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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. Sounds like you have a problem with KJR and need to update it. And you're using the wrong LV909. You want the 909B known issue with angle snap. Either don't use it or slide the attachment up or down until it snaps into the SM surface.
  2. I can help with thrust transforms and maybe particle effects (though I haven't done them before so I'd have to learn them)
  3. Another possibility is that one was compiled for the wrong .net version. It should be 3.5 It would likely still compile against 4.0 and even execute, but not necessarily stably. Just a possibility
  4. Need to see your output_log.txt file (or player.log if Mac/Linux) See this thread if you're not sure how to find that http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92229-How-To-Get-Support-%28READ-FIRST%29 And the save file too. But honestly though I have no idea. It doesn't sound like a DRE specific issue. If KSP says those parts were on that vehicle then as far as DRE is concerned they're on the vehicle. Only way I can see is if the save file is corrupted or something. Was one vehicle ever docked with the other?
  5. Looking at your config some more, you've got it on Hard right? Turn off Alternate Density Calc. Some of your other settings will produce inconsistent results with that. Really it was something I intended to be able to make a good config with RSS, but it's too easy to mess things up with it Using Settings Menu / Debug Menu, set them up as follows: I interpret Realistic to mean hard. I think what I'm doing with 6.5.x will make it easier to do that. The alternate heating model will allow things to incinerate even on a stock LKO orbit if unshielded. (on Default, that happens at around 30km. On Hard it should happen sooner like ~50km. Earlier if you're lowering max temps in RO) The shield SHOULD survive very hot reentries even with RSS if the alternate dissipation cap is on. (adds another key to the dissipation curve equal to its max temp that ramps the dissipation rate up drastically. It is STILL possible to overcome that extra dissipation key but not easily) Finally, the ablation rate is also more easily controlled for any shield with the metric so that a max reentry time can be set.... 2.5 - 3 minutes for stock Kerbin SHOULD be enough....? about 10 minutes should be good for Earth. Not quite sure how to respond here..... you're already fine if you have shields and they're between you and the plasma outside your ship....engines.... I dunno, what do you want, shields on those too?
  6. Hmmmm, offhand I'm not sure why you'd be having so much trouble. I don't see anything wrong on cursory inspection. Not for a stock reentry. Though I usually come in steeper than you were (20 or less instead of 40) In fact you should be able to set periapsis to 0 (targeting the horizon) and be ok on stock Kerbin. Your survivable reentry corridor is a little broader than it would be if you were using RSS with fullsized Kerbin or Earth. For the beta version, just keep all multipliers and exponents at 1, instead of densityExponent. I'm still playing with that locally to make sure it's playable and fun but challenging. For Default I suggest 0.5 or 0.6 If you do your reentries right that's survivable and unshielded parts will burn up. (really challenging is 0.35..... things WILL burn up but still make for a survivable reentry if you come in right)
  7. I am 69,105% positive that I creative commoned the crap out of that 'mod'. Heck, I might as well have just public domained it, it's just some configs. Do what you want with them and if they make you famous, mention me at your acceptance speech. Or buy me some coffee and donuts or something.
  8. It sounds like something is wrong. You should be using more shielding than that and you shouldn't be burning up. (the whole point of ablation is that the shield carries away heat with it. An analogy I like to use is boiling water in a paper cup. Water boils at less than half of paper's ignition point so as long as there is water in the cup, it doesn't burn) Post your custom.cfg file so I can see what changes you made. And, you might also want to consider trying the beta that I posted a few pages back. (or check the first post, it's linked there)
  9. I suppose.... though on a not-serious note, there have been rumors of KSP running on mission control monitors for Apollo 11....
  10. Try the beta. It'll toast your marshmallows if you don't slap a heat shield on them, even starting from LKO. A Mun return will turn them to ash. That's with all multipliers and exponents set to 1 except for densityExponent. I think I set that to 0.6 on Default. I haven't even messed with those much; if I want things hotter then I just change the density exponent. Most of the other settings still work as they used to.... except maybe temperatureExponent. Not sure that's relevant to the changes I made. I need to reevaluate that one I posted links to updated files that should return chutes to stockish behavior for full deployment. Predeployment unchanged.
