were doing. Anyway: Try setting multiplier (should be Heat Multiplier but in the menu it's just Multiplier) to 84. And try setting Density Exponent to 0.5 - 0.8 (the lower the number, the higher the altitude that heating begins during reentry) One issue with increasing the heat multiplier is that it increases ascent heating, and right now ascent heating is less of a problem than it was pre-6.5 I'm working on a new beta update but I kind of broke things in the update and haven't been able to set aside some time to figure out what I did wrong so I can push out a new update. (I've been dealing with sick cats, and mine passed away this morning after a month long struggle to heal her. So I'm just not even in a good frame of mind to sit down and debug/code) Also, as far as data gathering, the next update will have some new debugging options for recording heat (total and peak)
  4. Or start uninstalling mods one at a time until you find out which one is doing it. Or if you are going to reinstall KSP then install mods one at a time...
  5. I'd try the beta (6.5.2) It uses a completely different model. Ascent heating is a little kinder. But it is beta and I'm still working out specific settings. I forget what the defaults even are right now, but if you're using RSS then you should try (in the debug menu, which is accessible only in Flight from the toolbar menu) setting the first 5 items to 1. (except that multiplier might need to be increased by as much as 8.33 to counteract stock dissipation values which dissipate heat too quickly) Make sure you have the latest beta. If you DO have that problem using the latest beta then one of your other mods is involved with that problem. My engines don't overheat so quickly. (DO expect some overheating but it's gradual and you'll probably be jettisoning the engine before it gets critical enough to throttle down. Or in the case of space plane, probably be in orbit by then)
  6. They both use the same code base. What works for one should work for the other. NEAR is just FAR with certain things take out. No aerodynamic stress failure, no analysis screens in the VAB, no interface to it at all. EDIT: With the caveat that if the config has dependencies such as :NEEDS[FerramAerospaceResearch] in it then it wouldn't be applied for NEAR. (sorry, forgot that part)
  7. It's more a problem with fixing your edges and smoothing as Kipard and Sumghai are saying. (but yes, do try to only use the KSP shaders as well)
  8. Then it's not implemented correctly in your configuration. Why not post it so people can go over it and find the problem? Otherwise they're just speculating based on insufficient information about your setup.
  9. Why does the Kerbal's suit in the first post have an American patch on it??? Continuity disconnect!
  10. I'll be testing this over the next couple of days (week?) and see about including it
  11. Ok, there's a definite problem with Pol, and probably other planets too. I have an idea as to what it is. I'll try to test that out later tonight once I'm finished dealing with sick cats. If I'm right then it should be a quick fix and I'll send in a pull request to Nathan. (confirmed that there is a problem with Pol by applying a temperatureCurve that I knew should work that extended up to 130km. I never got above vacuum temperatures all the way down to ground)
  12. What you are missing is decouplers or docking ports. I'm not understanding from your post why you think docking ports obviate the need for cargo bays. I can think of tons of uses for these Inline storage where your payload is in line with your thrust instead of throwing your center of mass off If you use FAR or NEAR then cargo bays shield your payload from airflow. They shield your payload from reentry if you use Deadly Reentry. (even more effectively if used in conjuction with FAR or NEAR) In the near future, SDF may be able to offer the same functionality to cargo bays that NEAR or FAR do. Use the cargo bays as landers by mounting engines and legs on the outside with the open end facing down so that you can unload your payload onto the surface Use with a decoupler to have an inline drop tank that you can jettison. (in fact, I'm pretty sure these were inspired by the GRC saddletruss on the conceptual Mars Crew Transport Copernicus) 69,105 other uses that I haven't even thought of or begun to list.
  13. Skyrex, what's your ASL when landing? (altitude above sea level) I didn't actually go to Pol but I tested this on the Mun and immediately noticed that most of the plains are ~9km ASL. (on an oceanless planet, sea level = the lowest possible altitude on that world)
  14. Also make sure the animation name is correct for the fully deployed animation.
  15. The syntax looks correct but the formatting is strange. But I'm on my phone. I'll look at it in more detail when I return home.
  16. Looks interesting but is that for a contracts mod or the stock contract system?
  17. Do you know what the most recent version is that does work with RF is?
  18. No, that has nothing to do with it. There are no tidal forces in KSP at all.
  19. Not sure that is true (or isn't true) as I don't use BTSM. There were some changes made that alter DRE behavior on a fundamental level but I should point out a few things: The changed behavior was supposed to be part of an optional alternate heating model which is enabled by default in the beta because that's the main thing I'm testing in the beta. Additionally, some of the changes are kicking in regardless of whether the new model is enabled or not and that is not intended. It will be changed in the next update to respect the alternate model toggle. The BTSM user who was reporting trouble most likely would have had problems regardless of whether BTSM was installed. Probably. On the subject of next beta update, I can't say when that is because I've been very busy for the past couple of weeks. I'm a full time volunteer at a cat sanctuary and the weather hasn't been kind on our older cats. I haven't even been able to bring myself to sit down for a session of serious coding in awhile. From what I understand, the latest versions of FAR increase supersonic drag in the upper atmosphere. Kerbin's atmosphere at its boundary is close to what Earth's is at that altitude except that with Earth you have another 61 kilometers in which to experience heating. And your lower Kerbin reentry velocity already means you're not getting much heating before serious deceleration occurs. You don't say which version you're using or what difficulty setting, but another factor is that the settings for Hard Mode in the latest official aren't very hot for stock Kerbin. And the latest beta is still, well, beta. For the latest official version, download this file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Starwaster/DeadlyReentry/master/DeadlyReentry/HardSettings.cfg And copy it over the HardSettings.cfg file in the DeadlyReentry folder.
  20. There is actually but I forget what it's called.... Personally I found it the biggest pain in the assets to use and I ended up looking for a Notepad++ clone. (which I found but also forget what that was called) I should mention though that the log viewer was something kept track of multiple log files on its own and updated in real time as the log was updated so it had that going for it. (makes it easier to troubleshoot with KSP running, but I still hated it) Maybe you should just post the log here and let someone take a look at it?
  21. Is that error the only sign of trouble? Becuase it's not abnormal to see errors like that even when the reported module is functioning properly. Especially for FAR modules which are not added through config files but are instead added by the plugin itself when it executes. FAR ignores some parts including allowing the stock drag values to remain. I forget which ones but I think chute parts aren't handled by FAR at all.
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