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Everything posted by Jarin

  1. Well, if you have it on steam, there's methods of proving your ownership. I'm not sure that makes it any easier to actually get 0.15 downloaded.
  2. Honestly, it's been out long enough and popular enough, I'm kinda shocked there's no imitators out there.
  3. I was under the impression that this was "explicit design decision" not to include more information because the devs like blindfiring rockets. Pretty sure there's been multiple posts to that effect over the years.
  4. Pilots still exist in sandbox, they just automatically have 5 stars. They don't go away. That 350 would be the maximum regardless of career or sandbox. The part list could display the ISP range. But yeah, I think there's not much space between our positions here.
  5. So if we say that the Mainsail's "real" engine ISP is 350, but without skilled adjustment and piloting, you can't get more than 310 out of it... Edit: to clarify, my point is, penalty/bonus is entirely a semantics argument on where you balance the engines.
  6. I did not say faster or more efficient, I said lazy.
  7. I support this. I've been using Atmosphere Autopilot to basically do just this, and I couldn't imagine life without it now.
  8. Seems to me like they could stick to RO, which could easily change that effect anyway.
  9. I say add a silly little "computer is calculating" animation and run the slower method. ... wait, how much slower are we talking? Alternately, go all-in on the orbital navigation computer and give it its own option window. Can have the long calculation method for better efficiency, or shorter for less guaranteed results. And maybe other options. Fast transfer (what we have now)? Sure. Lazy method of inclination-match then hohmann transfer? Why not?
  10. I'm more in favor of them increasing the maneuverability of craft. Mechanically this could be increasing the power of reaction wheels and RCS, or possibly handled in the background by having the rotational inertia calculations use reduced mass. (note, I'm only talking back-end here; the mass would remain the same for everything important other than rotation)
  11. Eh, I've been a complainer, but I'll take a ticket anyway. I mostly had issue with how Squad has handled communication with the community, not really with the localization work itself. More widespread inclusion for KSP hype!
  12. Kudos to @sal_vager for keeping almost supernaturally polite and professional. @ForumUser, you are not coming across as the good guy here. And this comes from someone who has enthusiastically used modpacks in the past for a number of games, so obviously I'm not opposed to them in concept. But really, you need to take a breath, actually look at the complaints being raised, and see if you can come up with actual solutions. Just getting hostile because you think you're under attack will get nothing done. Also, if you're going to complain about past events as evidence, please give details instead of vagueposts. It sounds like you're trying to call someone out without actually letting them know, or give their reasoning.
  13. Might be easiest to just allow action groups, but only for non-staging related parts.
  14. Other than the blog about the runway, this has been my reaction to everything Squad has said for months.
  15. Dibs on the magnet-generator-powered death wagon!
  16. Hey, @allista, feature request,since you've been so great about responses (the reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more). Could we get a way to collapse or hide the main interface, while keeping all the individual panels open on their own? I'd like to use the heading control as my primary SAS, and the little detached window works great for that, but the main interface staying open covers a lot of screen real-estate. Maybe just have the secondary windows stay open if the main is toggled from the toolbar, and you can just close them with their own "x" if you want them gone too.
  17. Like I said, this was a while ago, so the save is long gone. Just anecdote at this point unfortunately. Sorry I don't have something more useful.
  18. So... I was actually orbiting between 5km and 6km, at which point it's entirely reasonable to assume I'm not properly in orbit yet. The response was still weird, but at least the starting state makes more sense. Okay, attempt #3, now with 100% less crazy-low orbits: A bit aggressive, but looking better. 215m/s direct transfer.
  19. Ah good, I can work with that. The only reason I was that low to begin with is that my ground base isn't on the equator and I'd circularized at the equatorial descending node. Still, it raised my AP a heck of a lot higher than 10km (see previous post edit). (I'm assuming the crash was some kind of infinite loop on orbital calculations) What was it trying to do there?
  20. Persistence file hadn't updated since it crashed mid-burn, so I loaded up in the right spot. Here's the sequence of events: Are there any known mod conflicts? I have Atmosphere Autopilot, but it was disengaged. OPT and SP+ parts on the craft, but nothing else that should affect controls in any way. Does it rely on the stock maneuver node somehow? I've got DMagic's maneuver node mod in there... Edit: If it helps track anything down, the ship reoriented itself to perfectly surface-vertical on the navball, not just radial-out. Here's the orbital view as the game crashes again:
  21. That's what I was worried about. I think I have a save before the attempt, I'll see if the issue is repeatable.
  22. Just tried rendezvous in the new version, moving from an 8km equatorial orbit around minmus to a geostationary station on the opposite side of the moon. Engines engaged at full instantly, without changing direction, then the ship started rotating to somewhere near radial-out. I let it run for a few thinking it was trying for a direct transfer, but it kept burning, until the course was a straight line out of the SOI, then the game crashed. I... don't think I've ever actually gotten Rendezvous to work before, so I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong. Do I need to do anything other than have my target selected and click the rendezvous button? Is there some prep I should be doing?
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