  11. It's humor. Try to understand this. Nobody seriously suggested that NASA is using MechJeb OR KSP for anything...
  12. Post a list of only part names of parts that need fixing, tanks only, and maybe 'starwasher' will fix them. If he doesn't then I'll see if I can do it. (RF doesn't do engines anymore; does someone else do an engine pack for FS?)
  13. Wow. When I saw those screenshots, I thought images 2 & 3 were part of the same image... that you had Kerbin orbiting.... A MUCH LARGER KERBIN... And I was just.... WOW MAN.
  14. Is anyone else NOT seeing a 2.5m DRE heat shield??? It has them and I didn't remove them. Don't forget that 0.90 changes ordering.
  15. You need to move it down such that the top of the heat shield node is attached to the cupola's bottom node. When it's clipped like that it confuses everything including FAR. FAR is probably not even computing proper drag for that construct. And I'm not even sure how DRE is interpreting that.... most likely it thinks the shield is 'shielded' from the airflow such that it is not subjected to heating at all... it's really not good to clip
  16. problem occurs when mods implement their own notion of drag damage with their own criteria.
  17. Except that the A (which is area and supposedly represented by mass in KSP) is completely absent from KSP's drag system.
  18. Download the DeadlyReentry-RealChutes.cfg and DeadlyReentry.cfg file from here: https://github.com/Starwaster/DeadlyReentry/tree/master/DeadlyReentry Not sure what you mean by 'RSS' mode. The beta has an RSS specific setting but it doesn't control heating, just shield ablation rate.. It's at the very bottom of the DeadlyReentry.cfg file I don't think so. What is your speed? And what is the actual shield's temperature? No, you didn't have to edit any config files. If they confuse you then you shouldn't do anything with them. Instead, in flight mode click Debug Menu in the very same menu that has the difficulty settings. Every change you make there has immediate effect. If you're in the atmosphere you will see those changes happen immediately. And no, there are no 'sample' configs. Every single entry in every single config file has a purpose. Try downloading the HardSettings.cfg file here: https://github.com/Starwaster/DeadlyReentry/tree/master/DeadlyReentry I tweaked it to be more dangerous in stock
  19. Yes, you're misunderstanding. Drag is actually being applied the same way you would apply gravity, which is independent of mass. The commonly held belief is that this is the equation being used for KSP drag: Now, read up on Unity3D ForceMode This is what's being used to apply drag 'force': (this was actually mentioned by HarvesteR recently) http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/ForceMode.Acceleration.html Instead of this: http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/ForceMode.Force.html IRL, drag is a force measured in newtons where 1N equals 1kg being moved 1 meter, right? That's ForceMode.Force. If it massed 2kg then the object only moves half a meter. ForceMode.Acceleration just applies that as distance. The 2kg object would move 1 meter with 1N. Now let's say that as a result of our drag equation above we have a 10kg part generating 10N of drag. With ForceMode.Acceleration it is decelerated by 10 meters. With ForceMode.Force it would only decelerate 1 meter because its own 10kg mass counteracted the drag force of of 10 Newtons.
  20. It's supposed to....1.141 kg per kL vs 0.66 kg per kL.... let me see if I can repro what you're seeing. I think you want thrust1m I was playing around with making an Advanced SRB in keeping with the shuttle SRB or the ones proposed for Orion... it was quite a while ago but when I looked at the config, I found I had set thrust1m = 1500
  21. In other news I've discovered that the commonly believed notion that stock drag is based on mass is incorrect... KSP simply applies the same amount of drag to every part and does it as an acceleration instead of as a force. HarvesteR said as much (vaguely) but nobody seemed to pay it any attention. (ForceMode.Acceleration) This also means that the premise behind SDF is wrong as well. But I didn't realize that because SDF works. It just works for different reasons than I was thinking.
  22. Starts at 650 and peaks .... at 3000. The RO versions peak at somewhere over 6000 but some of the changes I made to DRE make that unnecessary, instead opting to just increase the dissipation rate. (actually even 3000 is probably too high. ablation shields that we've used peak at ~1500C ablationMetric toggle: No, I can make it automated. Maybe even just from Module Manager configs. (the more recent versions let you grab values from outside of whatever config node you're working in and do math on them through variables.... or I might do it from the plugin internally)
  23. Short deployment speeds have less snap in a thin atmosphere than a thick one.
  24. Speak for yourself about deployment speeds. I like being able to adjust them especially if the target planet has a thin atmosphere
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