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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. As far as the antenna goes, nothing I or Squad do would stop RT's code from deciding to rip that antenna off so it doesn't even come down to 'is it worth the effort'. @chrisl, I don't know what to tell you about that part. In flight, open the DRE menu and click Debug Menu. Then right click the core and see what it says for shockwave AFTER you've gone supersonic. That's about when the shockwave starts getting hotter than ambient. If the part is exposed to the shockwave then you'll see a shockwave temperature. If the part is considered shielded by DRE's internal code then it'll say 'Shielded'. If it's been marked as shielded by the cargo bay then it will say 'Shielded (stock)' (you need the 6.5.0 beta version of DRE to see that, otherwise it just displays 'shielded' without qualifier)
  2. right now it kicks in if RSS is installed. I'll figure out something more robust later. Suborbital seriously? Yes that's normal. Don't expect any serious heating. all engines. Yes the bug will be fixed
  3. There's been quite a bit of posting on the last few pages of posts about DRE being too hot or too cold. And on the very same page of your post there's notification of a new beta with new heating model to test. Maybe you'd like to try that....
  4. Yes, right click the pod and you will see how much O2 it has. Command pods have enough for a few days and other parts (station parts) have longer term O2 supplies. Oxygen shows up in the resource button on the toolbar so you can see how much total O2 for the entire vehicle has been lost. The numbers in the descriptions are out of date and need to be updated so beware of that.... next update I should have descriptions up to date. In stock Kerbin, a command pod has enough for a trip to the Mun and back again with some O2 in reserve. Travelling there, sending Kerbals down for Science! shouldn't be a problem. For Minmus, take one of the smaller radial tanks, or two....
  5. d'oh! That's what happens from being stuck in the sandbox. I'm doing so much testing these days of mods that I'm overseeing that I haven't played in Career in awhile
  6. The altitude that heating 'starts' isn't hard coded or directly controlled by anything. Heating can occur as soon as a craft hits the atmosphere and the rate of heat transfer is controlled by atmospheric density. (incoming heat = density * densityExponent where the lower the densityExponent, the higher the altitude that heating 'starts') (the actual process is somewhat more complex; the explanation is meant to keep things simple)
  7. I'm not surprised. But it rules out the conic model as a cause. (which wouldn't really have made much sense anyway)
  8. No that's not it. Volume has special meaning to MFT/RF baseCost = 0.1 * volume is parsed by real fuels to set the baseCost to the tank volume in liters times 0.1
  9. I think though that he's referring to when to start the burn. Not whether or not it auto stages. Example: you have a 1200 kN engine that has 200 DV in that stage and you have a 1000 DV burn. The next stage is only 200 kN. Or maybe it would be better to speak in terms of TWR. Let's say you're staging from a TWR of 1.6 to 0.5 (pulling numbers out of my exhaust nozzle) when do you start for an optimal burn???
  10. dont think so. Personally unless I really REALLY need that last bit of delta v, I just drop the stage.
  11. It lies. Don't trust what that header says; you don't know where it's been. Edit: BTW, the three difficulty config files contain ablationMetric which controls the rate of ablation. The main config file (DeadlyReentry.cfg) contains an override that kicks in for RealSolarSystem users. Currently, the config files are the only way to adjust that setting The metric I'm aiming for is 2.5 minutes for a stock Kerbin reentry and 10 minutes for a Real Solar System Kerbin / Earth (assumes full size, not 6.4x or other sizes) The current values don't work as the shield should be close to (but not fully) depleted on a Munar reentry. The current values don't seem to come nearly close enough so they still need adjusting. And full depletion might be too harsh as it would prevent reentry from other planets and might be too harsh for returning probes such as those mimicking Stardust reentries. So the metric is still being revised and any input from testers is appreciated. The ultimate goal there is to allow shields to deplete at a rate which varies according to what sort of mod environment DRE is operating in. Ultimate control is via the config files. Also, an undocumented change in behavior that wasn't in the change log! Ablation is controlled directly by part temperature now instead of being estimated from the shockwave temperature. (I'll add that to the log)
  12. Galane: Replace your existing SDF plugin with the following to stop it from setting the Conic drag model. https://www.dropbox.com/s/t57wqjrc5o28t5w/StockDragFix.dll?dl=1 It was ignoring the setting in its setting file due to a misplaced pair of parentheses. (I think the cat knocked them behind the desk)
  13. Deadly Reentry 6.5.0 Beta This is a beta release to test a new heating model. Some fixes from Taniwha merged in and the option to disable chute warning messages is in. The new heating model is enabled by default <-- Ooops, this part might not be enabled after all. Go into the settings menu and click Alternate Heating Model This is extremely beta so if you're not interested in testing the new system then you probably shouldn't download it. (unless you just absolutely cannot live without the option to disable the chute warning messages) Because this is very very beta, some of the options in the debug menu might not be applicable to the new heating system Again, this is for testing and feedback of the new system, or for those who lost the will to live after the chute warning messages were put in. Link: https://github.com/Starwaster/DeadlyReentry/releases/tag/v6.5.0-beta.1 Another Caveat: Because the primary purpose of this release is the testing of the new heating system, some settings like heat multiplier were set to 1, which is way too low if Alternate Heating is disabled.
  14. I have no idea. Need to see a picture of the craft to get some idea of where things were situated prior to the explosion.
