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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. Some thoughts: Nuclear rocket Isp is based on propellant density and temperature. The only reason they have high Isp is if they use hydrogen which is the lightest of all the elements. LiquidFuel is way too dense to be hydrogen so the stock LVN had an Isp that was way too high. As he said on the first post, the assumption is the fuel we're using a hydrocarbon, so an Isp of ... what was it, 850? That's way too high for something like RP1 / Kerosene. You won't see that in a solid core NTR unless you're using H2 like I said. You can use anything an a nuke btw, including methane, ammonia or even water. (methane and ammonia have some nice stats. I like using Ammonia in Real Fuels) Edit: Ugh sorry for the redundancy... err...
  2. Well if you do it as a brand new plugin, feel free to use the code I contributed. Especially since I want crew rotation again
  3. Plus it works with stock SAS and MechJeb because it doesn't replace control surfaces that both of them already know how to interpret
  4. That's too vague for me to do anything with. How high an orbit or how fast were you going on reentry? Are you saying you expected it to be hotter than 1100 or that you expected things to start blowing up at 1100? Also, DRE caps the highest maxTemp at 1250, so things wouldn't burn up at 1100 anyway. (caveat: see last part of post) It probably is worth mentioning that not operating with FAR, NEAR or SDF would definitely cause a more deceleration. Maybe enough to be noticeably less 'deadly'. DRE doesn't know or care if stock aerodynamics are in play or not.... As far as log files, that really only is useful if there are errors being generated that prevent DRE from working. Knowing things like velocity, what sort of build, what DRE settings is more helpful. Now then, I've found a problem in that code that prevents the temperature cap from being fully applied to the entire parts database. This means that some parts will have maxTemps higher than 1250 (even up to or past 3000). I'm going to post a temporary hotfix shortly as a replacement dll drop-in until I can do a better fix. The hotfix will be posted to dropbox.
  5. News about the Animated Decoupler plugin. They have been updated. Also, Cleopatra the Old Toothless Feral Cat is crying for her dinner, so I'd better go feed her. I thought you should know. https://github.com/Starwaster/AnimatedDecouplers/releases
  6. Updated my Layered Animator. You should download this if you need to fix animation issues with the ring habitat. Discard any previous version and discard any previous config file. The download includes a patch for the ring hab. https://github.com/Starwaster/LayeredAnimations/releases
  7. Don't know about ATM. Conversion to almost any other file format should work.
  8. Bad things! Weeping and gnashing of teeth! Rent garments! Sack cloth and ashes!
  9. CLS looks fine; balance isn't really relevant there.... As for the life support, 15 days seems pretty sparse. They should have months worth of supplies. Of course that is by Earth standards where we can't afford to keep launching rockets multiple times per day as the Kerbals apparently can.... but that's my opinion: should be more. Looks like the .tga bug introduced in 0.25 is still unfixed. It tends to be random. Restart the game and the FLAT may look fine while some other part is messed up. Restart it again and still another might be flat white or maybe all tga parts. Or even none of them
  10. That looks like the old pre-0.90 DLL is trying to be being loaded. I'm checking the download to make sure I didn't somehow use the wrong DLL. But also, how did you install? Did you by any chance try to run the older version, and then try to install the new version on top? Edit: Ok, this is my fault. But I'm blaming Github. Stupid useless piece of crap Github. If I suddenly every disappear without a trace from these forums, it's probably because Github made me lose the will to live. Ok, download is fixed. Again, I apologize. I was having trouble with Github when merging branches and all I can think of is that I got an incomplete merge from my development branch to my master branch; the latter being where I uploaded the file from
  11. Depends on how that shield is configured. All of the ones in DRE itself start at 650 degrees and max at 3000. However, the ablation loss does not use the part's temperature. Instead it calculates what temperature to use based on the shockwave temperature (and temperature exponent). The resulting ablation rate is then modified by atmospheric density adjusted by density exponent. Ideally, the ablation rate will coincide appropriately with the part's actual temperature, but realistically that's not going to happen. I've been experimenting with an alternate system where the actual part temperature is used. That will eliminate disconnects between the calculated temperature and the actual part temperature. I'm liking the result but it will probably mean having to change all of the shield configurations and I didn't have time to work out new settings let alone implement them before 0.90 hit. And it would affect everyone else's shield configs (RO, various shield packs, etc) So... maybe some day. Maybe after the 0.90 furor dies down and everyone's not scrambling to update mods.
  12. The highest altitude for chute predeployment is something like 7.8km. By the time you reach that altitude you should have slowed to a safe speed for deployment unless you're coming in VERY very steep. Try a more shallow reentry so that you have enough time to slow down. That said, I have not tested DRE with the newest version of FAR. DRE was updated and released for KSP 0.90 before the new version of FAR was available for testing so it's (vaguely) possible that there's an issue there as well. I'll download and drop in FAR when I get a chance to do testing. But I really do think your problem is that you're coming in to steep. It is possible to attach things (like shields) to the bottom node of a capsule in a way that confuses FAR. Something about connecting the bottom node of the shield to the bottom of the capsule? Which causes less drag? Open up the debug menu and then click each difficulty button. You will see the settings change as you do. As mentioned earlier, the current HARD settings might not be hard enough for stock Kerbin. It was the result of me switching back and forth between RSS and stock Kerbin and trying to find good Hard settings and what I ended up with was probably better suited for RSS. Worked just fine on Kerbin 10x. What you can try doing is changing the Multiplier (should be Heat Multiplier but just says Multiplier) to 2 or higher (2-4) OR change the Temperature Exponent to 1, Multiplier to 20 and Shockwave Exponent to 1.12. (sound familiar?). And work your way from there. Those are settings I'm currently trying for stock Kerbin/Hard. Parachute defaults changes are to ensure safe deployments. The predeployment is designed to not deploy until you've reached an altitude where you should have slowed enough for deployment. (as mentioned above, steep reentries may not allow you to decelerate enough by the time you hit that altitude) If you remove the mod and still have trouble then I'm skeptical that it was DRE that was responsible. That said: Logs logs LOGS! I can't do anything about a problem like that without logs. Except shrug my shoulders and go see if any Ioncross feedback has started filtering in.
