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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. except that the high Isp isn't because it's nuclear per se. It's because the propellant was entirely H2. Another benefit: it also means lighter stages overall.
  2. Still don't have enough to go on. It is working because it works for me and others. If it's not working for you then it's because something is wrong on your end and you still aren't giving me enough to go by to determine what that is. I need the contents of that file and your output_log.txt or it will not be possible to assist you.
  3. Actually, yes. The right click menu is working. You're missing a dependency. The fix is easy, you are missing a dependency which was listed on the first post: Firespitter. (all you need is the plugin dll, not the entire mod)
  4. I don't have enough to go on from your post. Are you sure you changed the settings as I stipulated? Did you save your changes? If so, please include the contents of your custom.cfg so that I can analyze it.
  5. O Rly? btw did you notice on the first post linked to some 3rd party heat shields including a deployable similar to the DRE inflatable? But better.
  6. I threw away my delta-V map on account of my Y chromosome.
  7. The inflatable has long been problematic in that regard. Previous patches to fix it seem to be less effective with each KSP or Unity update I'll take (another) a look at it this evening and see if I can tweak it some more. If you use B9, the air brakes can help stabilize it. Or maybe fins. If you're comfortable editing it's part config, try taking out the CoMOffset line. @lextacy try searching a few pages back. I explained those previously and it would be too tedious right now as I'm typing on an iPhone.
  8. GitHub is a foul evil thing. The bane of my existence. They are a cruel foe.
  9. No. Solar panel breakage and DRE burning things up are totally different. DRE adds heat to parts in its own code and stock KSP destroys that part if its temperature exceeds its max temp. Stock ksp Solar panels have their own code that destroys them if too fast in an atmosphere. That code doesn't check to see if a third party mod has declared it shielded.
  10. I assume you mean ablative shielding. And that's not going to help you. Is it your cargo bay that burned up? If the answer is no, then a heat shield won't save you. Besides, that part is already shielded.
  11. The license also has to be in the first post of the thread as well.
  12. Docking ports getting stuck *IS* a stock bug and it's been with us for a very long time. You've just been fortunate enough not to have experienced it. The instructions Coldblade directed you to are VERY easy to get wrong if you have never had to fix your ports before.
  13. Yes, sorry, I keep on not-stipulating that it's just 64 bit Windows client that isn't being supported.
  14. If you're not upgrading to 0.90, download this and copy it over GameData/DeadlyReentry/Plugins/DeadlyReentry.dll https://www.dropbox.com/s/3a76i28kgmv9cvt/DeadlyReentry_6.4.0_FOR_KSP_0.25_DLL_ONLY.zip?dl=1 (I'll put this on the first post since it got buried) Please note that the only version of DeadlyReentry that will be currently supported is for KSP Version 0.90, 32 bit client only. (well I might be nice and push the next update for 0.25 as well as 0.90, but probably nothing else after that)
  15. Maybe something about 0.90 itself is responsible. SDHI hasn't changed since October. Edit: Interesting. It doesn't do it if Angle Snap is turned off. Did you notice that? Try positioning something so that it wants to stand off like before and then toggle angle snap off and on a few times...
  16. On the subject of Ven's parts, I'd think that you should have verified with stock parts, or at least a wider assortment of parts. That said though, I'll verify that this is in fact reproducible with just about anything else you might want to try attaching. Also though things also can attach properly if you try attaching them further up too. (meaning that if you slide them up instead of down, they attach properly too. It's like the bad spot is a bulge in the middle)
  17. Mk3 config. Will be in next update. https://www.dropbox.com/s/6x917xmowu7zo8f/Mk3.cfg?dl=1
  18. That said, if you're hell bent on trying, I did post links for 64 bit enabled unsupported DRE (0.25 & 0.90) By unsupported I mean I will entertain no bug reports on that release. Any problems must reproduced on on the 32 bit version before you submit it. (I'm on my phone posting so you'll have to go a few pages back yourself. Sorry)
  19. Hard starts significant heating at higher altitudes. I also switched things up a bit by using temperature exponent instead of multiplier. If you want more out of Hard try increasing multiplier gradually. Try 2-3 or change temperature exponent to 1. Multiplier to 20. shockwaveExponent to 1.12
  20. Log into your account on www.kerbalspaceprogram.com Click 'My Account' Click Download
  21. Congratulations on the release! I have a suggestion... I suggest that the icon for CIF3 be replaced by an icon of a pair of running shoes (ok not really.... I just thought it was amusing to suggest it)
  22. A way to disable (i.e. opt-out of) the message, maybe. Removing the message in favor of trusting people to read the changelog | readme | first post | search through thread isn't going to happen because people don't do those things, certainly not in sufficient numbers. Historically and statistically, that's just not true. People don't do those things.
  23. If you have ever once saved from the debug menu, a file named custom.cfg is created that has all settings for Easy, Default (called Normal in the difficulty menu) and Hard. The contents of that file override the three base files EasySettings.cfg, DefaultSettings.cfg and HardSettings.cfg So if you saved, then go and exist any of the three base files then your changes are being overridden by custom.cfg. That's by design as I didn't intend for the base files to be edited. You could still do it that way but you would have to delete custom.cfg first. Personally I think you're better off editing custom.cfg or using the in-game debug menu and then clicking save.
  24. Temporary hotfix for the maxTemp issue not being fixed by FixMaxTemps Side effects are that engines are not going to be touched at all no matter what. https://www.dropbox.com/s/moge45bumutdcwj/DeadlyReentry.dll?dl=1
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