  15. If you mean what does MM do if it encounters %baseCost = 0.01 * volume Nothing. It just changes baseCost equal the text 0.01 * volume
  16. Sorry, but that's a non-issue. The game parses the files just fine. Stop using Notepad and use Notepad++ instead. http://notepad-plus-plus.org/download
  17. It's in the Action Group editor. Click the Action Group editor then click the chute part. If you were resizing from any place other than the AG editor then you were using tweak scale and not Real Chute's own supported resizing system.
  18. Do other pop up text alerts lag you? (i.e. stock messages like crew deaths)
  19. That's not enough information to go on. Did you press F3 to see what the destruction message was? output_log.txt would be nice. But I'm going to have to say that RemoteTech itself that decided that the part had to be destroyed and it's up to the RT developers to decide that the cargo bay module that is in KSP can dictate what is shielded. Edit: Had to go take garbage out and prepare the cats for a cold night. So then: The aforementioned cargo bay module. This is what it does: It negates stock drag because KSP's own code checks parts to see if the cargo bay module shielded them. (there's a property on the parts that is set and checked) Deadly Reentry also checks that property because I added code to Deadly Reentry that does so. If the property is read as True then Deadly Reentry will not apply its reentry heating to the part. And that's it. I am unaware of any other mods that look at that property at all. It's an easy enough check but it's up to the individual developer to implement. (FYI, solar panels do not. They get broken if deployed in cargo bays too if they are the breakable kind)
  20. First: Apologies for missing one of your questions; I didn't even see the thing about the MM config. I guess because I'd had that page sitting up for awhile or something. Now, I have a little trouble seeing the LS-O2C as hurting for capacity given that it can survive a trip to Duna and back for 4 Kerbals. (though you might need a recycler to squeeze that out. Actually I made the Duna trip with the LS-32C which is basically the same thing but with less O2 storage and a recycler) Duna was a bit of a metric for storage but the core volume is based on what Real Fuels assigns the original stock parts that the Ioncross storage tanks were based off taking into account compression. I could have increased the compression ratio but I didn't want to unbalance things to the point that logistics planning wasn't actually necessary. Regarding the LS-O2B versus the LS-O2C, that's a separate issue from Universal Storage which is someone else's mod. I think it's fine if they see fit to support Ioncross but it shouldn't influence my decisions for Ioncross's native storage. US Parts definitely should not be in the equation when comparing the LS-O2B / LS-O2C. The latter has 50% more storage even though volume wise they are very close to each other. LS-O2B = 800 liters (500 of which are devoted to O2 storage. The rest is structural) LS-O2C = ~750+ liters (let's just say it's 750. 100% devoted to O2 storage) Compression ratio is 64-1 Should I pressurize them even more? How much is too much? How much before it gets to the point that the mod renders itself irrelevant? See, I don't care what US does, it's just not my business if another mod has more O2. Just so long as Ioncross doesn't unbalance itself. Edit: Sigh, I'm confusing one Ioncross part for another. Issue is the same, I'm confident in the volume of the parts and compression ratio is 64-1. The volume of the radial parts doesn't bother me. If I increase them then it will be a consistent across the board increase of all parts. They have the correct volume vis-a-vis each other.
  21. You mean ~diameter [*]? But it's the absence that I'm checking for... Oh boy, I can't remember the last time MM made me feel like a newb.... Edit: Oh, I think I get it.... if I set a variable in an early pass I can't check for its existence with :HAS[#variable[something]] in a later pass? ok yeah I got it now.... Edit 2: Wow now I'm really feeling like a newb.... I just whipped up a brand new Ioncross config that handles all the defaults I always wanted it to that I had to do stuff like #CrewCapacity[1], #CrewCapacity[2], #CrewCapacity[3], etc etc and I just replaced all that with a variable using config that can handle infinite numbers of crew capacities... and yet this other config is kicking me in the nuts? Yeesh
  22. Turn off Alternate Density Calc. That was only meant to be used with the previous Hard settings. Also, yes, your menus look exactly the way they're supposed to look. You actually have up to three temperatures showing for various items. (when the debug menu is enabled) Out of order, you have Ambient = This is the temperature of the air outside. It affects atmospheric density which in turn affects heating Shockwave = Your capsule is compressing the air in its bow wake or bow shock. That compression is what causes reentry heating. The temperature of that compressed air is roughly equal to your velocity in meters per second. Temperature = This is the actual temperature of your heat shield which is being exposed to the shockwave.
  23. Looking at the MM code, I thought it was doing a wild card search there, but it's been so long since I've ventured into that code that I'm no longer familiar with it... case '#': // #module[Winglet] if (node.HasValue(type) && WildcardMatchValues(node, type, name)) return CheckConstraints(node, remainingConstraints); return false; I'll have to try this another way....
  24. Sarbian, I was under the impression that wild cards worked for things like property checking in :HAS example: @PART [*]:HAS[#bottom_stack_node [*]]:BEFORE[StockDragFix] { diameter = #$node_stack_bottom[6]$ @diameter *= 1.25 } or @PART [*]:HAS[#bottom_stack_node [*],~diameter [*]]:BEFORE[StockDragFix] { diameter = #$node_stack_bottom[6]$ @diameter *= 1.25 } Oops, posted prematurely. As the first sentence hints, I was thinking those worked now (I forget what led me to think that) but the examples above don't seem to be working.
  25. Kerbals are popping for me. Put one on EVA and fast forwarded. He died. I'm not sure which part you're referring to. I've got US installed but haven't really looked at it in detail. I've been working on some other things.
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