  13. Ioncross Life Support is updated C'mon give it a try. All the cool kids are doing it! First O2 tank is on the house....
  14. http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/221054-ioncross-crew-support-sw 1.18.0 Added toolbar button to Space Center using new KSP toolbar API (from 0.24.0) Per game enabling/disabling of mod Resource rate / day now respects Kerbin / Earth day settings. Added Contract System framework First Pass resource audit. Reworking of O2 / CO2 based on liters. CO2 capacity higher but so is CO2 generation. EDIT: Change log looks kind of sparse, but this is really a very big update and I was working on it for quite awhile and testing and it should have got out earlier and for that I apologize. As the log says, you can now enable/disable the mod per save game. So you could have life support working in Career mode but turned off in your sandbox game. (resources are still present, can't do anything about that without extensive hackery) Displayed resource rate uses whatever you set your time to be displayed as. So if you've got it set to Kerbin time where 1 day equals 15 minutes then that's what's used in the display. If it's set to real life Earth days then that is used. Contract System: NOT functional. It's about 90% finished but I disabled it in the release because finishing it was holding things up. Enabled, it generates contracts to resupply science stations. If the science station doesn't exist around the target planet then one is spawned in orbit. That part actually would be working if I flipped the switch to enable it in the mod. Works the same as those rescue Kerbal contracts. It even makes sure that the orbit is outside any planetary atmospheres so that's kinda cool. Resources were reworked extensively based on the liter for storage. Most command pods don't have sufficient oxygen for extended missions. To the Mun and back in stock is ok, but try to fly to Minmus and back and your capsule is coming home with corpses. Most command pods have 850 O2 per Kerbal. Station parts and hitchhiker pods have greater reserves. The O2 tanks have significantly more O2. Your average capsule can buildup 200 CO2 before it becomes lethal. Planned but not done is that recyclers won't have CO2 reserves anymore. Instead they'll have that capacity dedicated to O2 instead. So they'll be O2 tanks only with CO2 regenerators built in. Next update.
  15. Oops one other thing I just noticed: The alternate density calculation option says that density exponent is ignored. That is false and obsolete and I keep forgetting to remove it! Sorry!
  16. Need to read the post right in front of ours we do!!!
  17. That's right. Sorry guys, I amended my reply. I should have specified that it is the KSP 64 bit client for Windows that is unsupported. And I also just realized that vardicd was having trouble with a 'Hard' reentry with the alternate density off. As I was saying before, the Hard difficulty setting needs some adjusting for a stock setting. It's tough to balance between both worlds (stock and KSP) and in constantly switching between one and the other to test.... well what's good for one isn't necessarily good for the other, so that needs addressing. And on the parachute warning issue, I'll see about making it optional.
  18. Maybe at some point in the future, but my immediate plans for new features are complete for this phase. The only planned development right now is maintenance, tweaking and bug fixes. Now I have to turn my attention to other mods. Logs won't really help with solving your reentry problems unless they're being caused by errors. Referring only to the 64 bit KSP Windows client. I don't care if you're running on Linux or 64 bit Windows. (*I* use 64 bit Windows 8 and many others here probably have 64 bit OSes as well) Assuming of course that we're talking stock Kerbin since RSS isn't out yet I'll rerun a 500km orbit but I've done Munar returns in stock before and that's survivable.
  19. Now that you mention it, I think that was all described in the 6.3 beta change logs and info files. Which were all removed for 6.4 I'll rectify that this week sometime. Summary: Difficulty settings work by modifying the same settings in the debug menu except that changes to the debug menu only affect the difficulty setting that you currently have selected. So you can edit each level individually. Open Debug Menu does what you expect. It takes the place of Alt+D+R (that shortcut is now obsolete and has been removed) Damp Heat Shield Temp tries to clamp a heat shield's temperature to its max temp. It's not foolproof and is in fact more of a soft clamp. The closer a shield gets to its max temp, the more heat it dissipates through ablation. * Use Legacy Aerothermodynamics: The last version of DRE before I took over assumed all planets had the same atmospheric properties and density which affects heat transfer and heating. (DRE only uses it for modeling heat transfer). Now however, each planet has differing atmospheric properties which means each atmosphere has differing density. An example of when this would matter is Jool (which represents Jupiter in RSS). Previously, you would probably have burnt up with FAR + RSS + DRE trying to enter Jool's atmosphere no matter what you did or how many shields you stacked up. Now however, a Joolian reentry is ferocious but survivable. Enabling Legacy Aerothermodynamics will revert back to the old system where each planet has the same characteristics. *A poor approximation but not without real life precedent: a material that ablates/evaporates/sublimates away carries away the heat that it absorbed that caused it to ablate.
  20. Stock Drag Fix updated for 0.90 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84978-0-90-Stock-Drag-Fix-Dec-16-2014
  21. Oooooooooo. Can I finally make that tri-conic I've always wanted?
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